News Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom

Chef idea Mickey`=

Well-Known Member
I would be pretty upset if they cancelled this and so would a lot of other people. There has to be a reason why they want this specific area and not other expansion pads.

I think there is more to this. I think there is potential that cars and Villains are just the beginning of an expansion for MK. Anyway, it’s the only rationale I can think of. There are also murmurs of more to come. Even Josh ended D23 stating this. Anyway just a thought.
If your meaning cancel you mean for the Cars and later on adjusting changes for Villain's too? Yes Villain's is still blue sky in concept art so any changes can be done.


Well-Known Member
A lot of these terms don’t have total definitions - the Villains land is extremely blue sky compared to say… Tropical Americas.

But that’s not everyone’s definition of blue sky.
Blue Sky is not just a vague, cutesy phrase. It is one of the five phases of design (Blue Sky, Concept Design, Schematic Design, Design Development / Detailed Design, Construction Documentation) each of which have their own definition and distinct objectives.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Eh… sure. So which phase is villains in?
To answer your question, right now it's Concept Design.
Here is a quick rundown of the progression between phases.
(NOTE - this is educated guessing based on only one night of research, so I may be a little bit off on some of the exact definitions, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) I'll be using Galaxy's Edge as an example just to show progression between stages.
(Updated after further research 9/10/24 8:30 AM)
For reference, the initial BBTM concept art in 2022 with the little dark area was Blue Sky - This is designed to sell the idea to execs, greenlight further development. Any art released is VERY fanciful with NO set details at all, showing things that obviously could not truly be built as shown, simply provided to give the public an idea of what could be.

This year it was Concept Design - The initial design phase. This is where they work on designing the content, start R&D, do ride system tests, and work on what will be. Any art released takes much creative liberties, it's fanciful, will not accurately represent how it will truly look, but is there to show current plans. This is because content is still very much up in the air, changing near-daily at some points.

Schematic Design is "ok we know what we want in the land, we know where it's gonna go, now we actually figure out how to make it practically work" - stuff about capacity, guestflow, shopping, return on investment, where BoH stuff goes, etc. It's where they figure out "this is what we want it to look like, now how do we make it work with physics, building codes, laws, park rules, and decent for park ops to manage." Any art released here is still subject to change but is far more likely to represent what will be built.

Design Development / Detailed Design is when they decide ok yeah we know how to make this work, we know what IPs are going where, now we make final design choices, add all the tiny little details, make sure it's fully immersive, final architectural schematics, 3d renders, model/final concept art released to the public, get final approval. The land really doesn't change much after this phase. Any art released is almost certain to look nearly exactly how it will look irl.

Then of course Construction Documentation is exactly what it sounds like - creating show pieces, props, artwork, animatronics, and finally building and installing the full land. They may make last-minute choices or changes once they know what it actually looks like built, but this is construction and prepping for opening.

Sources -,
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Well-Known Member
To answer your question, right now it's Concept Design.
Here is a quick rundown of the progression between phases.
(NOTE - this is only educated guessing on my part, so I may be a little bit off on some of the exact definitions, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) I'll be using Galaxy's Edge as an example just to show progression between stages.

For reference, the initial BBTM concept art in 2022 with the little dark area was Blue Sky - we might do this if y'all like the idea. Any art released is VERY fanciful. NO set details at all, things that obviously could not truly be built as shown, simply provided to give an idea of what could be.
View attachment 814433
This year it was Concept Design - we ARE doing it, but we don't know a ton about the content yet. Still up in the air what actually goes into the land. Any art released takes much creative liberties, it's fanciful, will not accurately represent how it will truly look, but is there to show current ideas, plans.
View attachment 814431
Schematic Design is "ok we know what we want in the land, we know where it's gonna go, now we actually figure out how to make it practically work" - stuff about capacity, guestflow, shopping, return on investment, where BoH stuff goes, etc. It's also where they get the first models made, more permanent choices about ride scenes, building interiors/exteriors, creation of initial architectural renderings, etc. Any art released here is still subject to change but is far more likely to represent what will be built.
View attachment 814428
Design Development / Detailed Design is when they decide ok yeah we know how to make this work, we know what IPs are going where, now we make final design choices, make the layout for everything, final architectural schematics, 3d renders, model/final concept art released to the public, start finding contractors and transfer from WDI to final approval. The land really doesn't change much after this phase.
View attachment 814429
Then of course Construction Documentation is exactly what it sounds like - you build it, maybe make last-minute choices or changes once you see it actually built, but this is construction and prepping for opening.
View attachment 814430 has more details.
I don’t have time for detail, but this is not an accurate description of the phases of design.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
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Chef idea Mickey`=

Well-Known Member
Apparently, comprehension isn’t your strong point. Don’t twist my words. Appreciate it. Thanks!
Well my Bad. I first saw your replying under Florida Man and by mistake my reply was meant to reply under him as you can clearly see he is the one that hopes this gets canceled. My mistake, but doesn't mean you have to be mean about it just because it's not responded by what you wrote. Everyone else can read and know what your post says so being mean is unnecessary here.

Chef idea Mickey`=

Well-Known Member
Out of all the projects announced, I hope this one is ultimately canceled 🙏🏼 and that the imagineers find a creative way to navigate around RoA to allow access to the land behind big thunder for expansion.

Some sort of transportation to the land—skyway, moving sidewalk, tunnel, bridge. This is Disney and they can figure it out. They lifted a giant golf ball into the air for crying out loud.
If your meaning cancel you mean for the Cars and later on adjusting changes for Villain's too? Yes Villain's is still in vision phase in concept art so any changes can be done.


Well-Known Member
just curious* Do you think the the fandom would be more in favor of this if Disney dropped the second Card attraction if they could save a sliver of ROA.

*Not based on insider info just a question. Sacrifice Cars kiddo attraction?
Actually I think both can be accomplished. Save at least part of ROA and retheme TSI to the other kid friendly attraction/ playground. Access to the island might be a problem, but I dont think that would be overly difficult to solve. Marie


Well-Known Member
If they are removing the main portion of ROA for this, a small sliver of it without the riverboat would be sad... If the sliver they could save was the riverfront of Frontierland that would be a nice break from the new "Autoparts mountainscape"...but realistically a kids second attraction flat ride does not eat that much I am sure it would not make a difference... and whatever they would save would most likely be of little value to the overall look. I think they would gladly (and probably will) value engineer the second attraction out of the picture without saving any of the ROA though... I am currently in stage 3 of the DABDA Grief cycle...Denial Anger Bargaining Depression and Acceptance...

ᗩLᘿᑕ ✨︎ ᗩζᗩᗰ

Premium Member
Actually I think both can be accomplished. Save at least part of ROA and retheme TSI to the other kid friendly attraction/ playground. Access to the island might be a problem, but I dont think that would be overly difficult to solve. Marie
Based on the concept art it looks like the second attraction could easily be scrapped as a part of value engineering. and if that's the case they could potentially shift the whole project a little possibly allowing us to keep a little of Rivers of America.

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