A little sad at how things are


New Member
Original Poster
I will probably get attacked for writing this and I've stopped myself numerous times. But I think some of this needs to be said.

I found this forum quite helpful for planning my daughter's very first WDW trip (and my first in 25 years). I found many helpful hints and suggestions just by reading what others have posted.

But I have also seen some disturbing examples of rudeness and intolerance toward differing opinions, even approaching hostility.

Now certainly, a written forum provides anonymity and therefore people feel more free to write things they wouldn't normally say face to face. And it's also true that a forum with such a large following is bound to get contentious now and then, just like human behavior. And finally, it's true there is a shared love for all things Disney on this site, which makes sense.

Upon returning from our trip, I actually signed up and started posting now and then, enthusiastic to share my experiences and hopefully help others with questions. That has happened, I hope.

But more and more I find rudeness reigning supreme and it's beginning to dampen my enthusiasm for this forum. And that's too bad.

Case in point: Different people have different favorite rides and attractions, naturally. But instead of just saying that, many folks feel it necessary to denegrate certain attractions to the point where people don't DARE to support them because they will get a response that is condescending at best and downright nasty at worst. The converse is also true--people who love something so much that they attack those who don't.
Some want the park to change because they have "been there done that" so much they are bored with it. Yet they seem to have no regard for the opinions of those who like "the classics" and/or aren't lucky enough to be able to afford such frequent trips. (example: Haunted Mansion refurb)
Others don't want the park to change at ALL and want everything to revert to what it was "back in the good old days" and they trash everything that's new (example: The dreaded Wand debate, Soarin, or the Nemo ride)

The fact is that neither side is right. The optimum answer for Disney lies somewhere between the two extremes. But many folks don't want to hear that. Instead, they are told "if you don't like it, go to Universal".

None of these comments has been directed at me personally (up to now), but I have seen them appear quite frequently, especially in recent months. Maybe they have always been there and I just didn't notice.
It's almost like they view Disney as their own private club and they welcome you to join as long as you agree with everything they say. If not, they turn on you and vote you off the island.

Not to mention the appalling spelling and grammar mistakes. We all make a few typos here and there. But to me, this is a further indication of how much people don't think about what they're writing. Or maybe they just don't care.

For myself, the infrequent park visitor (who intends to visit again), I prefer to see Disney (for the most part anyway) through the eyes of my daughter who had the time of her life on our trip and loved everything except for two rides that scared her. And even then, she didn't "trash" them. She simply said: "Let's go on something else, Daddy." I think we could all learn a thing or two from that, myself included.

I'm sorry this is so long. Yes, I have been forced to generalize a bit and if any are offended, I'm sorry again. But chances are strong that if you are offended, maybe you see yourself reflected in some of the things I mentioned.

In any case, I hope people will think about it


Active Member
Thank you for saying something that I believe has been long overdue. These boards can get very hostile from time to time. I am tried and true Disney fan - have been for years, and nothing will change that. But sometimes when reading posts on these boards I just want to tell people to "Lighten Up!".

Thanks for the point of view - I whole heartedly concur.


Well-Known Member
You're post may be long (not really)... but it's also VERY accurate. It's a shame this forum (and other online communities) has fallen prey to those who denigrate everything... from new rides to announcements to even marketing campaigns and employees / executives. Nothing is out of bounds for their complaints and attacks. They are a very vocal and also very small group. Their views do not align with the majority of guests nor do they often align with what's best for Disney from a business standpoint... only what they personally want for themselves.

Unfortunately, they have ingrained themselves into this and other forums online and many new fans or prospective guests have to wade through their negative posts and their pessimism to find helpful information. Maybe your thread will help bring back some of the optimism and helpful posts that used to be the norm for this forum. We can always hope!

I also agree wholeheartedly about enjoying the magic of seeing Disney through your kid's eyes. There's nothing more magical!


Well-Known Member
I agree! There is so much good on this site!!!! But, there is a little need for a little ity bitty improvement!
~A dream is what your heart makes~
~When you wish upon a star~


New Member
Bravo! A post that has been long overdue!

