Trip Report 9 days in French Quarter! What a holiday! What a resort! What a time!

Hi all,

Finally it is here! Our TR about our 9 day trip to the World! Hope you will enjoy it but be aware that it will be a long run before the TR is finished. Since we came back from WDW it is a madhouse at work and it will be for quite some time!

This trip is the second year in a row, but the most special holiday we ever took. We have more than a dozen trips to DLP but WDW was on our wishlist for years and years!

We married 5 years ago in August 2010. The years prior to our marriage we always said to each other when we are married for 5 years we will take a trip to WDW. And suddenly a year prior (last year) we had the oppurtunity to take a trip to WDW with friends. So we did! You can find the TR about that trip also here! When we came back last year we decided fast that we absolutely would do a trip next year because of the 5 year marriage. And then we found out that the fly tickets we already gone and only expensive tickets were left. So we decided to postpone the trip for at least a year. But Disney is Disney for us, so we kept on looking for a holiday and then found out that a October holiday to WDW would be as expensive as summer holiday. So the choice was easy! Another trip to WDW! Like I said because we are married for 5 years. And besides the reason there was even something more special, it would be our first trip with just the 3 of us. Our holidays were always with friends or relatives!

So October 16th 2015 was marked in our calenders with red circles and here we go!

Who: Ria (my wife, 45), Sacha (our daugther, 18) and myself (44)
Where: Port Olreans, French Quarter
When: October 16th - October 25th 2016

Overal we had a more than marvelous trip! Everything went as planned! We absolutely have no remarks on the holiday! The trip to WDW was more than OK, the stay in French Quarter was more than OK, teh days in the parks were more than OK,the fastpass+ was more than OK, Memory Maker was more than OK, the food was more than OK, MNSSHP was more than OK and the flight home was more than OK! Expect a TR with a lot of pictures, although we took less pictures than last year. We have a GOPRO no, so there are much videos, but you won't find them in the TR.

October 16th 2015: the trip to WDW
We wake up early, around 3 o'clock in the morning and within an hour we were in the car on our way to the airport. We arrived around 4 and the guys from the valet parking were there to take our car in 'custody' for our holiday period. The checking in for the flight went smoothly and then the big waiting began! The take off was as planned at 08.55 and then the 9 hour flight began and was more than OK!

The next pictures speak for themself. The flight was with a Boeing Dreamliner. Nice plane, good seats! The food was OK and looking back the flight was smoothly.

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We had 3 chairs next to each other, that was great and better than last year!


Even could take a selfie :)


More than half way!


The final hour before touch down at Orlando Sanford!




Much more to come! Next part will be first day in the Magic Kingdom!
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Well-Known Member
Look forward to hearing more of your trip report. Loved the photos with Mike Wazowski and Sully, I love those guys.
I actually got a fright from the picture of you with the snake around your neck!!!


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We are staying at the Beach Club in less then 2 weeks now! I can not wait.

Wow just 2 weeks! 156 days seems to be soooo long :) Never been to Beach Club. Our experience is only a villa in Kissimmee and POFQ.

Loving the update!! :)

Thanks, there is much more to come!

Look forward to hearing more of your trip report. Loved the photos with Mike Wazowski and Sully, I love those guys. I actually got a fright from the picture of you with the snake around your neck!!!

There will be more :) We also love Mike and Sully, and the smile of Sacha speaks for itselft :) And the snake on... :) Scarryyy :)


Well-Known Member
Wow just 2 weeks! 156 days seems to be soooo long :) Never been to Beach Club. Our experience is only a villa in Kissimmee and POFQ.

156 days will fly by! Our next trip after our May trip is in November. We are splitting the week between Universal and Disney. Staying at the Hard Rock for the Universal portion of the trip then staying at Saratoga Springs for the Disney portion. Its killing me not being in Disney the entire time, but my oldest son has been begging to do Universal so I finally caved. Beach Club is amazing! The pool is incredible and I love that you can walk to and from Epcot and Hollywood Studios when you stay there. It's definitely one of our favorites. We have stayed at all most every Disney resort. LOL!


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156 days will fly by! Our next trip after our May trip is in November. We are splitting the week between Universal and Disney. Staying at the Hard Rock for the Universal portion of the trip then staying at Saratoga Springs for the Disney portion. Its killing me not being in Disney the entire time, but my oldest son has been begging to do Universal so I finally caved. Beach Club is amazing! The pool is incredible and I love that you can walk to and from Epcot and Hollywood Studios when you stay there. It's definitely one of our favorites. We have stayed at all most every Disney resort. LOL!

They will fly by :) Especially when reading all the TR's and PTR's here and off course writing our own TR! So wow, you are going twice this year! We are thinking about 2017 as well and then again in October. It is the best period for us becuase of school holiday for Sacha. And we are in love with the Halloween season! Two years ago we also did some days in Universal. Then we stayd in a villa in Kissimmee. I checked Beach Club and it really looks amazing, but to be honest it is out of our price range :)


Well-Known Member
They will fly by :) Especially when reading all the TR's and PTR's here and off course writing our own TR! So wow, you are going twice this year! We are thinking about 2017 as well and then again in October. It is the best period for us becuase of school holiday for Sacha. And we are in love with the Halloween season! Two years ago we also did some days in Universal. Then we stayd in a villa in Kissimmee. I checked Beach Club and it really looks amazing, but to be honest it is out of our price range :)

Time will hopefully go fast. I have to go to DC for business for the rest of this week, then have to go back again Next Wed-Thursday so I'll be busy, which is a good thing!!! :joyfull: Yep... We're lucky we're only a quick plane ride away, just a little over 2 hours from Philadelphia so we try to get there twice a year. We love the Halloween season too but my oldest plays football so its hard to go during that time, but next year we are making an exception b/c my extended family wants to go then. We love the Beach Club... It is expensive, but I never pay rack rate. So it can be affordable with discounts. Did you ever look into renting DVC points? We do that often too!


