5 Girls and 1 Guy...I think I'm in over my head here! A September Trip Report

What a great trip! Everything was perfect from start to finish, starting with a huge Edmonton Eskimo win over bitter rivals, the Calgary Stampeders, in the annual CFL Labour Day Classic. I was lucky enough to attend the game the day before we left thanks to my wife being so amazingly cool and dealing with the last minute packing and a cranky baby without me. I know she hated me being gone but I was so grateful to get the chance to head to Calgary for the game. I was all packed and ready to go a few days before we were ready to head out, but, thanks to someone, I had to re-pack everything that I had neatly folded and readied for the trip.


You know, it didn’t even dawn on me that I would be surrounded with 5 women of varying ages for the next 9 or so days until my mother in-law brought up the ratio at airport when we were getting ready to board our first plane. I guess I was just too excited to get back to the World after a few years absence that I didn’t really care who I was going with. All of the sudden the thought of banging my head against the wall, looking at my watch while waiting for them to get their hair just right in the morning kept flashing through my head! What did I get myself into?

Day One - September 6

Anyway, back to the trip. Our trek to the World started bright and early on September 6. We were up and at ‘em at 3 am to ensure we were at the airport by 4:30. That meant waking up Ella way before her we should have but surprisingly she was very well behaved. Me, my wife Kelly, her cousin Britt and Ella met my mom (Ally) and Kelly's mom (Deb) at the airport a little after 4:30 to get through customs for our 6:45 flight. A smooth process at that time in the morning so it was nice not to have any glitches. We had time to feed Ella before the flight which was really good for her.

Our first flight was to Houston. I was in a row with Kelly and the grandmas, while Britt was seated ahead if us with a mother and teenage son from Texas. The son caused some stress as he told Britt it was a 5 hour flight to Houston, in reality it was only 3 and a half. Not good to get the heart racing at that time in the morning. Flight was pretty full so I was a little nervous that Ella would turn into a bear at some point and make the early flight a tad tougher for everyone. Thankfully I was wrong. She was great...for the most part. She couldn't sit still and had a tough time figuring out who she wanted more, mom or dad. She slept for about an hour which helped pass a little time. We landed in Houston around 11:30. Kelly remarked how quick the flight seemed to which I responded "that was the fastest 5 hour flight I've ever been on" which drew a quick look back by the teenage son in front of me.

After a quick layover in Houston, we boarded our flight to Orlando at 1:30. This flight was golden. Ella slept the entire 2 two hours and before we knew it we landed at MCO.


A relatively quick cab ride to the Wilderness Lodge was all that separated us from the World! We arrived and were blown away by the resort before we stepped outta the cab. The detail is incredible and the grounds are amazing. We were checked in by a fellow Canadian who was most helpful. She gave Ella a 1st Visit badge upon learning it was her first time at Disney. We made our way to the rooms, which are cozy but very nice, and got things set up and unpacked. A few pictures of the grounds...


The view from our balcony




We were all pretty tired from a long day, especially Ella, but we had a reservation booked at Whispering Canyon Cafe for dinner so relaxing could wait a little longer and I'm glad it did! What a fun place to have a meal. Bob (or as many call him, Geppetto) was our server. He was great right off the bat. He was playful with Ella and she loved it.


We ordered drinks and food and sat back and soaked in the atmosphere. A few tables asked for ketchup which is clearly an event in itself! Just before our food arrived, Bob noticed Britt's pop was empty so he ensured she wouldn't run out for the rest of the meal.


The food arrived and we all dug in. I wasn't overly hungry so I just ordered the pulled pork spring rolls. They were outstanding as was everyone else's meal; at least they said it was. Unlike a lot of people who post reports, I didn’t take a look of pictures of our food, though looking back on it I wish I had, so I apologize for the lack of food pictures. We wrapped up dinner with a few pictures to remember the visit and Bob gave Ella a Mickey plate to take home as a keepsake. We asked if we had to pay for it and he said with a wink “I don’t know nothing about it!”

The beds were calling after that so we called it a night to get ready for the Magic Kingdom and Ella's first Disney experience.

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your daughter is so stinking adorable. I just want to pinch her little cheeks.

Loving the trip report and pictures. I really liked the part where you said, "only headaches they don’t mind dealing with are those that come as a result of too much rye". That made me laugh out loud.:ROFLOL:

She is a little cutie. Already has daddy wrapped around her finger and she can't even walk yet.

I'm glad that you are enjoying the report. I figure why not take a quick jab at the mothers...they'll never read it anyway. Plus it's the truth so it's not like I'm making stuff up! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Your daughter is too cute :) Love how she hams it up with all the characters!!!

