8:00am Departure Saturday

Greetings all,

The kids are packs and ready to go. Saturday can't come fast enough. Just a 6hr hike from the Atlanta area, and Pop Century here we come.


Well-Known Member
Ya, ya...you y'all just keep on rubbing it in for those of us who have to wait 7 more months and sit through a long boring winter waiting for our next trip! :p :hammer:
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We've got about an 8:00 am departure on Saturday too, but flying. With all the airport time we'll probably be arriving at WDW around the same time.

Have a great trip!:wave:
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New Member
8:00 departure for us on Saturday, too! From our driveway... so we can do the passholder preview of Haunted Mansion... and then go home and put up a new deck in the backyard. I think I'd rather stay at the World the whole day instead.
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Resident Redhead
Premium Member
That is so exciting!!!

I have two weeks and three days to wait. I've already started my packing pile, and am severely distracted at work by thoughts of WDW (as evidenced by the fact that I am typing this while at work...)
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We fly out Monday at 8:00. I can't stand the wait!!!! I still have packing to do but my mind is like a bee hive with thousands of bees (thoughts) flying around inside. Every time I think of something, I write it down and I know I'll still forget something. Now that it's so close, time is going by so slow!!!!!:( But soon ... We'll be there with Mickey!!!!!:ROFLOL:
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New Member
I just heard from my sister-in-law who arrived this morning. They went directly to MK after checking-in at the hotel. They arrived at the MK at 12:30 PM and the line for Space Mountain was 10 minutes and the line for Buzz was only 5 minutes. Short lines! Have a great time:wave:
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Well-Known Member
I just heard from my sister-in-law who arrived this morning. They went directly to MK after checking-in at the hotel. They arrived at the MK at 12:30 PM and the line for Space Mountain was 10 minutes and the line for Buzz was only 5 minutes. Short lines! Have a great time:wave:
Lines were great when we were there last week too, crowds were great.
Have a great trip! I wish I was still there :cry: :cry:
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