I liked him and I'm certain he's a super nice guy in real life. The internet persona got a bit away in the end, but I don't want to participate when he is long gone and not here to defend himself.
However, I will objectively take a stand against the later years of his inside connections. I have deep seated suspicions he completely burnt his contacts. Long before
@MisterPenguin was really tracking things, Spirit's inside info completely dried up.
His last true scoop was 2013 with the SDL lineup. Perhaps that proved a bit much to whomever he was dealing with. Or perhaps a bridge was burnt for a different reason. But, I think he had a very hard time maintaining his aura with a lack of inside knowledge and that probably contributed to his departure.
I will not succumb to be one of those ignorant people that claim just because something didn't come to fruition did not mean it was at one time true... But Spirit was vehemently defending ~2 year old information that blatantly we know was that out of date retrospectively. Something those of us simply watching construction projects were picking up on and challenging him over at the time.
He was given the Guardians Mission Breakout info to potentially kill the project for WDW, but I think that was really the only missive he was given after 2015.
He literally went out dying on his sword that:
-Star Wars: Galaxies Edge was a 2021 project (I certainly believe that was true years previously, but it hadn't been true for a good 2 years once the third phase was killed to bump it up.)
-Guardians Mission Breakout was a Florida Project first and foremost. Martin was long confirming and claiming it was going to Epcot - all in the face of Spirit viciously claiming it wasn't and Universal fanbois having an absolute fit that it was completely impossible. Martin did a fantastic job of taking that all in stride.
-He went out ridiculing a certain not particularly well regarded individual who was claiming Hong Kong Disneyland was getting a new castle. In fact the day before the absolutely massive HK project reveal he claimed everything at Hong Kong was cancelled and/or stalled. It wasn't exactly a subtle project.
Again, I don't think anything he said was wrong, it was just 1-2 years out of date. There is a difference between saying something will happen and then it doesn't... and saying something definitely is not happening then it does. But he refused to acknowledge that he simply was not being fed information anymore.
Worst of all is that Iger/Chapek suddenly turned on the faucet and he was just left completely dumbfounded. Still spinning pessimism right up until D23-2017. Finally projects were rolling, Martin was hinting them left right and centre and he went out claiming essentially nothing was happening worldwide.