A Dinosaur on the Loose in AK


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Original Poster
A Dinosaur was walking around Dinoland just after close tonight. Lucky, he wasn't that fast. That's right! Lucky has arrived and they were testing him out to see where his new (temporary) home will be.

Lucky will be coming out the gate between Chester & Hester's and Dino-Rama. He will be next to Chester & Hester's across from TriceraTop Spin. It will be 5 shows daily about 30 min each. Once he is in position, it will be like a Meet-n-Greet, photos and autographs. It will need to be big book though, he doesn't write small.

I'll see if I can post photos later.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that thinks Dinoland is kind of retro/tacky cool?

Yes, then, on that? Okay then. Moving on. :lookaroun



DisneyWorld30th said:
I really don't understand why Lucky will only be availible from May to July. Why wouldn't AK be Lucky's permenant home?

Anyone know more?

I've been thinking the same thing ever since I heard about Lucky. What gives with this May-July thing? Where is he gonna end up if he's only in AK for a few months?


New Member
dmmgp2000 said:
I've been thinking the same thing ever since I heard about Lucky. What gives with this May-July thing? Where is he gonna end up if he's only in AK for a few months?

Didn't he originate in Disneyland, California? Maybe he'll go back home?

Or maybe Disney is lying to us...:drevil:

P.S.-Anyone know where his name came from?



DisneyWorld30th said:
I really don't understand why Lucky will only be availible from May to July. Why wouldn't AK be Lucky's permenant home?

Anyone know more?

I totally agree with you! Why not always have Lucky there? whatever. . . we aren't in charge of what they do. :hammer:

And I was wondering what Lucky was going to do, thanks for clearing that up for us! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I've read that Lucky is still basically a "beta" so she's coming here for a few months of more regular and rigorous daily usage to see how she holds up. I think she's been out a little at DCA but not with this regularity.

I think she's just the first of this type of AA and pending on how she works and what they can learn from it, we should see more of this type with some more regularity in the future.


New Member
Is Lucky a "he" or a "she"? Decause it has referred to as being both on this thread.

Or does it follow the rule that all machines are female?


Active Member
Lucky will be taken to Hong Kong Disneyland .She will appear in Adventurland for a few months before heading to Tokyo Disney Seas as part of the Mysteriuos Island - Dinotopia exhibit.

Scarey what you can think up with your imagination...LOL :lol: :lol:
Sorry had to make a joke about it.


Well-Known Member
DisneyWorld30th said:
I really don't understand why Lucky will only be availible from May to July. Why wouldn't AK be Lucky's permenant home?

Anyone know more?
Lucky's permanent home will end up being under the hood of Eisner's Rolls Royce as they cut his severance package later in the year.


Account Suspended
Lucky... named Lucky becuase WDI is lucky that Lucky hasn't killed anyone... yet. :lookaroun :lol:

Lucky is a baby cousin of a full size dino that WDI was working on... one that doesn't need a flower cart. :)

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