A lengthy "Thank You" to Kingdom Konsultant


I consider myself a Disney World vacation planning expert. I have been to WDW at least 50 times in my life, the last 5 trips I planned myself. I live in Florida, was a cast member on the WDW College Program, have friends that are cast members and am very "in the know" when it comes to deals, happenings, etc. at WDW. I am fairly new to this website and have enjoyed reading posts, articles and reviews from my fellow Disney fanatics but I digress...

I saw a post about two weeks ago from Kingdom Konsultant lauding a great deal for the summer/early fall. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit skeptical but I sent Kingdom Konsultant (Pam the Great!) an email with what I wanted and what she may be able to do for us. Needless to say, she got back in touch with me in about an hour and within two days, we had an amazing deal on a week @ Port Orleans Riverside! I then emailed her a week later to see about possibly upgrading to Wilderness Lodge and within 24 hours, it was done! We got an amazing deal! 8 days, 7 nights, 7 day passes (plus option, no expiration) and a meal plan for the duration of our stay for less than $2300!

I just wanted to put this out to anyone that wants to get a great deal. As a former do-it-yourselfer, I will be sure to contact Kingdom Konsultant with all my WDW travel needs from here on out! Thanks Pam for all your hard work!

Anyone else out there feel the same way? I'm sure there are plenty of you that do...


pam's the absolute best. LOL i pestered her SO much i was sure she was tired of dealing with me. :lol: we've decided any traveling we're doing.. especially disney... pam's gonna do it for us.
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Well-Known Member
Kingdom Konsultant said:
I recieved your e-mail, but unfortunately there is a glitch in the Disney system and I cannot get quotes. I can check on something with an existing reservation, but no quotes. They told me that they should have it taken care of by tomorrow.


that not a problem, bad news though my silly girlfriend booked a trip already. :rolleyes: i told her that you were getting back to us when i saw your post on saturday and she said ohh i booked it already. we werent even dead set on going but she coulden't wait!
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Active Member
Just had to revive the "Thank You, Kingdom Konsultants" thread! I had been skeptical about using Pam's services... until today!!!!

For those of you who didn't read my "last minute passholder" posts - I am taking a very spur-of-the-moment trip to Ft. Lauderdale this weekend to visit friends, and one of them said "Wouldn't it be nice to go to WDW for a day?" I thought to myself, "yeah, it sure would!!!" but I thought it was waaaaaay too short notice to be able to get a room at one of the moderates at WDW.

Lo and behold, Pam came through and found a hotel room for Sunday night at the AP rate at POR!!!!!!!!!!! GO PAM!!!! I will never doubt your skillz again! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!

(I promise to stop using exclamation points soon once the euphoria settles down!!!!!!!!!!)
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The Mom

Premium Member
Pam has booked rooms for me, and has done an incredible job! She was able to get me a concierge room for LESS than the standard I was able to book on my own! She really gives 100% to all of her clients. I highly recommend her services. :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Pam is amazing

Pam can really do amazing things. She knows people at Disney and can often get things done better than even the most maniacal planner on this board. That, and she'll do them quickly with efficient communication.
Her expertise on what is available is amazing. She really got us the best deal possible. She can even convince my Not-so-Disney wife of the fun that can be had, which is an unexpected bonus for me.
Granted, we didn't go down,yet.
Even so, based on our experience so far, Kingdom Konsultants should always be first on your list when you are serious about going to WDW.
More to come in October!! In the meantime, this should give this thread a well deserved bump. Thank You Pam! -CA
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Well-Known Member
Yes, they do flights

Yes, Kingdom Konsultants does handle flights.

Jet Blue was offering super low flights from Newark to Orlando and somehow KingdomKonsultants found something lower than that included in a package that I priced out to the best of my cheapskate ability.
Granted, I haven't left yet, and the wings may be attached with little pieces of wire, but we'll see :) As pilots say, "So long as air continues to go over the wings..."
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Trophy Husband
Pam, I'm going to (hopefully) be adding Linda onto my December trip (You've currently just got Me and Ryan) when she gets vacation approval.

Will that be a problem?
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Trophy Husband
Kingdom Konsultant said:
Nope :animwink:


Cool! Now all that's standing in the way of another Super Fantastic Hover Trip report is the potential that Linda's boss will be a weenie.

I'll let you know when she gets approval.
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New Member

This all sounds so great!
Just thought I should ask, can Pam help people who doesn´t live in the U.S.?

Can she help you book hotels outside of disney? Can she fix tickets too?

Hope somebody answers :)

have a great day everybody!
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Well-Known Member
corinne148 said:
This all sounds so great!
Just thought I should ask, can Pam help people who doesn´t live in the U.S.?

Can she help you book hotels outside of disney? Can she fix tickets too?

Hope somebody answers :)

have a great day everybody!
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
corinne148 said:
This all sounds so great!
Just thought I should ask, can Pam help people who doesn´t live in the U.S.?

Can she help you book hotels outside of disney? Can she fix tickets too?

Hope somebody answers :)

have a great day everybody!

Yes, Yes and Yes. I book every destination in the US, Caribbean, Mexico and abroad, plus cruises.

I do it all.

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