A Little Black Cloud Over Our Trip


Well-Known Member
My great-niece & nephew are so excited about our trip next week, they can hardly contain themselves. We kept it a secret since May, and just told them about it at Thanksgiving. The kids live with their mother (my niece), so we cleared it with Stevie's Dad, but knew if we told Hannah's father, he ruin the surprise out of pure spite & meanness.

Well, he decided over the weekend that he's not going let her go. He's been threatening to have us arrested for kipnapping, or declare my niece an unfit mother and take Hannah away from her, the whole nine yards. Now keep in mind that he has not seen Hannah since her birthday in September (only lives 20 miles away), and contributes zero dollars towards her support. I know he doesn't have a leg to stand on and can't keep up from taking her, but I feel so bad for both kids, having to hear him rant and rave and be a general a$$ about the whole thing. Poor little girl was so upset at church yesterday that she asked everyone to pray that her Dad changes his mind and stops being so mean to her Mom.

The trip will go on as planned, but it has put a little damper on everything. I just wanted to ask all my friends here at WDW Magic to keep the whole situation in your prayers.

God Bless & Merry Christmas.

Todd L

Well-Known Member
This guy is obviously insecure and its upsetting him that he cant afford to pay for his own kids trip. Hes afraid that you're making him look like a chump which he most certainly is with no help from anyone. Shame on him. God bless you for going out of your way for that kid. We will pray for you all tonight, especially her father . He seems to need the help more than anyone.
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New Member
So Sorry

Unfortunately, I know how it is to be in the middle of two parents who care more about hurting each other than about the well being of the child. At least, the Mom in this situation chooses to do what is best for the child verses stooping to his level. Please let your grand-niece knows that she is our prayers. Please enjoy your vacation regardless. Once you and the children are in Disney, I am sure the mood will change. As a child, it was the one place I was allowed to be a child and what an amazing place to let your troubles disappear.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your kind words of support. We have reported his threats to the local police, and spoken with an attorney. And I already have the notarized permission from my niece for me to take the kids, and to authorize any emergency medical treatment. I really don't anticipate any real trouble - he's just being a bully, and is trying to see if he can get my niece to bend. In the past, when she's stood up to him, he's backed down. Deep down, he's just a coward at heart.

Here's another way to describe him: a verbally and emotionally abusive JERK. With issues.

Post his name address. We'll handle the rest.

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New Member
Little Black Cloud

I'm so sorry for your family in this situation. I know we've been there. My ex-husband would not allow our son to go to WDW on a Make-A-Wish trip because of spite. :mad: Because of the language in our custody papers (joint custody), I had to get his permission to take our son out of the state to FL. He refused, so our son never got to go to WDW.

So, as others have stated, the other parent can raise a stink if they choose. Good luck, I hope all goes off without a hitch! :)
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Well-Known Member
I agree with every one else here, this guy is a first class jerk. I hope to God that everything goes as planned and this little girl has a Magical Trip!!! I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers!! Belle
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Well-Known Member
I have lived this before and cannot begin to describe how sick I felt in the pit of my stomach after reading this.

My ex is a bully as well BUT since I am the custodial parent, all I needed was a notarized "permission" slip and copies of her insurance cards sent with permission to seek medical attention in case of emergency.

He didn't care one ounce about my daughter going to WDW, he was just trying to spite me and my family.

We have been divorced for 8 years now and I can truly tell you, Karma has a way of coming full circle and kicking someone's butt! I have seen it firsthand.

Hope you enjoy your trip. I will keep you and your family in my prayers that all goes well.
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I would advise giving a Famly Law professional a call as well. The requirements for permission should be given in the MSA (Marital Seperation Agreement) but as you said, if this guy makes a stink about it, while nothing may come of it in the long run, it will be enough to ruin the vacation. I just don't understand the motives of some people.


Ditto to both pieces of advice......be sure to cover all your bases. It would be a horrible thing for all of you to get stopped by the police while on your trip. I feel sorry for that little girl, to have a father who obviously doesn't care about her. Good Luck!! You are in my prayers.
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I'm so sorry - definitely keeping you in my prayers!

I work at a Domestic Violence shelter in WI...we see these kinds of spiteful acts every day. It just breaks my heart - especially for the poster who said her son didn't get to do the Make a Wish trip to WDW??????

Times like these, I wish I knew how to use nunchucks.

WI law states that as long as the purpose of the trip is a vacation, and not relocation, there's no need for any permission from the other parent. Hope it's the same in your state - good luck and hope you have an absolutely fantastic time with the kids!
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Well-Known Member
I do the same thing. It has been a running joke for quite some time in my house. I fully expect them to pull the same thing when they are 40.:lol:


I am 36 and still call my father "Daddy" when I want something... :lol:

Although these days it usually involves him babysitting his grandchildren for me... :rolleyes:

Hope all works out for the OP... what a terrible situation for all of you. :(
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Well-Known Member
I do the same thing. It has been a running joke for quite some time in my house. I fully expect them to pull the same thing when they are 40.:lol:

My DH is a very hard worker, but he just isn't very handy. (sshhhhh don't tell him I told you) so when I need something fixed and he can't do it I call my daddy. :D
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New Member
Don't guys just
"hey Dad I need something"?
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New Member
Usually when my older girls say "daddy" it means they want something.:lol:

DON'T I know this...when she calls and says "Dad" its just to talk or maybe advice. BUT "DADDY" from the 20 year old...I just reach for the wallet...I always told her she'd never outgrow being my little girl but heck....:lol:
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Well-Known Member
My prayers are with you and your family, and I hope that little girl gets to enjoy her trip to WDW with all of you.

I'll never understand some people :brick:
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New Member
Trust me, lots of great advise and definitely worth taking if you can get everyone to wdw!

Trust me, once you get even within a mile of the parks all your troubles will melt and it will be a truly magical trip!!!

I'm sending all my positive thoughts from up here in chilly Canada (the country sadly, not the pavillion) Good luck and dont forget to post pics when you guys get back!
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