5th gate


New Member
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Is there a 5th gate in planing?I heard about the Night Kingdom rumors but Disney never offcialy announced it.So could we see a 5th gate any time soon?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, with Avatarland no one can complain any more about AK being a half day park.

So we need a new park to start the complaining all over again about how it's only a half day park.


New Member
Original Poster
This questions has been beat to death on this forum. I think if you use the search feature, then you will surely find lengthy discussions about the fifth gate. :wave:

I know I did that & they were all 2007-2009 I want to see if anyone knew anything new.


Well-Known Member
What I said last this was brought up is still true today. It is something that I don't see this happening for 5 reasons. WDW has parks that are not a whole day park to to a lot of people. The 2nd issue is cost to run 5 parks. The 3rd reason is Disney doesn't do a lot of maintenance at WDW as a whole and it shows like Fantasmic! as an example. The 4th reason is people will complain that the 5th gate isn't a whole day park. Walt Disney World World be competing against itself for attendance if there is a 5th park. That means Walt Disney World Attendance wouldn't decrease, but it wouldn't increase at the time. That also means the 5 parks will be fighting for the same person.

While Avatarland is going to turn AK from a half a day park to anywhere from a 3/4 of a day park or a whole day park, DHS needs a lot of work from turning it from being a half a day park based on what a lot of people think about the park.

DHS has more stuff to do than it did back when I first went there in 1991, but at the same time DHS isn't what you call a whole a day park. DHS to do something with Sounds Dangerous, and Studios Backlot Tour currently in terms of replacing the attractions.


Well-Known Member

There might be ideas sitting in a cabinet in Imagineering or something, but as far as I know, nothing in consideration. I'm not an insider, but consider the following:

-A fifth gate will do more to cannibalize attendance at the existing parks than it will do to increase resort-wide attendance.
-It's a huge start-up cost. Billions of dollars go into building a respectable park, and that takes years to recoup. Not a worthy risk in this economy.
-There's not enough land. A couple thousand acres worthy of construction remain on WDW property. Magic Kingdom takes up about 70 acres, and its parking lot is about the same -- And MK is a small park. I believe Animal Kingdom and its parking lot weigh in at around 500 acres in total. Epcot takes up around 250 acres including the parking lot.
Yes, I suppose they have the acreage for a park, but it's broken up across the property. There are few contiguous areas of land where a park and a parking lot can be built. Plus they would rather use the remaining land for hotels than parks. Parks have room to add capacity, if need be, through expansions. Hotels would need to be built to complement added park attendance, according to WDW's logic.

If a fifth gate opens, it won't be in the same vein as the current 4 parks. Something more like a Discovery Cove type thing. Small-ish park with premium prices. It's cheaper to build, takes up less land, and makes back the investment more quickly.

I don't want a fifth gate. In all likelihood, it will be an experience little better than DCA on opening day. Money is better spent expanding the existing parks.


OV 104
Premium Member
You are completely right! We need a 5th gate! Did you hear that the 5th gate is supposed to be nothing but Marvel! Yep! That's right, Islands of Adventure is being forced to take all the Marvel out and it is ALL going to DISNEY IN THEIR NEW PARK. I am so excited, Supermouse, SpiderGoof, and the lot of them. It is truly a great time to be a Disney fan. They will build this 5th gate and have it open before the decade is out. I am just sure of it!


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Is there a 5th gate in planing?I heard about the Night Kingdom rumors but Disney never offcialy announced it.So could we see a 5th gate any time soon?Beacuse i think we need a new park beacuse Animal Kingdom is what 12,13 years old? WE NEED SOMETHING FRESH!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Always enjoy posts of newcomers... good luck on that 5th gate. As has been previously discussed on MULTIPLE other threads, various reasons will lead to this not happening, anytime remotely soon anyway! Welcome to the boards!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Yeah, with Avatarland no one can complain any more about AK being a half day park.

So we need a new park to start the complaining all over again about how it's only a half day park.
It will be a while until the AK expansion is finished and with nothing big on the horizon for DHS we should still be able to complain about it being a half day park for quite some time.:D


Le Meh
Premium Member
You are completely right! We need a 5th gate! Did you hear that the 5th gate is supposed to be nothing but Marvel! Yep! That's right, Islands of Adventure is being forced to take all the Marvel out and it is ALL going to DISNEY IN THEIR NEW PARK. I am so excited, Supermouse, SpiderGoof, and the lot of them. It is truly a great time to be a Disney fan. They will build this 5th gate and have it open before the decade is out. I am just sure of it!

Yes, but it's only going to be a .652485930642116808474313579076896421468 day park, and the monorails won't run after the park opens.

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