A few new DVC rumors

They are going to raise the other part of the outside Contemporary and build the B. The Contemporary is the A, Bay Lake Tower is the C and this new DVC building will be the B, so we get A,B,C.

Nope, not connected with The Contemporary Resort

... and I agree with Mr. Epcot, the Bay Lake Tower is nothing architectually stimulating...


Active Member
The original Contemporary A-frame tower is a unique, notable piece of iconic architecture, and the Bay Lake Tower is your typical drab piece of concrete drivel you'd find housing condos in Miami or Hawai'i. They completely ignored the design aspects that make the Contemporary interesting and special and built something completely bland and pedestrian.

Maybe it was intentional to continue to let the Contemporary Stand out and let BLT be a bland backdrop....


Active Member
Maybe it was intentional to continue to let the Contemporary Stand out and let BLT be a bland backdrop....

That's a valid idea, but I don't think that's the case for a couple of reasons, like that they made the new tower as tall as the old one.


Active Member
Original Poster
Not exaggerating at all. The average Joe wouldn't identify that building (out of context) as anything special, certainly not identify it as something you'd see at Disney World.


You think BLT is "not special" and you really think Contemporary is any better?




Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I don't think Bay Lake Tower is bland at all.. Granted, it isn't anythng special.. But, honestly, is the Contempoorary Resort themed to anything special anyway??????

I own points at Bay Lake Tower.. Stayed there for a week last year.. Loved it.. Will stay there again next year...


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Bay Lake Tower is typical? You don't think you're exaggerating? :shrug:

I think he was speaking to the exterior architecture, which let's face it, to the passing visitor is not much different than Stalinist communal apartments from the 1950's. But the inside though.....:D


Active Member
Original Poster
I think he was speaking to the exterior architecture, which let's face it, to the passing visitor is not much different than Stalinist communal apartments from the 1950's. But the inside though.....:D

I REALLY want to know where you are live/travel because I've never been to or seen any hotel quite like BLT and I surely don't think it's a common design.

Stalinist... ugh. There are grand villas, 1 bedroom, studios... it's not all the same.


Active Member
Yeah, I'm purely speaking in terms of the overall building, not the interior. All of the internal design elements are quite well done, very distinctive. Outside, it's just a common condo tower. A while back, someone made a post with pictures of such buildings to highlight the commonality of it. I wish I could find that...


Well-Known Member
I think it is a contemporary design...sleek and modern (has a city look about it). It may not be favorable to some but it does match the Contemporary. We cannot wait to stay there, it is where we bought into but we were unable to get a room for last Jan or August.


Well-Known Member
I REALLY want to know where you are live/travel because I've never been to or seen any hotel quite like BLT and I surely don't think it's a common design.
The BLT would fit in with many condo towers all along the Gulf Coast in Alabama and Florida. If by "common" you mean "exactly duplicated," then no, it's not common, but by definition neither is anything in the Lake Buena Vista.

I'll admit that the Contemporary itself isn't the most exciting building, and it's not really themed, but the scope of the A-frame and the monorail lines running through it give it a touch of (perhaps now dated) futurism that still marks it as a Disney building.


New Member
what about the idea of taking down the other garden wing from the contemporary and building there so that from the air the design looks like a giant hidden mickey ?


Active Member
Original Poster
what about the idea of taking down the other garden wing from the contemporary and building there so that from the air the design looks like a giant hidden mickey ?

Mickey has a rectangle head? :lol::p

The BLT would fit in with many condo towers all along the Gulf Coast in Alabama and Florida. If by "common" you mean "exactly duplicated," then no, it's not common, but by definition neither is anything in the Lake Buena Vista.

I'll admit that the Contemporary itself isn't the most exciting building, and it's not really themed, but the scope of the A-frame and the monorail lines running through it give it a touch of (perhaps now dated) futurism that still marks it as a Disney building.

I live on the Gulf Coast and frequent a high rise on the beach a friend of the family owns not to mention the dozens of other beaches here.

I have never, ever seen a high rise come close to being anything more than a tall, rectangular prism building. No way.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
If any of the DVC buildings were themed after attractions at the park - like some of the new hotel rooms will be - I'd consider buying a timeshare. Like if you had a choice of a castle theme, or Spanish villa (Pirates of the Caribbean), or something like that. But otherwise I consider them a waste of money. But then, I'm single, no family. Wouldn't make much sense in any case, I guess.


Active Member
Disney must be making some serious cabbage with the whole DVC bit, because I cannot understand adding units in this economy, especially when--as I understand it--AKL, Saratoga, and maybe even some of BLT are still not completely sold.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Disney must be making some serious cabbage with the whole DVC bit, because I cannot understand adding units in this economy, especially when--as I understand it--AKL, Saratoga, and maybe even some of BLT are still not completely sold.

Yeah, but I suppose we shouldn't be surprised. The current Disney administration has a habit of throwing good money after bad, and spending on the wrong things. Maybe that's why it seems like they're giving us less and less for our money. Not exactly in the classic Disney tradition. :(


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member






A Long Time DVC Member
Im a DVC member and as much as I love DVC for the fact that you can stay at places you normally couldnt afford, I do not think more DVC resorts is needed. Ok, I would love to see DVC at poly cause that is my favorite resort, but i think more affordable hotels should be built. Maybe another moderate resort, since we already got the art of animation resort coming along for value resorts. I would love to see a mediteranian (sorry i know i spelled it wrong) themed resort with stuff from greece, italy, etc. And like everyone else I just cant see them getting rid of the spa at GF unless they plan to build a nice new one, but its not necessary.

Here is the point. Disney can not fill the resorts it has now due to the down turn in travel nationwide. Disney can not use its own money to build much more that what it has planned (value suites) in the only area that they need more rooms. DVC is paid for with other peoples money when they buy points. There is very little capital outlay for Disney and it still makes money from the sale of the time shares. If Disney starts today building a new DVC it might be two to three years till it opens. I think that the exisiting three on park DVCs will be sold out (if not almost sold out) in that time frame. A new resort is going to be needed than or sales will stop. Remmeber DVC does two things for Disney, it amkes money on the sale of the time shares and also brings people back to the park year after year. This increases sales of tickets, food, gifts, etc. I have a group of 14 people going this Oct-Nov and we have already spent over $5,000 in booking of tours, tickets, and meals. Disney is still making money on my helping them pay for a new resort.


Well-Known Member
The original Contemporary A-frame tower is a unique, notable piece of iconic architecture, and the Bay Lake Tower is your typical drab piece of concrete drivel you'd find housing condos in Miami or Hawai'i. They completely ignored the design aspects that make the Contemporary interesting and special and built something completely bland and pedestrian.

I have to agree here. There is nothing special about the design of BLT.

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