A Spirited 15 Rounds ...


Well-Known Member
I mean, look who it's coming from. When he says stuff like the new lands Disney builds are like strip malls (I'd call older lands more like strip malls, look at Frontierland in the MK, it's a long road with shops on one side) it's hard to take him seriously.

And as much as people pretend its replacement wasn't a huge step up, MK's original Fantasyland was the "king" of the strip-mall design...
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Well-Known Member
The last 'theme parks' done by Disney were DLP - Tony Baxter, AK - Joe Rohde

Everything Disney has done since those has been a nicely decorated set of attractions with no discernable overarching 'theme' the sort of thing Universal is deservedly mocked for.

Pandora - Soarin 2.0 and a boat ride, yawn.

Where has the talent which came up with attractions such as Everest and Kilimanjaro Safari's gone, Oh that's right Disney fired them.

Best example is cramming in Star Wars at DL it does not belong there no matter how badly the StarWars fanboi's want it.

StarvWars deserved its own gate imagine an entire park THEMED exclusively to Star Wars. But the cost accountants shot it down and you get a stripped down abomination planted where it does not belong.

But since Disney did it it's MAGICal.

Sorry kids Disney of late has become a soulless megacorp and its products reflect that. So long Disney of old we hardly knew ye and we miss you so much.
I agree that Star Wars deserves it’s own gate but unless things have drastically changed since D23, I would say that what we are getting is still extremely impressive. I mean, I understand the feeling of always wanting more of a good thing, but complaining that Star Wars Land is a “stripped down abomination” is a bit confusing for me to say the least. Has there ever been anything built in a theme park anywhere that even comes close to being as impressive? Cars land, Pandora, and the Potterverse lands are the only things even in the same ball park but SW:GE blows them all away...at least on paper imo. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what we actually get.


Well-Known Member
Best example is cramming in Star Wars at DL it does not belong there no matter how badly the StarWars fanboi's want it.

StarvWars deserved its own gate imagine an entire park THEMED exclusively to Star Wars. But the cost accountants shot it down and you get a stripped down abomination planted where it does not belong.

The final placement of Star Wars was not a decision made by imagineering. So that has nothing to do with the point you are making.

There was no full gate Star Wars Park ever proposed beyond fanboi blather. Neither resort was in a position for an additional gate. What was proposed was a small addition to Tomorrowland with a bike coaster and cantina. Or a repurposing of echo lake and overlay of many existing facilities. Through multiple iterations the budget and scope were expanded greatly.... So that’s not even an example of accounting cuts. The only thing cut from that equation late in the game was another transport attraction, which is an example of the issues with One Disney more than anything. Fortunately something that’s been slowly dismantled recently.

Do you actually want Disney to devote an entire theme park (and subsequent resources) to Star Wars? Or is that just the hyperbolic thing we say to demean blatantly ambitious projects as needed to fuel our online temper tantrums?

The last 'theme parks' done by Disney were DLP - Tony Baxter, AK - Joe Rohde

Some of the best attractions WDI/WED has ever created popped up this decade, with no involvement from Joe. You can't keep boiling the company down to a poor showing in Orlando. Nor can you imply Shanghai Disneyland or Hong Kong Disneyland are not theme parks, unless Disneyland prime is not a theme park... since HK was practically a lifted clone of it.

Mind bogglingly you don't even acknowledge Disney Sea, since you decided to wind the clock all the way back to 1992. I guess that doesn't count in the cherry picking world.


