Thank you, really. And those thanks are not intended to be sarcastic. Your thoughtful reply clarified something for me: the core of what disappoints me about WDW today, and society in general.
That is, as you correctly observed, “some people create greater value than others.” The sad truth is, that value is… in public life… too often measured in $$$. It’s unnecessarily, incorrectly, tragically a means of allocating comfort, sustenance, privilege, honor, and yes… entertainment to one person and not another.
No one ever created greater value than my grandma, or yours, I bet. My grandma wasn’t rich; just the sweetest soul I ever knew. She deserved head of the line privilege at WDW, if anyone ever did. Or should your grandmother get on Rise of the Resistance ahead of her?
The more our society - and the venues where we meet by the thousands - create and enforce class barriers, the more we are sorted from each other. Shame on Disney for doing that, for profit. You won’t see a WDW executive in a standby line beside you. That’s perverse.