

Well-Known Member
I'm not nutso about drops, either, but Splash is just too good to be missed. As someone already said, when you get to the big drop, just shut your eyes, hold on tight, and scream like a banshee!!!

A "Ghost" Host

New Member
You should definatly ride. Splash Mountain is such a wonderful experience, the drop is really not as bad as it seems.I've no doubt you would surprisingly love it. :D


New Member
Splash Mountain is awesome, my favorite ride and I'm partial to it since me and the mountain were new to WDW at the same time. I can remember seeing it being built.

The drop does give you that exhilarated feeling. It feels great though and theres the nice cool down Zippity doo dah at the end.


New Member

if ya get scared just hold on the the handle bars. Splash Mountain is one of the parks masterpieces and should not be missed...(sigh) I wish i was on it right now (runs to camcorder and turns on splash mountain tape)


New Member
When I am faced with these decisions, I ask myself the question, "What's the worst thing that could happen?" The answer, of course, is that I could die. Would my death be such a bad thing? Then I say, "Naw, let's ride the thing!"

More often than not, my decision has been correct. However, I don't plan on doing Mission Space (The Teacups on steroids) again.


New Member
First time I saw Splash Mountain (during testing), I thought, I don't know if I can do that... (fear of rollar coasters and drops-childhood drama)

But I wanted to experience every ride at Disney and so the next trip when the ride was open...I decided to get in line.

I was nervous through most of the queue. Just before I got into one of the logs...I was thinking about chickening out. It's such a cool ride. I did spend most of the time waiting for the drop...but the animatronics were so cool...all the detail is great... you have to ride it several times just to take in a small portion of what goes on in this attraction.

Well...finally you come to the climb that takes you over the edge...my heart was racing...I look out over the top then shut my eyes as I went over...

BAm...it was over...I felt relieved...and then...there is more...a pay off...and as I was coming around to the end...I thought...that was cool.

I got back in line again.

I might add...that by the 4th time (that day) that I got back on...I decided to keep my eyes open...and you know what...

it's easier with your eyes open.

Now, I don't even get nervous of the drop.


Well-Known Member
February 20, 2005 at 11:40 pm-My sister and I were walking in Frontierland. We just got off PotC, and were heading to the Haunted Mansion. Then we saw it: Splash Mountain had a five minute wait. She wanted to ride it, so we both got in line. Somehow, I found myself inside the log (but we did have our own :) ).

Throughout the ride, my sister wouldn't stop cackling. I was incredibly nervous, because I didn't want to ride it. By the time the big drop came and went, I was laughing as well.

The final drop wasn't bad at all. I've been too nervous to ride it since, but we're going with some friends in a few weeks, and I have to set an example for them. I know that I'm gonna love it, but I'm still kind of nervous.


Well-Known Member
i hate the drop more than anything, just thinking about it gives me butterflies. but, every time we are there alex makes me ride sm and tot and i hate and love it at the same time. think about it, it's only a few seconds of your life and it's really not that bad. the rest of both of the rides are cool and are must sees. do whatever you are most comfortable with though. have fun



New Member
Just sing the song;

Ha Ha Ha Ha,
Ho Ho Ho!
Boy are we in luck!
We're visiting our Laughing Place
Yuk Yuk Yuk Yuk Yuk!
Oh Ho Ho,

Everybody's got a Laughing Place
A Laughing Place to go-ho-ho.
Ride Splash Mountain
And do that drop
And you'll throw up
We know-ho-ho!


New Member
A bit off topic, but has anyone heard the "Semi-moles" chanting FSU in Splash? I just heard it for the first time two weeks ago after a fellow CM tipped me off. I cracked up.


Well-Known Member
OP : try to look at the silver lining -- even if you don't like the ride you'll KNOW that you don't like it instead of having to wonder. If you do like it then think of all the enjoyment you will have in the future. It's WIN-WIN as my boss would say! haha


Well-Known Member
A couple of thoughts. My wife is not a big drop person. She rides it once a year. She describes the rush as just about all she can stand and then it's over. In other words, it takes her right to what she thinks is her peak and when she doesn't think she can stand it any more, it's over. It truly is short.

One other point I would make, I too, feel safer on flume drops than on coaster drops. something about if i fell out i would be in the water as opposed to plummeting to the ground. (And no, you're not going to fall out.)

