5 Days at Disney World, 12 Days to Plan, 3 Resorts and 1 Broken Leg

When – Saturday November 17th- Thursday, November 22, 2012

Where – Animal Kingdom Lodge, Old Key West and Saratoga Springs

Who – Just the 4 of us this time! Myself, Stephen my hubby, Chase 17 and Ally 15. Since it was just the four of us, I somehow neglected to get a single photo of us together! I think there are only three of them with myself even in them! So here we are in parts.

Stephen and I – Self portrait at Dole Whip


Stephen, Chase and Ally on the monorail, supporting their team, DC United, for the big game that evening:


Why – Well because we wanted to of course. :D But why Thanksgiving week, one of the most crowded weeks there is? Well there were several reasons. For one, it’s tough to find a time to go these days that works for all 4 of us. I can go anytime, of course, and I do! :) But the teenagers and hard working hubby are harder. We had rooms booked for President’s Day weekend, but the kids had a lot of conflicts. Also, we had nothing to do for Thanksgiving. About 12 days before we left, I got an airfare alert for $176 flights to Orlando.

So what do you do when you don’t have anything to do for Thanksgiving and you can fly to Orlando cheaply? You go visit the mouse of course!! We go enough that the crowds don’t bother us much, so it seemed like the perfect solution.

The kids were more than game, and Stephen cleared it with his work. We bought the tickets and set to work trying to find somewhere we could use our DVC points and use about the same amount of points as we had planned to use in February. As expected, we didn’t have a lot of options, but that was no biggie either. Just happy to be going!

We ended up with the first night at Kidani in a savannah view studio. The next two nights were, get this, in a grand villa (yes for four of us :p ) at Old Key West, then two nights in a studio at Saratoga Springs. This would be an adventure!

Of course that was just the beginning. About 9 days before we left Ally was at basketball tryouts and rolled her ankle. Her ankle was huge when I picked her up, but she’d done something similar at volleyball tryouts and it was just sprained then. I assumed that was the case here, but we went to the doc just in case. When he told us there was a fracture, I was shocked! My first thoughts were sadness that she probably wouldn’t make varsity since she only went to one day of tryouts, and my second thought was how sad her volleyball coach was going to be when we told her that Ally wouldn’t be at the last volleyball tournament of the season in two days. It didn’t hit me until we were in the car going home that we were going to Disney in 9 days.

I screamed – “Oh no!! We’re going to Disney World!!” That may have been the first time I’ve used “Oh no” and “we’re going to Disney” in the same sentence. Ally immediately started clamoring for an electric scooter which seemed like a bad idea for too many reasons to list here. :)

She had a walking cast, but there was no way she was up for the amount of walking that Disney entails, so we were looking at our first trip to Disney with a GAC card and a wheel chair! This should be an experience.

Oh, and if you were wondering, Ally did make varsity. All five foot zero of her. And she’s a freshman! She’s out for a few weeks, but thankfully basketball season is long. Go Ally, go Ally…go go go Ally…:D


When the walking gets to be too much, that’s what a brother is there for:



On the monorail:


I bet I passed you here, or at the TTC, I have a picture just like yours from the monorail station at Epcot and my camera says 12:26. I was meeting friends at 12:45 at the TTC.

My husband does a lot of work with high end visual inspection cameras and he says the new IPhone cameras are better than most digital cameras, so I am sure you will get great pictures once you play around with it.

Did you get a chance to play with the panorama option on the IPhone, I love that option.



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I bet I passed you here, or at the TTC, I have a picture just like yours from the monorail station at Epcot and my camera says 12:26. I was meeting friends at 12:45 at the TTC.

My husband does a lot of work with high end visual inspection cameras and he says the new IPhone cameras are better than most digital cameras, so I am sure you will get great pictures once you play around with it.

Did you get a chance to play with the panorama option on the IPhone, I love that option.


Ahh! I bet we did!! Man! We should have met up!

I did get much better with the iphone camera after a while. I would never give up my camera for it, but it's so stinking convenient!

Yes, we did play with the panorama! I've got a few of those coming. Actually Chase played with it and I love it! Great shot of MK from yours!


Well-Known Member
Great trip report (and beautiful photos) so far! Your family is so cute :) I looooved all of the pictures of AKL. In 16 days, we are staying at Kidani in a savannah view studio for the first time ever, and your pictures have me extra excited!!!


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Great trip report (and beautiful photos) so far! Your family is so cute :) I looooved all of the pictures of AKL. In 16 days, we are staying at Kidani in a savannah view studio for the first time ever, and your pictures have me extra excited!!!

Thank you, Howe! You will love the savannah view rooms! They are definitely in the top 3 on property for me! :)


Well-Known Member
I'm catching up, Tammy!

Love love love all of it, of course. Not that anyone would post "This stinks. I'm bored. Why do I read this?" LOL!

