Figments Friend
Well-Known Member
I'm really curious about what the integration would look like for IASW and Disney characters. That seems like such an odd juxtaposition to me.
Look no further then the current version of Small World at Disneyland Park in sunny Southern California.
Likely similar to this, where various Disney characters will be added to most of the ride scenes as stylized figures.
England has Alice and Peter Pan, Italy has Pinocchio, Polynesian / South Pacific has Lilo & Stitch, and the list goes on and on.
Have a look -
What was once a nice tribute to how we are all the same under one sun represented by the similar looking molded dolls, now the experience has been turned into a game of 'Where's Waldo' in some respects.
Instead of just enjoying the charming and colorful cohesive scenes, Guests now ride through trying to find the character figures 'hidden' in the scene.
It is unavoidable...I even catch myself doing it sometimes.
This is exspecially true for the kids riding though...which is fun for them I am sure, so your opinion may vary.
I am not a fan of the 'characterization' of Disneyland's version of the Attraction, despite my favorite creative being involved in the project.
I get the impression it was somewhat mandated by the company, but why the sudden rush to stick in a bunch of characters you can see elsewhere in the Park..?
Seems a bit redundant and repetitive.
'Synergy' taken to the extreme maybe? I'll let others form their own opinions.
To date, I have yet to have heard a straight answer from anyone as to what the reason was at the time that Disney felt they needed to add characters to the Attraction.
Tokyo Disneyland I believe did this 'characterization' version first, and then a few years later Anaheim's Park decided it suddenly needed this addition too.
I'd really like to know why .....
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