However, I will warn you, the people with hundreds and thousands of posts on this site are VERY territorial and you can expect them to write back and be very rude to you and people like us. This site should be enjoyable for the casual fan as well as the hardcore, and it seems like the hardcore are starting to drive away those of us who are here for fun and love Disney for what it is, what it represents, and not what it supposedly "should" represent and be.

So once again, bravo! I'm glad to see there are others who are fed up with all of the "seriousness" of these boards.


New Member
Original Poster
And here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about....

"...I don't really see the point of trying to convince people who liked the wand that SSE is a piece of art that is degraded by the presence of a wand. If they don't understand that on their own, they're probably the type of people who would wear gym shorts that say "princess", "b****", etc across the rear. I have come to expect tactless people in the world as the norm; I don't think the rest of us should pander down to those people just because they are the majority..."

Very sad. Thanks for providing an example of my point.

thanks to the rest of you, though, for your kind comments on my "novel".
JDM - This is something that unfortunately is becoming more commonplace here at wdwmagic.com. Perhaps it is a result of its growth, but there are other Disney fan sites out there that are much more allowing of freedom of speech, thought and opinion. (I'd post a link to the site I'm thinking of in particular, but wdwmagic has decided to censor out certain Disney-fan website names. Yet another example of what your talking about!) I've never been very active here, and you've hit upon the main reason why. I hope things shape up here or you find a place that is more open to free speech.


Active Member
I agree. And sadly, it is not just these forums that have this problem. It seems like everywhere I go lately I witness people being rude to waiters, store clerks, other drivers (I live in a fairly large city and I don't think a week goes by where I do not see someone shoot the finger at another driver for no apparent reason) or even their own family members. :shrug: It seems like people in general are alot more uptight these days. It is sad.


New Member
I totally agree. I can't tell you how many times i was called names and made fun of for every comment. I'm not saying it's everyone on here, there are plenty of nice people, just a few rotten apples. I think it's time the staff and woners did their jobs and have a little control over this site. I even remember an anti-America posting that stayed up for hours on here without anything being done. I wonder if there even is a staff on this site! I have seen people post things that aren't suitable for children. I think there should be like a star system on this site, where if you get three points for misconduct (not just talking about cursing) you're off. I'm waiting staff of WDWmagic!


Active Member
I totally agree with you. I hate when I get flamed for my personal opinion wether it is for a ride I like/dont like or french fries if you can believe? I have noticed that those that have posts in the thousands think they know everything there is to know and only their thoughts count and they have the right to be rude. I also hate when people post something that has been discussed before and others tell them to do a search.... They should just ignore it if they don't want to add anything helpful. I figure if I personally dont have anything helpful or informative to add I normally just move on to another topic to avoid arguement (unless I am in the mood to argue :D) . Sometimes I will even type out a whole story and then cancel it for fear of getting flamed. What can you do but accept it or move on to a different forum? Except for 1 so far, most of your responses have been from people with less than 1000 posts. Maybe you PO'd some of the "experts" :lol:


Active Member
JDM, I totally agree with you! Unfortunately, by late this evening when many of the people are home from work etc. and wdwmagic gets more traffic I think some of the responses may be a little harsh. I think that people should just be happy that they have a place to discuss their love of Disney with other Disney nuts. Sometimes venting is necessary but, some of the nastiness that happens on the board is uncalled for. Thank God for the moderators that close any threads when they become too heated, I have seen a few before they were closed and man, it was brutal! Hopefully your post will open a few eyes but, be prepared!


Well-Known Member
I understand the general point of this thread, but I don't know if I agree as wholeheartedly as everyone else. I will admit that the example mentioned a few replies up is something I wrote (in hindsight this was out-of-bounds and could be construed as a personal attack--not acceptable); but I think even with the way things currently are, you won't get flamed (usually) for just stating your opinion. It is when people aggressively assert their own opinion, then are replied to with a response they feel was a unnecessarily aggressive or an attempt to refute their own statement. Sometimes people feel they did not deserve such a response, but if they initiated debate, they opened the floodgates. If you yourself are aggressive or belittling in your post, you can't expect light handling from others. Maybe I am just choosing to see things this way because I enjoy these forums and don't want to think they can 'do wrong', I'm not sure. I guess I am also one of the individuals who believes debate (as long as it is not too hostile) is not unacceptable.