The airport pics and adventure to get there is always a particularly interesting aspect of TRs that I think gets passed over a bit. It's fascinating to see the mundane parts of the journey. When you have teenagers, the getting there can be even more of an adventure. I know!

So sad about Ally's cast/foot. That's a bummer. I'd been meaning to ask after all the Instagram and Toes pics with hints. I thought I remembered you mention a sprain some time back but I didn't realize this was a new owwie. Poor thing!

Late night arrivals at AKL are kinda weird. Had one of those myself. What was even weirder (is that a word? It is now) was waiting at the abandoned front desk for someone to appear for 5 or so awkward minutes. Very odd. Sorry about the room issues but, hey, a free meal isn't too shabby either. It's always when I see AKL savanna view pics that I miss that room. Loved watching the critters.

Yum! Boma breakfast is a good one!

I love your un-hurried pace. Getting to Epcot after noon? Eh, no big deal. Some people have spouses that absolutely stroke out over such. Ugh!

Can't wait for more. Just the pics of Epcot from the monorail have me psyched... ;)

Oh! And I love the iPhone 5 camera, too! Well, you know that since I took so many of our pics on our last cruise with it. And the panorama is a feature I adore...which you also know already. LOL!

Okay. So write more before you go to WDW. Again. This week. Ya bum! LOL! Hey! Bring back more maps since my stupid list blew up to almost 40. I'll cover the shipping, no prob! :cool:


Well-Known Member
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I'm catching up, Tammy!

Love love love all of it, of course. Not that anyone would post "This stinks. I'm bored. Why do I read this?" LOL!

Well that would be an interesting post, lol!

The airport pics and adventure to get there is always a particularly interesting aspect of TRs that I think gets passed over a bit. It's fascinating to see the mundane parts of the journey. When you have teenagers, the getting there can be even more of an adventure. I know!

I was trying to show the long long passage of time, haha! I think I burned out my family on pictures before I even left the airport.

So sad about Ally's cast/foot. That's a bummer. I'd been meaning to ask after all the Instagram and Toes pics with hints. I thought I remembered you mention a sprain some time back but I didn't realize this was a new owwie. Poor thing!

Yes, she's had problems with it for several months. She's obviously got a weak ankle there! I'm hoping physical therapy is going to help!

Late night arrivals at AKL are kinda weird. Had one of those myself. What was even weirder (is that a word? It is now) was waiting at the abandoned front desk for someone to appear for 5 or so awkward minutes. Very odd. Sorry about the room issues but, hey, a free meal isn't too shabby either. It's always when I see AKL savanna view pics that I miss that room. Loved watching the critters.

Yum! Boma breakfast is a good one!

No one was at the desk? That is even weirder! (Yep, made it past spell check)

Breakfast was delicious!

I love your un-hurried pace. Getting to Epcot after noon? Eh, no big deal. Some people have spouses that absolutely stroke out over such. Ugh!

I would have stroked about that a few years ago! Now we tour at a much more relaxed pace. Familiarity helps, as well as the knowledge that we'll be back. :)

Oh! And I love the iPhone 5 camera, too! Well, you know that since I took so many of our pics on our last cruise with it. And the panorama is a feature I adore...which you also know already. LOL!

Okay. So write more before you go to WDW. Again. This week. Ya bum! LOL! Hey! Bring back more maps since my stupid list blew up to almost 40. I'll cover the shipping, no prob! :cool:

It is really fun to use the camera on the phone. I have thoroughly enjoyed it!

I will get some up today and tomorrow! No worries. Before I go to Disney World on Wednesday. :D

Oh, I'll get more maps too!


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Epcot, finally! Hello, Stitch!


We stopped and got the wheelchair and GAC card first though. Here’s Ally’s sweet ride. See that's the genius of the iphone camera. I took this picture, and 30 seconds later it was on Facebook for all the grandparents to see.


We didn’t have a destination in mind, we just wanted to walk around and soak it all in. We stopped for some Beverly first.


We went down to Soarin’ next, but it had a 90 minute wait. Yikes!



We listened to the land instead.






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When we were waiting for the elevator, we had to wait for several minutes while someone tried to manipulate their ECV in a very tight turn. Reinforced to me that the wheelchair was the correct call.




After that we started making our way around the countries. I decided it would be fun if I took a picture of the kids in every country! They didn’t think it would be as fun, but they consented.




Chase was playing with the panoramic pictures on my phone. Super cool!




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Ally was chillier than the rest of us, since her legs weren’t moving.



We did stop in to see Voices of Liberty real quick. They seriously give me chill bumps. Or they did until Ally spilled her coke all over the floor and I had to go find something to clean it up with.





Continuing our journey around the world…





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When we got to the UK Revolution was playing. We stopped for a little while.


I told them to be silly. They went in different directions:



Then we listened to Off Kilter for a little while:


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Tonight our favorite soccer team, DC United, had a playoff game.