And what a beautiful view you had at the Wilderness Lodge!!!

Can't wait to read more!!!!

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your daughter is too cute :) Love how she hams it up with all the characters!!!

And what a beautiful view you had at the Wilderness Lodge!!!

Can't wait to read more!!!!

Thanks for reading!

We were lucky at WL. We originally had a standard view booked bit they upgraded us to courtyard view when we checked in.

I should be able to post more in the morning.


Well-Known Member
She is a little cutie. Already has daddy wrapped around her finger and she can't even walk yet.

I'm glad that you are enjoying the report. I figure why not take a quick jab at the mothers...they'll never read it anyway. Plus it's the truth so it's not like I'm making stuff up! :lol:

being wrapped around her finger doesn't ease with age. my daughter is 14 and daddy is still mush in her hands. This is why we have 2 cats and 2 dogs. haha

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
being wrapped around her finger doesn't ease with age. my daughter is 14 and daddy is still mush in her hands. This is why we have 2 cats and 2 dogs. haha

:lol: yes I don't see it getting any better for me for decades to come. I suppose I should be content with her not talking yet as she can't ask for quite as much

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Day Four - September 9

With no reservations or morning plans, we wanted to take it easy and sleep a little longer before heading to the park. Animal Kingdom was on the to-do list for the day. Ella had other plans though. Like clockwork, she was bouncing around in her crib at 7:00 am on the nose. We had no choice but to get up and start getting ready for the day. Ella even helped out with getting people out of bed and into the shower.


Since we were not in a huge hurry to get to AK, we decided to check out Roaring Forks for a quick breakfast snack before heading out. Roaring Forks has a great selection for breakfast, lunch and dinner and it turned out to be a place we went quite often throughout the trip, especially when we were back in the resort while Ella napped. Nobody really ordered anything “big”, instead opting for fruit, yogurt, muffins and coffee to start the day. I would later find out that Roaring Forks has outstanding oatmeal which I could easily eat every day. We sat outside as it was another beautiful day. The Lodge has a nice little patio-like space just outside of RF with a number of tables. Thankfully at this time in the morning the building shaded us from the sun so it was pretty comfortable while we were eating.

We took our time eating before we made the walk to the bus area to get to the park. We arrived about 9:30 am and our first stop was going to be Kilimanjaro Safaris. Along the way we found Miss Bunny and Mekko so we stopped to say hello.



As was a trend on this trip, we walked right on to the safari and were on our way. It was a sunny yet mild morning so the animals were out in droves. We saw a lot of different animals and got a lot of great pics. I’ve been on the Safari a number of times in the past but never saw the amount of animals out and about as we did on this adventure. We all loved it, especially Ella.

Just a few of the pics I took during the Safari...





We did some shopping on our way to Disney's forbidden mountain. On our way we ran into more characters. Terk, Baloo and King Louie were set out on a trail near Asia so we stopped in. Ella is obsessed with the characters now which was so cool to watch. It’s like watching her play with our dog at home. Her reaction was so genuine and excited. Her interactions with the characters were the highlights of the trip for me.



Everest, like RnRC and ToT, is too much for the granny's so they both jumped at the chance to soak up some sun with Ella. Everest is one of my favorite rides at WDW. The themeing of the queue is amazing. It's one of the few rides I don't mind waiting for because there is so much to look at as you make your way through the line. Sadly I didn't get that opportunity on this day. The posted wait time was 5 minutes. Lines were so short at this point everyone was going through the fastpass return line. We waited maybe 3 minutes to be loaded on the ride which was awesome. The ride was everything I remembered. Fast, thrilling (for Disney) and a lot of fun. I still haven't had the chance to the A-mode yeti but I always like seeing that chilling outline screaming towards the final turn. We figured the Ella was in good hands so we jumped right back in line. This time the wait was a legit 5 minutes but only because we asked for the front this time. Glad we did as the ride is just that much better from the first two rows.

By this time Ella was getting a little tired but we forged on to Dinoland to ride Dinosaur...another ride I really enjoy. We took advantage of baby swap so I went first with my mom and Britt. By the time we made it through the queue and the screening show, we might have waited about 10 minutes. My mom was a little paranoid the ride would be too rough but she ended up loving it. It seemed to be louder and rougher than it was last time which was fine with me. Kelly and her mom had taken Ella to triceratops spin and we met up with them shortly after our ride. Ella looked beat so me and my mom walked around with her covered in the stroller while the other three rode Dinosaur.