New Member
^^Fair point! However, I think the point the OP is trying to get at is that, it's getting harder and harder to get any good information around here! A quick little poke is O.K. , but when you have people questioning your moral and intellectual stadpoint in life, I think that just crosses the line! You can't ask a simple question anymore without being jumped! The general concensus is, "This is a public message board, if you don't like it leave!" or "I will post as I wish this is a free country and a public message board!" But folks it all boils down to respect. A great number of these "posters with attitudes" don't have the guts to talk to anyone like that in the general public, so this is where they take out their frustrations. I know they wouldn't talk to me like that!:cool:


Active Member
I'm a Philadelphia Sports fan, Nintendo Fan, and wrestling fan this is by far the most polite and most tolerant forum I have ever been on. You are right though it would be nice if everyone understood that people don't always think the same things or know the same stuff all the time.


Well-Known Member
Bravo! A post that has been long overdue!

However, I will warn you, the people with hundreds and thousands of posts on this site are VERY territorial and you can expect them to write back and be very rude to you and people like us. This site should be enjoyable for the casual fan as well as the hardcore, and it seems like the hardcore are starting to drive away those of us who are here for fun and love Disney for what it is, what it represents, and not what it supposedly "should" represent and be.

So once again, bravo! I'm glad to see there are others who are fed up with all of the "seriousness" of these boards.

Hey now let's not generalize those of us with no lives aka a million posts :p

In my personal defense, I agree with the OP. The wand threads are a good example I think. And I'll go more into that in my other quote. But really, I try and be helpful to "newbies" and try to share what I know with those seeking information. I could care less for arguments over stupid things like the wand going or not or any other such thing. Blah blah blah. I respect those with passionate opinions, but I am not one of them, nor will I attack those that are passionate. I may joke from time to time, but it's not to show off my fantabulous number of posts :rolleyes: :lol:

"...I don't really see the point of trying to convince people who liked the wand that SSE is a piece of art that is degraded by the presence of a wand. If they don't understand that on their own, they're probably the type of people who would wear gym shorts that say "princess", "b****", etc across the rear. I have come to expect tactless people in the world as the norm; I don't think the rest of us should pander down to those people just because they are the majority..."

Very sad. Thanks for providing an example of my point.

thanks to the rest of you, though, for your kind comments on my "novel".

Yeah, whoever said that...um yeah ok.

I guess I'm ignorant and I wear the booty shorts then because I liked the wand. I personally don't like how (as someone else put it) we've fallen into two categories: if you like the wand, you must have visited Epcot after 2000. If you hate it, you're a purist who knows the grand magnificence of the SSE structure from 1982. Newsflash: I've been going to Epcot since 1987 and probably have been a lot more than a lot of the purists. And I still don't care! Yeah it's sad to see the wand goes, but oh well :shrug:

Ok I'm done :lol: What were we talking about? :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I'm a Philadelphia Sports fan, Nintendo Fan, and wrestling fan this is by far the most polite and most tolerant forum I have ever been on. You are right though it would be nice if everyone understood that people don't always think the same things or know the same stuff all the time.

True! I understand it used to be a lot worse...not that I'm excusing rudeness today.


Well-Known Member
I've been on this board for years, and I've learned to ignore a lot of the negativity. In my own posts, I've also got into the habit of qualifying most of my opinions, so that people know where I am coming from. I shouldn't have to do that, but it's made me a much harder target for flames and put-downs.

In the Disney Parks, there are few things that everybody loves and hates equally -- some people are passionate, others are *very* passionate. The trolls are easy to spot, and the easiest way to get them off your back is to stop feeding them. (This applies to just about *any* forum)

This said, I will say that the debates can get quite heated here, but they are child's play compared to what goes on in other (non-Disney) forums.

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