Stephen is a blogger for their fan site, and when they made the playoffs he was ecstatic. I'm pretty sure I recall some dancing around the room in fact. But when he realized we would be in Disney for their home playoff game, he wasn’t quite as excited. :p

So tonight we had the brilliant idea that we would eat at ESPN zone and see if we could find a channel that had soccer on.

We caught the boat over. Instagram photo!




When we got a view of ESPN zone and the ginormous line of people, mostly wearing Eagles jerseys, we realized we had made a fatal error.

So plan B! We were going to go check in to our Grand Villa and watch it there! The problem was getting there. Game time was close enough that I knew we’d never make it with a double transfer. So we opted for a cab! This was another first for me at Disney. We walked out the front door of Beach Club and they called us a cab. It was there in about three minutes.

Inside Beach Club:



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$14 later and we were at Old Key West. We checked in and our room was ready. Here’s the lobby. My daughter is such a photo bomber.





The resort is huge, but we weren’t far from the Hospitality House, which was nice.


We walked in and were blown away by the size. Oh my word! Two stories, 4 bathrooms, a balcony with a beautiful view of the golf course and pond. It was awesome. A bit cavernous for the 4 of us, but we weren’t complaining. :)

First order of business was to find the playoff game:


Our view out the back:


Our balcony:



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They brought our bags almost immediately and I did my usual, don’t stop to open any curtains or turn on lights, must hurry before everyone spreads out, and ran all over taking pictures.



Master bedroom:


I seriously spent a minute trying to figure out what this was before Stephen walked in and said, “Look a flower!” Haha!


Ginormous bath tub!! That’s what I’m talking about!



Chase’s room. I’m in the mirror!


Ally’s room:


Must be a commercial:



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We finished watching the first half and then walked over to main area for some food. Look at this cute railing!




We had burgers and fries and they hit the spot.



The boys walked back to the villa while Ally and I got a wheelchair to use for the rest of our stay there.

We lost! Actually we tied but we needed a win to advance so everyone was sad for a couple of minutes. But just a couple!


We decided to make ourselves feel better by going to Magic Kingdom for the evening.

Are we ready to go yet?



Well-Known Member
Ally was chillier than the rest of us, since her legs weren’t moving.


We had the exact same problem with Chandler when we had to push him around during the November 2010 trip. I ended up buying a blanket for his legs because I knew he'd end up letting my sweater drag the ground at which time I'd have finished him off for good. LOL!

Castaway Club gift! I hear ya, girl!!!

So plan B! We were going to go check in to our Grand Villa and watch it there! The problem was getting there. Game time was close enough that I knew we’d never make it with a double transfer. So we opted for a cab! This was another first for me at Disney. We walked out the front door of Beach Club and they called us a cab. It was there in about three minutes.

Really??? First cab ride??? Whadya think? I mean, I know it's $$ you don't ~have~ to spend but it's so fast! Instant gratification! And so peaceful! Well, if you don't get the cursing cabby Tracey & I had back in May '08. We still crack up over that guy!

Oooooh...OKW is so pretty...I think I'd like to stay here. Not that I'm partial to anything "Key West" or anything. Burning question that just occurred to me! I wonder if they sell Lily Pulitzer clothes in the shop! I know. Fat chance. But how stinkin' cool would that be?! So, where'e the sea plane tour pick up at??? LOL!

We walked in and were blown away by the size. Oh my word! Two stories, 4 bathrooms, a balcony with a beautiful view of the golf course and pond. It was awesome. A bit cavernous for the 4 of us, but we weren’t complaining. :)

A bathroom for each of you! That's stinkin' awesome!!! How many bedrooms was it??? My mind is reeling...ideas for pre-cruise w/Jerry & the girls in May... Heehee!

Master bedroom:


King size bed? Yes, please. But...grrr...they lost me with the stupid bedspread. Whyyyyyy???? Such scratchy-evil-ness!

Did it take forever to fill up the tub??? That's totally a tub for 2! I love the tile, the color scheme, and the wood on the walls! So pretty!

Look at all the butts!!! Bwaaahahahaaa....had to do it! Love corny Nemo references!

We lost! Actually we tied but we needed a win to advance so everyone was sad for a couple of minutes. But just a couple!


We decided to make ourselves feel better by going to Magic Kingdom for the evening.

I'm so glad you were at WDW so the sad couldn't last. Could you imagine being at home with everyone sorta wallowing in it? At least at WDW you can snap back to reality and find some pixie dust to make it all better. Kinda an oxymoron there but I know other Disney peeps will get it. LOL!

Love love lovin' it, Tammy!


Active Member
YAY, another fantastic review !! It amazes me how often you can go to Disney but yet your pictures are always so different, you really do see things that other don't even notice.

Although your kids thought you were crazy, I bet Misty was happy to see all those pictures of her boy :)

Looking forward to reading more, I love all the holiday decorations. Now to convince Trevor that the crowds really wouldn't be that bad because I would love to go over the Christmas break !!

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