Well-Known Member
This summer we took a cruise and one of the ports we stopped at was Grand Turk. About 10 minutes into our excursion around the island I wondered what the heck we were doing there. It had zero appeal to me and there are so many far better places to cruise to! However, we did find an amazing beach that ended up being a highlight of our cruise (though the name of the beach slips my mind right now). We only found the beach because our driver had to stop and pick someone else up there and then he wanted to chill with his friends which gave us about 45 min to enjoy the place. Thank God he did! We had a truly wonderful time there. Otherwise, all we saw on that island was a wasteland of ugly...and a lot of sickly looking donkeys. I learned that day that even the most far fetched cruise destinations can bring the magic under the right circumstances. I can’t wait to cruise to Galaxies Edge someday and discover for myself why they chose to cruise there. :joyfull:

Edit: It was Pillory beach. Fantastic beach with almost no one there and great facilities. The lighting was perfect or whatever but I swear the sand and water looked like a post card out of a dream. So relaxing!
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Resident Curmudgeon
The final placement of Star Wars was not a decision made by imagineering. So that has nothing to do with the point you are making.

There was no full gate Star Wars Park ever proposed beyond fanboi blather. Neither resort was in a position for an additional gate. What was proposed was a small addition to Tomorrowland with a bike coaster and cantina. Or a repurposing of echo lake and overlay of many existing facilities. Through multiple iterations the budget and scope were expanded greatly.... So that’s not even an example of accounting cuts. The only thing cut from that equation late in the game was another transport attraction, which is an example of the issues with One Disney more than anything. Fortunately something that’s been slowly dismantled recently.

Do you actually want Disney to devote an entire theme park (and subsequent resources) to Star Wars? Or is that just the hyperbolic thing we say to demean blatantly ambitious projects as needed to fuel our online temper tantrums?

Some of the best attractions WDI/WED has ever created popped up this decade, with no involvement from Joe. You can't keep boiling the company down to a poor showing in Orlando. Nor can you imply Shanghai Disneyland or Hong Kong Disneyland are not theme parks, unless Disneyland prime is not a theme park... since HK was practically a lifted clone of it.

Mind bogglingly you don't even acknowledge Disney Sea, since you decided to wind the clock all the way back to 1992. I guess that doesn't count in the cherry picking world.

Where did I say SWL placement was WDI's choice it was senior management who created that abomination.

If Disney spent even 10% of what they are spending propping up the stock price on something like a Star Wars park it would be a license to print money.

Just imagine what a billion in new investment could do.

Instead Disney worships at the Wall St Altar and what do we have 3 out of 4 divisions with year over year declines in profit and revenue.

Thats what happens when you manage the stock price instead of the business but the first is easy the second is hard


Premium Member
The last 'theme parks' done by Disney were DLP - Tony Baxter, AK - Joe Rohde

Everything Disney has done since those has been a nicely decorated set of attractions with no discernable overarching 'theme' the sort of thing Universal is deservedly mocked for.

Pandora - Soarin 2.0 and a boat ride, yawn.

Where has the talent which came up with attractions such as Everest and Kilimanjaro Safari's gone, Oh that's right Disney fired them.

Best example is cramming in Star Wars at DL it does not belong there no matter how badly the StarWars fanboi's want it.

StarvWars deserved its own gate imagine an entire park THEMED exclusively to Star Wars. But the cost accountants shot it down and you get a stripped down abomination planted where it does not belong.

But since Disney did it it's MAGICal.

Sorry kids Disney of late has become a soulless megacorp and its products reflect that. So long Disney of old we hardly knew ye and we miss you so much.

DLP - 1992

Tokyo Disney Sea - 2001

/me drops mic
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Well-Known Member
Just when I thought Weinstein-gate had gotten as crazy as it could, then this bombshell drops. Out of the well-known people involved, I gave Rose McGowan the biggest pass in terms of waiting 20 years to say anything while this continued, because she was very young at the time and never had the power that say Paltrow, Jolie, etc. had. I was totally wrong.

Love how the NYT SJW's this up by totally misleading with the headline, and tries to minimize the severity of what actually happened by how they couch it in the article. But the facts are the facts.

The highlights: McGowan has been writing a book. This summer, he lawyers discovered that back when she got her initial settlement 20 years ago, she didn't actually sign a confidentiality agreement. So, "somehow" she made it known that it was going to be in her book. Weinstein offered her a million bucks to sign a new confidentiality agreement.

