

New Member
You should definately ride SM. It is listed as a five-story drop, but it's really not that bad. Besides, the rest of the ride is great. Sit in the back if you don't want tot get too wet.
Trust me, I used to feel the same way. However, if you just relax the drop is almost nothing at all. I will say that for some reason, at least for me, flume drops and roller coaster drops just feel different. I think it's because, at least in this case, the flume drop isn't as steep as coasters I've been on (Millenium force, Top Thrill dragster). Anyway, years ago I used to be very nervous about drops until my parents dragged me on it. I got worked up for nothing, it was FUN. I understand not everyone is like me, but I feel a lot of people are, afraid to just try it. I think you'll have a great time if you do:) Just relax and enjoy the laughing place:) It "feels" a lot worse if you tense up and let your stomach start flopping around. I think other can probably attest to this as well.

Do it! You'll love it!

Grim Grinner

New Member
One thing you must realize is that everyone gets a small degree of fear from dropping. Believe it or not, that's what causes many of us to actually want to ride. The sinking nervousness in your stomach is from fooling yourself with dangerous-seeming circumstances that are actually quite safe.

Fear causes adrenaline- adrenaline causes a rush.

Keep in mind that millions have ridden the ride and from what I gather any problems are rider error.

My solution is to simply get on the ride. Once you're on it, you're stuck for the long haul. Once you've tasted a giant drop, you'll probably want to do it again afterwards.

Growing up I was the same way. Now I'm a coaster junkie.

Splash Mountain is a tame drop. It is a far more interesting ride than a plume ride- there is a huge storyline and awesome effects. It has a catchy tune that'll stick in your head (That's something to fear!).

Bite the bullet and sit in the ride vehicle, because you'll think each drop is the big one- until it is. This calamity-minded ride is meant to scare you with anticipation. Trust me- ride it and you'll gain a new appreciation.


Well-Known Member
My son has a major fear of drops too, and he tried several times for several years to go on Splash, but he'd get all the way through the line, then bow out at the last minute. We didn't push him about it, and sure enough, eventually he decided he was ready to try it. Now he loves it and it's always a must-do for him. he still won't do ToT, but eventually he'll conquer his fear of that too! The fact that you're ready to try is a good sign - good luck, and let us know how you liked (loved) it!


Active Member
You need to do it, if anything just for the show inside the ride. thats my favorite part! the drop is great as well


New Member
I'm an official roller coaster chicken. I've been on Splash three times.. the drops make me miserable. Be warned there are also a few smaller drops inside the mountain that you can't see. I can fully relate to not enjoying the sensation of "thrill" rides. (Of course the only sensation I get is :hurl: :hurl: :hurl: )

With that said.. YOU HAVE TO RIDE. This is one roller coaster that is worth the pain to see just once. The inside is beautiful! Go and enjoy it.. you might even like it! :lookaroun

beagle 1

New Member
Shut your eyes before you go down the hill and scream your head off on the way down. Before you know it... the ride is over.


Active Member
Don't go on it! That'll shorten the line a bit for the rest of us!

Just kidding... do it, the ride is more than just the drop and that alone is worth it. It'll be over before you know it.:D


New Member
My husband, who has severe motion sickness, and is also afraid of any kind of drops loved this ride. The drop is only seconds long and the inside is well worth it. Try it just once to see but you'll probably love it too.


Well-Known Member
I think people push FAR too much when it comes to riding rides you don't enjoy or get sick on. They push and push and think it's helpful, but it's not. It's just peer pressure. I've never ridden Splash Mountain and never will. I'm terrified of heights and a dropping sensation will literally ruin my day. It's not worth it for me.

I got egged on over and over and over and over to ride Space Mountain. "Oh it's not bad!" everyone told me. I hated it. I was absolutely terrified. I don't care if 5 year olds ride it, but for me, it wasn't something I wanted to ride. I should have listened to my own opinion instead of letting everyone talk me into something that I really, really had a horrible time on.

Only you know what you can handle. A 50-odd foot drop is something not only do I know I can't handle but it's not something I want to force myself to do. There's more then enough to do and enjoy in WDW that I don't need to make myself miserable.

Good luck either way.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
PolarJim said:
Trust me, I used to feel the same way. However, if you just relax the drop is almost nothing at all. I will say that for some reason, at least for me, flume drops and roller coaster drops just feel different. I think it's because, at least in this case, the flume drop isn't as steep as coasters I've been on (Millenium force, Top Thrill dragster). Anyway, years ago I used to be very nervous about drops until my parents dragged me on it. I got worked up for nothing, it was FUN. I understand not everyone is like me, but I feel a lot of people are, afraid to just try it. I think you'll have a great time if you do:) Just relax and enjoy the laughing place:) It "feels" a lot worse if you tense up and let your stomach start flopping around. I think other can probably attest to this as well.

