A celebrity offered $100,000 + to stay in the castle suite.....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, cast members COULD stay. If you had a friend who won, there is nothing in the rules to say you can't stay with them.

You and your family just can't win. It is too bad, but that is the type of rules for most contests. In the end, I think I'd rather see it rented out for $5k or so per night, with the money going to GKTW. That way, average guests could stay there - after saving for a while, anyway! And maybe once a week, the suite get donated to a wish family or for great cast members.

The only thing is - Disney would be fielding thousands of calls for each night available. Much worse than CRT used to be at 90 days!

Oh - and I've been a fan of Glen Beck since he was in the Tampa area (where I used to live).


Great points Denise....

Slappy + Magoo + Planet of the Apes avatar = :ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Actually, that would be Bobo from Mystery Science Theater 3000.:lookaroun *leaves thread quietly*

Wow its been a long time since I last saw that show.

I would like it if wdw could build possibly build an exact replica of the suite at say grand floridian for guests to walk around and look at. That would be pretty cool.


slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Actually, that would be Bobo from Mystery Science Theater 3000.:lookaroun *leaves thread quietly*

Eh, 'tis close enough for goulash...

But seriously, leaving behind personal political biases...even if Glenn Beck was the most trustworthy soul to ever broadcast on basic cable, never told a lie, admitted to chopping down the cherry tree, the whole nine...that doesn't mean the cast member who was giving him the tour didn't sell him a bill of goods. He could be telling the absolute truth about the conversation he had, it doesn't mean his source is reliable. One of those "if it ain't true, it oughta be, it's just that good" kinda stories if you ask me. Take it with the same grain of salt all ya'll tell people that overhear rumors of monorail expansion, parking decks, ye olde Harry Potter's coming to MGM, ye older Spaceship Earth's being gutted to be an indoor rollycoaster, etc.


Well-Known Member
My tour guide mentioned the head of GM wanted his family stay there. That he would pay whatever for it. They said no.
Nothing was answered when asked well what about them staying for free then. No way would they ever tell the head of a large sponser his family couldnt stay.


Well-Known Member
Nah...he's broke !

Besides I think he'd rather stay at Peter Pan's rather than Cinderella's. :lookaroun

And the funny thing about that is that once when MJ was in Indianapolis he came to the Disney Store and offered $10,000 for the Peter Pan Plastic figure-the ones that were used for display. Disney said no.


Active Member
If someone has 100 million dollars, I can't imagine it is much of a hardship to part with 1 million of it for an experience they very much want.

#1 I must not have gotten the report saying they have 100 million dollars.

#2 Nobody is going to pay a million dollars for a night there.


#1 I must not have gotten the report saying they have 100 million dollars.

#2 Nobody is going to pay a million dollars for a night there.

#1 - I have no idea how much the person who offered has (or if it was really the McGraws).

#2 - I've read about plenty of birthday parties/weddings that cost a million or more. Of COURSE there are people who would pay a million for a night in the castle. If it was throw-away type money, it's a once-in-a-lifetime type experience.

We were told one million - I wouldn't have been that impressed with a $100k offer.



New Member
I have donated money to Make A Wish.....I stand for everything make a wish is.

One of the most cherishing moments of my life came when I worked with a Make A Wish family in my college program in 2006.


Are you all telling me that the only way a child or family can dream to have a night stay in the castle suite is if they become apart of a Make A Wish family....due to horrible circumstances???

C'mon people

Radiohost--I'm with you 100%. I also have made donations of time and money to the charity. I also work with disadvantaged children (which most are) from Latin American countries where the people cannot even win!!!

Why choose one charity? What about mothers and children staying in shelters due to abusive spouses? What about people (all people) dying from other terrible diseases? I don't want to take anything away from the children, but the fact of the matter is that most of the children in the MAW program really wouldn't understand the significance of the suite stay anyway. So really it's for the parents. Not saying the parents don't deserve it--they do, but let's share the magic.

So we have to have children with fatal illnesses to get in the castle suite?

I have a fatal illness, only time will tell how long I'll be here and I am also far from a child but I don't love Disney any less. I don't expect to be "given" the suite because I'm dying, however.

Maybe staying in the suite would make a wonderful difference in a child's life, but (as I stated) most of the children would not know what was really going on.

I think it's more of a PR ploy from Disney than anything else at this point.


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