If you are worried about getting wet, sit back and left.

It's about a 12-minute ride that is full of wonderful music and special effects.

SPOILER ALERT: Stop reading if you don't want to know what happens.)

There are often helpful people like me in the log with you who will try to convince you each drop is going to be the big one. This especially occurs on the initial climb ((which is all of about 10 feet)).

But believe me, there will be no doubt when the big one is coming. There are buzzards perched overhead and you go UP about 50 feet in a cave filled with what appear to be bats peering out at you on the way.

By the way, there's actually a really neat story going on in the ride that you'll be able to follow the second time you ride it when you are not constantly worried about when you're going to drop.

Further by the way, my brave wife rode Tower of Terror once, just so she could say she did. don't expect to get her back on that. But that leaves just the Rockin Roller Coaster as the only attraction she's never ridden.

And once you've ridden, you may become like the rest of my family. Our current record is 13 consecutive rides on an E-Ride night.


Simba1 said:
A bit off topic, but has anyone heard the "Semi-moles" chanting FSU in Splash? I just heard it for the first time two weeks ago after a fellow CM tipped me off. I cracked up.

ya ive heard that for a couple of years now. I was told that an FSU student/alumnus helped design it and threw that in there. you cant really notice it if you dont know its there (it sounds just like a sneeze), but if youre listening for it, it is quite obvious.


New Member
Glad you decided to ride it. The first time I got the chance, I chickened out....but enjoyed rides like Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. I have a problem with drops too, but when I did go on, it was nothing. Only a couple seconds, not very steep, and I lived to tell the tale. Now when I ride, I proudly pose for the picture.

Now I only have a problem with really big drops. :D


New Member
Drops, heights, etc. - I am also not crazy for them! I have a question for everyone......How would you compare the drop of Kali River Rapids to Splash?

Is it as steep, longer, shorter, etc ?? Cause I have rode that and was also wondering about the drop like the Original Post Man! "Horizons1983"


New Member
I won't lie--Splash Mountain's is bigger and steeper...

It's anything but scary though! My advice is to ride Splash Mountain. The drop is literally a couple of seconds, not any longer than Kali. I was terrified the first time I went on--and laughed at myself for being scared when I got off!


Well-Known Member
horizons1983 said:
Hello all, I was hoping maybe you guys could help me out. All of the many times I have visited WDW (twice a year) I have never been on splash mountain because of my fear of drops. I was thinking of doing it this time with the hope that it is not as bad as I am making it out to be. I also notice that when I'm on the Norway ride and I see myself dropping, it isn't that bad. I'm beginning to think that maybe since I would see myself drop with splash mountain it wouldn't be as bad as it seems. What do you guys think I should do??? Any info?? Thanks alot!

Mike Tenuto

You will be wprried and afraid the first time no matter what is said but you have to ride it. The drop is only a small part of the ride. The whole ride is a site to see....It runs you through some of the scenes from Song of the South.
Its a 25 minute ride.


New Member
I have been struggling with the same thing. (First time to WDW in less than two weeks, squee!) I am pretty sure I am going to ride - I think I can handle it. I hate, hate coasters, but this seems doable. Last year at Disneyland I was going to try it and literally as we were the next to get on the ride in line, it broke down. I couldn't get up the nerve again when it was back up and running later that day.

So Mike, I'll go if you go, okay? :)


Well-Known Member
figmentmom said:
I'm not nutso about drops, either, but Splash is just too good to be missed. As someone already said, when you get to the big drop, just shut your eyes, hold on tight, and scream like a banshee!!!

but if you time it right or just get lucky as you are at the first little hill you can see SADCT parade...past couple times it has happened and its pretty cool to see (yes just for a brief moment) it from that veiw!!!! aww open those eyes its not so bad..

12 more days....oh ya...here we come !!!!disney !!!:sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Splash mountain is awesome! I was so nervous the first time I rode it and still get nervous but I love it! Maybe you can help me with a similar issue...
I've never been on Rockin Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror. How bad are these? I've never been on a roller coaster that goes upside down. Last time I went to MGM I was determined to go on ToT but I chickened out (my parents weren't exactly enthusiastic about going on it either). Is it really as bad as it looks? hehe Thanks

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