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Time will hopefully go fast. I have to go to DC for business for the rest of this week, then have to go back again Next Wed-Thursday so I'll be busy, which is a good thing!!! :joyfull: Yep... We're lucky we're only a quick plane ride away, just a little over 2 hours from Philadelphia so we try to get there twice a year. We love the Halloween season too but my oldest plays football so its hard to go during that time, but next year we are making an exception b/c my extended family wants to go then. We love the Beach Club... It is expensive, but I never pay rack rate. So it can be affordable with discounts. Did you ever look into renting DVC points? We do that often too!

Well not too fast :) Otherwise the holiday will be over before you know it! Hej you have to visit DC for business, besides my work here in the Netherlands I also work for an American company situated in the DC area :) My last trip to DC was in February :)

Wow just 2 hours to fly. For us it is quite longer. Next October we first fly to Detroit and then a connection to Orlando. We did look into renting DVC points. Maybe something for the future!


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Sorry all for waiting so long for more updates. Work is crazy! In meantime I also went to Azerbaijan for work...... a more than great trip! I know it is off topic, but here are some pics from Azerbaijan. I will post more Disney after this one! The TR is far from over! By the way we also booked a trip for 2017 to WDW again! Just like this trip, the trip next October we will stay in POFQ again! So 3 years in a row!

Azerbaijan trip to Baku. From Amsterdam to Paris and from Paris to Baku. Normally my colleagues fly over Istanbul when they need to go to Azerbaijn. Luckily we did not. The day we too the plane to Paris was the same day of the attacks in Istanbul airport. So when we arrived in Baku and we got all the messages it felt like we had an angel on our shoulders!

The hotel in Baku, don't know if someone of you ever was in Paris, but it looks a lot like Paris!


They are building a Hard Rock Cafe in Baku, but it was not open yet!


It was quite hot in Baku, 34C/93,2F. So it was great that almost every room you are in has Airco. Between the meetings we worked at Starbucks.. so off course a Frappucino :)


After the first day of meetings it was to for diner. We went to a German Beerstub. Off course we sat outside next to a fountain. In Azerbaijan they called this the 7-Virgins Fountain.


This was our diner. 1,8 kg lamb. We were with 3 people and it was more than enough!


Baku is a city that looks very western with a lot of modern buildings. In the middle of town you can find the 'old town' with walls to sourround it and very near by the Caspian Sea. It was overwhelming. Walking from modern Baku inside the old town. It feels like you walked in to a Fata Morgana. or the faitytale 1000 and 1 nights....


This tower is from 800 before Christ!


From inside the Old Town you can see this modern towers, they called it the Flame Towers. Below you can see why :)


Like an old bazar!


During darkness they light up the above mentioned towers like flames!


So far about the Azerbaijan trip. Next is back to the TR and WDW :)
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So here we go again with continuing the TR!

We are on October 22nd 2015. A day in MK! As always the pictures speak for themselves!

The day started with somehting to what to choose.... everything looks marvelous an probably also taste marvelous :)






I had a cupcake and a cookie. Ria en Sacha... well you see what their choice was :)


Time to check ou the (then) not so ong ago opened hub!





Much more to come for this day in MK. I guess aorund 10 posts!

to be continued!


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I hope all is welll with you and yours

Off course everything is more than well. Next week just 4 days of working and then 14 day holiday. Although we have no plans for this days. The weather looks ok in the Netherlands for the next couple of weeks. And because we are going back to WDW next Ocotber we decided not to go on a summer holiday. And on your side of the ocean? I tried to see your profile to where on the planet you are, but no access for me :)


Premium Member
Off course everything is more than well. Next week just 4 days of working and then 14 day holiday. Although we have no plans for this days. The weather looks ok in the Netherlands for the next couple of weeks. And because we are going back to WDW next Ocotber we decided not to go on a summer holiday. And on your side of the ocean? I tried to see your profile to where on the planet you are, but no access for me :)
I'm a bit over an hour northwest of NYC and it's going to be Disney summer weather right up until we leave for Disney next weekend. I just tagged you in my official PTR


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Continue on October 22nd 2015.

Because it was Halloween season the theme in the park was Halloween wherever you look :)


It was time to go to Adventureland, although not much pictures from that moment.


After that we got ready to see the parade. Although the clouds look gray and full of water the weather was excellent and no rain at all.




Sacha and her bronze friends :)


Then it was time for the parade! We took a lot of pictures. I will not share them all with you, but be prepared to see a lot of parade pictures in the next couple of posts!





To be continued!


Well-Known Member
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I'm a bit over an hour northwest of NYC and it's going to be Disney summer weather right up until we leave for Disney next weekend. I just tagged you in my official PTR

Ok, around the Big Apple :) I will read to PTR after some more updates here. I was so long away, so at least now I have to post some more!

So next weekend... that's nearby! Enjoy the final pre feelings and off course I hope for a TR :)

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