She countered and asked for six million. Hoping he would settle on three.

Then the story broke, and the day *after*, she instructed her lawyer to rescind the counter.

That's Hollywood, folks. It's all a show and everything is for sale. The fact that the NYT leads with the headline of "Refusing Weinstein's Hush Money..." is absolutely laughable. She didn't refuse crap. She was in the middle of negotiations and her leverage vanished. The information and her involvement had already become public knowledge. Her silence wasn't worth a cent by the time she pulled the offer.
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Well-Known Member
Sciorra told me that listening to a recording from 2015 that The New Yorkerreleased earlier this month, in which Weinstein is heard demanding that a model enter his hotel room, “really triggered me.” Sciorra remembered Weinstein employing the same tactics as he cornered her, backing her into her bedroom. “Come here, come on, cut it out, what are you doing, come here,” she remembered him saying. She tried to be assertive. “This is not happening,” she told him. “You’ve got to go. You have to leave. Get out of my apartment.”

Then Weinstein grabbed her, she said. “He shoved me onto the bed, and he got on top of me.” Sciorra struggled. “I kicked and I yelled,” she said, but Weinstein locked her arms over her head with one hand and forced sexual intercourse on her. “When he was done, he on my leg, and on my nightgown.” It was a family heirloom, handed down from relatives in Italy and embroidered in white cotton. “He said, ‘I have impeccable timing,’ and then he said, ‘This is for you.’ ” Sciorra paused. “And then he attempted to perform oral sex on me. And I struggled, but I had very little strength left in me.” Sciorra said that her body started to shake violently. “I think, in a way, that’s what made him leave, because it looked like I was having a seizure or something.”


Well-Known Member
Whether someone waits 20 minutes or 20 years, the man is still a sexual predator. I don't care if they have book deals or want some money. So it doesn't count anymore if they wait too long? That's how some of the posts are coming across. It's pretty easy to sit on the sidelines and say they should have come forward when it happened but this is, sadly, very common in Hollywood. People get scared. Why is that hard to understand? They've become conditioned to sexual harassment, both men and women in the industry. It was "the norm" but now there's power in speaking out. Once one person finally speaks out, the rest begin to come forward. I don't know why @AEfx seems intent on putting blame on Paltrow, McGowan ... at least that's how it's coming across.

Weinstein is still a disgusting predator.


Well-Known Member
Whether someone waits 20 minutes or 20 years, the man is still a sexual predator. I don't care if they have book deals or want some money. So it doesn't count anymore if they wait too long? That's how some of the posts are coming across. It's pretty easy to sit on the sidelines and say they should have come forward when it happened but this is, sadly, very common in Hollywood. People get scared. Why is that hard to understand? They've become conditioned to sexual harassment, both men and women in the industry. It was "the norm" but now there's power in speaking out. Once one person finally speaks out, the rest begin to come forward. I don't know why @AEfx seems intent on putting blame on Paltrow, McGowan ... at least that's how it's coming across.

Weinstein is still a disgusting predator.
The more I read about him the more I feel genuine hatred for Weinstein. I tend to be a very forgiving person who wants to give everyone a second chance. But all I want for that piece of crap is for him to be tortured day and night for the rest of his miserable life. And it’s not just the fact that he assaulted so many women personally, it’s that he is so disproportionately responsible for maintaining an environment where this was considered the norm and just something women had to deal with to be successful in Hollywood. How many men followed in his foot steps (both inside and outside of Hollywood). How many women were affected because of his actions, beyond those he personally assaulted/raped? I don’t care how much negotiating Rose McGowan did before outing him. If getting as much of his money as she could helped her deal with his crimes against her than why not? I say they liquidate all of his assets and distribute it between all of his victims. It won’t make Up for what was done to them (no amount of money ever could) but it will at least allow them some kind of consolation and hopefully some kind of comfort going forward.

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