Ella did fall asleep pretty quickly as we walked around. My mom was very excited to see that she could get a cold beer at the park and vowed to get one when she met back up with the rest of the group. As you may have gathered, both her and Deb enjoy a cold drink every now and then, or in Deb's case, all the time. We met back up with the group who wanted to head to Tough to be a Bug. I stayed with Ella as she slept and enjoyed a cold beer myself (I too enjoy the odd cold beverage every now and then) with a jalapeño cheese pretzel. It was like 10 minutes in heaven while I baked in the sun.
Enjoying your TR! Your little girl is adorable and I love all of the photos of her interacting with the characters! Looking forward to reading more!

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
After Bug we went towards Kali River Rapids. Along the way the granny's stopped for a beer only to be told the keg was dry at one stop. What a shame! I think at least one of them would have jumped into the rapids but their quest to quench their thirst won out. Me, Kelly and Britt stood in the 10 minute line with the hope of cooling off a little. I've always been disappointed with this ride for the simple fact that it's just too short. Grizzly River Run in California Adventure is so much better in my eyes not for the fact that there are more drops and rapids, but because the ride is actually worth the wait, in my opinion. The ride was short and somewhat sweet as we did get a little wet but not soaked. That would come later.

Everyone was getting hungry at this point so we chose Flame Tree BBQ for a quick lunch. I wasn't too hungry after the pretzel so I split a pulled pork sandwich with Kelly. For what I had it was pretty tasty. If I were hungry enough for a meal I likely would have tried the ribs but alas I couldn't pass up that pretzel.

Lunch came and went so we decided that we had accomplished so back to the hotel we went. Ella woke up just as the bus arrived so we fed her and got her ready for the pool. She loves the water as much as she loves seeing characters. We only spent about 4o minutes at the pool before heading back to the room. The girls, minus Ella, were heading to the Cirque show at DTD at 6:00 pm. Being the great guy that I am, I arranged tickets for them to go to the show before we left Edmonton. I have a few friends who work for the Cirque shows in Vegas (one who used to be the athletic therapist for the show at DTD) so he hooked me up with seats inside the sound booth for the girls. I have seen the show already a few years back and since Ella is not old enough for the show, I was happy to give them a night out and spend a little daddy-daughter time with her. They wanted to arrive a little early to shop before picking up their tickets. I wanted to make the most of my time with Ella so we were headed to MK to spend some quality time with her and take in my favorite park together.

Off we go...

We arrived by boat around 3:30 pm and went straight to Pirates. I was nervous she wouldn't like it based on her reaction on Peter Pan a few days ago. We were seated alone in the first row of the boat which I really appreciated. She seemed relaxed until the drop. She dug into my hand very hard as we made the drop. Other than that she really seemed to enjoy the ride. She pointed at things, waved at pirates and screamed in delight for the dog with the key! I was just pleased she didn't blow up.We then rode Aladdin's Magic Carpets and the Jungle Cruise before taking a stroll through Fantasyland and getting a few pictures.



Sad to know this may not be around for much longer



I thought she might end up falling asleep but caught a second wind near Tomorrowland. Before doing anything else I wanted to feed her so I found a very quite spot on Main Street and fed her in a very faint drizzle. As soon as she finished, I heard a few slight shots of thunder and while I wanted to take her on more rides and spend more time with her at the park, I decided we might as well head back and maybe jump back in the pool if the weather turned out to be nothing serious. Well it turned out to be very serious. Just as we walked under cover at the resort boat launch the skies opened and it started pouring buckets. It rained like I had never seen before. At one point I couldn't see the Grand Floridian from the launch dock.

Just before the heavy stuff started coming down


The Grand Floridian in the rain. It was coming down really good at this point.

Luckily I had the rain shield for the stroller. I slapped it on as the wind forced the rain sideways into the covered area. Ella laughed and played in her stroller while dear old dad took a beating from the rain. Thunder and lightning boomed around us making some young kids around me cry. I felt bad because Ella just sat there clapping and waving at people. About 45 minutes later the rain slowed enough for boat service to continue and we were on our way back to the Lodge. I was thankful I wasn't wearing white as that would have provided a show that nobody would have wanted to see on the boat ride back to the resort.

We arrived back around 6:30 pm. I was starving but the lines for Roaring Forks and Whispering Canyon were far too long to wait in. I ordered a ridiculously expensive pizza from room service and got Ella bed around 7:30 pm (her regular bed time at home).

The rest of the group got back from Cirque around 10:00 pm. They got caught in the storm as well while wandering through DTD. Apparently Britt wiped out pretty hard in the rain, soaking her nice dress. I felt bad hearing it but sheepishly regretted missing her fall! They all really enjoyed the show and were happy that I was able to set up this night out for them.