Do it! You'll love it!

You're using TTD as an example of something it's not as steep as? :lol:

Nothing is steeper than Top Thrill's drop! It's straight down with a 270 degree twist on the way!

For the OP: Splash's drop is mind-numbingly mild in comparison to TTD... But generally speaking, it's an exciting drop, but perfectly safe and loads of fun.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
I must admit that my most recent trip was my first on Splash Mountain. I was just always intimidated by the drop. So, I decided on this past trip that I would ride Splash, no matter what. I made it the first thing I did in the morning at the MK, which was also really nice because it was raining and there was absolutely no line--I literally walked directly from the entrance onto the load platform. This way, I didn't have to deal with the pre-ride anticipation, which makes it a lot worse. The story in the ride is fantastic, and the sets and animatronics are second to none. The drops really only make up a very small portion of the ride.

If you want to know, there are three smaller drops, and the big one. The first drop takes place shortly after the main lift, after you circle around the back of the mountain. This drop takes you into the show building. The second and third drops are nearly back to back, and are in the dark, similar to the one in Pirates. They happen about 3/4 the way through the ride, when Bre'r Rabbit has tricked Bre'r Fox and Bre'r Bear into falling into a hive of bees. These are very smooth (they're actually on coaster rails, if I'm not mistaken) and are not very steep. After these two drops, is the final one, which is over very, very quickly. By the time you've registered that you're falling, it's over.

Hope this helps! After my first ride, I immediately went back on it (still no line at that point) and it is now among my favorite attractions at WDW.


I will say that part of the illusion of SM is that when you go over hte top, you have visual effect of the bottom of the briars and you would think that the drop stops there but it goes under the briars, giving your body the illusion that hte drop is longer than it is...it is really just longer than you anticipate it being. It is truly not that bad..quite exhilirating!


New Member
Take It From a Scaredy Cat

I was scared the first time I saw Splash myself. I had to work up the courage to ride it the second time around. When everything was over I couldn't believed what I had missed. Some people might think that the ride goes up and comes down just like that, but there's more to it. In true Disney fashion, Splash mountain is more about the theme rather than the thrill, although there is great thrill. Just for a heads up, there is more than one drop, but believe me you will live, it's nothing. On my last trip to disney I rode splash several times in a row! That's amazing considering I used to only have enough guts to ride it once the whole trip. By riding splash over and over my fear of the drops turned into excitement. It is now one of my favorites! Please, you have to ride, well I don't guess you have to, but splash is definetly not a ride to miss.


New Member
I am going to put my 2 cents in. If you look at my previous post throughout this site you will see I have asked the same question. I finally got the nerve to go on this ride and like everyone said the inside of the ride is incredible

Usually I get the feeling of my stomach in my throat but i took Motion Sickness pills and did not feel anything. It was a great rush and I felt so energized off of it. I am going back Feb 10th and I am going to finally ride Big Thunder Mountain.

Please do it you will be very happy you did


New Member
horizons1983 said:
Yes, I really can't wait, Thanks ocne again for all your help, please give your 2 cents if anyone has any comments. It's funny, I love rock n roller coaster, test track, space mtn big thunder, mission space and many other thrills, so splash shouldn't be a problem.

splash is a walk in the park compared to them, just dont worry about it your gonna be fine;)

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
MissM said:
I think people push FAR too much when it comes to riding rides you don't enjoy or get sick on. They push and push and think it's helpful, but it's not. It's just peer pressure. I've never ridden Splash Mountain and never will. I'm terrified of heights and a dropping sensation will literally ruin my day. It's not worth it for me.

I got egged on over and over and over and over to ride Space Mountain. "Oh it's not bad!" everyone told me. I hated it. I was absolutely terrified. I don't care if 5 year olds ride it, but for me, it wasn't something I wanted to ride. I should have listened to my own opinion instead of letting everyone talk me into something that I really, really had a horrible time on.

Only you know what you can handle. A 50-odd foot drop is something not only do I know I can't handle but it's not something I want to force myself to do. There's more then enough to do and enjoy in WDW that I don't need to make myself miserable.

Good luck either way.
For what it's worth, I find Space Mt. a lot less enjoyable (and more unnerving) than Splash Mt. They don't even compare in my mind...but, of course, that's just me.

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