"They" never announced Night Kingdom. And by "they", I assume you mean Disney.
Night Kingdom was a concept that only Jim Hill spoke about publicly. Night Kingdom and the Night Kingdom Saga was a tale entirely distributed by Jim Hill and his website. No one from Disney ever mentioned it once. Interestingly, none of the other well-known bloggers or website celebs (Al Lutz, etc.) ever got close to the Night Kingdom topic, they wouldn't even touch it. It was entirely a Jim Hill property, and it never came to be.
I always assumed that the Night Kingdom story may have been leaked to Mr Hill on purpose in order to put out a feeler out there and see what the public reaction would be.
I do think that Jim pulls stories out of thin air or makes a big deal out of a bit of info, but I wonder if he was used in this occasion.
I've met Jim, he's a nice guy and he does love Disney. I don't think he does things maliciously. Having said that, I tend not to give much weight to what he writes. I see him more as an entertainment writer.