An early wake up was upon us and a date with the Princesses at Cinderella's Royal Table so we went to bed for some much needed sleep.


Well-Known Member
Off to a great start!!! I know you heard this about a million times already, but I just have to say it one more time! Ella is quite the little cutie pie! :)

Can't wait to read more. Did you stay at the lodge or in the villas?

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Off to a great start!!! I know you heard this about a million times already, but I just have to say it one more time! Ella is quite the little cutie pie! :)

Can't wait to read more. Did you stay at the lodge or in the villas?

Thanks very much for reading! Appreciate the kind words as well! :wave:

We stayed at the Lodge itself, but after quick reflection after a few days, we should have looked into booking a Villa to make things a little easier on our group. Things worked out well as it was with two adjoining rooms but a Villa would have been ideal.

Oh well...next time I guess


Premium Member
I am loving your report! we are taking our one yr old next week for 12 nights so seeing your pitures and hearing about your trip with your little one has been great for me!! The pictures of her are sooo amazing! It's great to see her enjoying herself so much!!!! Give me hope that our son will enjoy this trip as much as I am hoping he does!!


Well-Known Member
Loving your report!! Great job! Your daughter is absolutely precious. Makes me so excited for the day I have kids to take to the parks. Looks like a totally difference experience - in a good way! Keep up the good work!

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am loving your report! we are taking our one yr old next week for 12 nights so seeing your pitures and hearing about your trip with your little one has been great for me!! The pictures of her are sooo amazing! It's great to see her enjoying herself so much!!!! Give me hope that our son will enjoy this trip as much as I am hoping he does!!

Thanks very much for reading!

I wasn't sure how she was going to do with everything but it turned out so well! It made for a much different trip but it was well worth it! I hope you guys have a great time with your son next year. :wave:

Loving your report!! Great job! Your daughter is absolutely precious. Makes me so excited for the day I have kids to take to the parks. Looks like a totally difference experience - in a good way! Keep up the good work!

Thanks for reading! I'm just happy people are enjoying it.

You're absolutely right, it's a completely different experience, but in a good way. Made me really appreciate the little things throughout the World. Definitely looking forward to the age when she can rip around with dad and spend all day at the parks!


Well-Known Member
Loving the TR so far! LOVE the view you guys had from your room at the WL. We have a courtyard view booked for November... Fingers crossed we get a view like yours!! How far of a walk were you from the main lobby and Roaring Forks?

The pics of Ella and the characters are great!! I'm seen some kids her age scream when they close to the characters. It's awesome that she likes them so much! Cant wait to read more!! :)


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with derelicte19 on this one - my daughter was so wary of the characters until she was 3 1/2 or so - you lucked out with that cutie pie!

Love the report so far!


great report so far. I have seen rain like that before and its not fun to get caught in, but all part of visiting the world. Glad to see Ella having a good time. the first time i took my son he hated most of the rides. Hopefully this trip in December he will go on more of them

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Loving the TR so far! LOVE the view you guys had from your room at the WL. We have a courtyard view booked for November... Fingers crossed we get a view like yours!! How far of a walk were you from the main lobby and Roaring Forks?

The pics of Ella and the characters are great!! I'm seen some kids her age scream when they close to the characters. It's awesome that she likes them so much! Cant wait to read more!! :)

Thanks for reading! :wave:

You should have a great view as well if you have a courtyard room booked. From what I could tell, every room with courtyard views had a nice view from their balcony.

Becasue of where our room was, it wasnt the shortest walk to the lobby but by no means crazy long. Maybe a couple minutes to get to the elevator. We were on the third floor so the elevator ride was always quick. Once we got to the lobby, Roaring Forks was the furthest restaurant to get to but again, a relatively quick two minute walk at most.

I have to agree with derelicte19 on this one - my daughter was so wary of the characters until she was 3 1/2 or so - you lucked out with that cutie pie!

Love the report so far!

Thanks for reading! :wave:

I wasn't sure at all how she would react. Initially I thought she would do better with the huma characters but it turned out to be the opposite. Made for some great moments!

great report so far. I have seen rain like that before and its not fun to get caught in, but all part of visiting the world. Glad to see Ella having a good time. the first time i took my son he hated most of the rides. Hopefully this trip in December he will go on more of them

Thanks for reading! :wave:

That rain was crazy! We don't see anythign quite like that here in Edmonton. At least we were kind of undercover during the whole thing. Other than those 45 minutes the weather was amazing the entire trip so take the good with the bad I guess.

Have a great trip in December!

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