48 inches tall...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
history: i'm taking my 7 y/o granddaughter to wdw for a few days at the end of august just the two of us. she's just scraping the 48 inch height requirement she'd need for rides like rnrc. we're frequent wdw visitors. she's not 50lbs but is the kind of kid born to ride roller coaster. she was barely 2 and would laugh wickedly with one hand in the air and one hand on the joy stick going up/down on dumbo type rides trying to freak out anyone riding with her. when she became tall enough for the 3 mountains in mk nothing else existed, in fact, her 1st time trying space mountain she took it upon herself to ask the cast member for the last seat on the train. both hands are always in the air, i couldn't get her to hold on if i paid her.

so my question is if this were your child at this point would you do a ride like rnrc? do you think the takeoff is to intense for one that little? would the overhead restraint thing even go small enough to hold her in? (i'm not worried about her being afraid of the ride by any means). thanks a bunch...obviously i haven't had to think of mom stuff for a little one in a loooonnnnnggggg time lol.


Well-Known Member
As far as safety is concerned, they would never let her ride if the overhead restraint didn't secure her in correctly or if there was any danger to her by riding.

That being said, the take-off for RNRC is very intense but from what you're saying it seems that she'll do just fine with it. In my opinion if she can successfully ride Tower of Terror and Mission Space without any hesitation/problem then she's good to go on RNRC.

Hope that helps! Have a great trip!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
it does thanks. i'll have to double check to see if she's ridden tower of terror or mission space. i'm the car sick one of the family so i don't like tot and haven't ridden mission space since it first opened (made me car sick...or maybe it was the margaritas we'd had earlier lol) anyway, when we travel with a big group she often takes off with her dad and aunt (my two daredevils) so i'm not sure if she's ridden those two yet or not but that's a good gauge i hadn't thought of. will have to double check. i figure once she gets tall enough for the rides at places like bush gardens i'm going to loose my disney partner (sigh).

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
My 10 year old is/was the same way. She has been a thrill ride junkie since the day she was born. She would sleep with her arms in the air and we refereed to her as our roller coaster baby. The height marks on the wall at our house had height goals with specific attractions on them.

We let her go on the attractions as soon as she hit the height limit and have never had even the slightest issue. One word of advice.....if she is right at the height limit be prepared for one CM to say OK while another says no, even if you have already been on the attraction previously. Don't argue, just let it go. Their only interest is your granddaughters safety. One thing we found our daughter was doing was scrunching down to fit under the bar. We told her to bump her head on the bar and that issue went away,


New Member
My daughter is 7 and also loves roller coasters( well kid ones anyway) Last time we were in WDW she did the goofy barnstomer and was hooked! She then went onto Splash mountain and since my son was a baby, we did the baby pass and she got to ride again. We didn't get on space mountain but I am sure she would like that too. Now we saw she is tall enough for the TOT but I am hesitant to put her on it. And I would not put her on the RNRC. I dont think she is ready for that but who knows. She is just 48 inches and about 40 pounds. I would be more nervous than her! But I am paranoid!

If she has done the TOT and loved it then maybe she would be good to go. You can't see it until you are up close but there is always time to back out. You do get to see it take off before you get on.


Well-Known Member
My daughter is 7 and also loves roller coasters( well kid ones anyway) Last time we were in WDW she did the goofy barnstomer and was hooked! She then went onto Splash mountain and since my son was a baby, we did the baby pass and she got to ride again. We didn't get on space mountain but I am sure she would like that too. Now we saw she is tall enough for the TOT but I am hesitant to put her on it. And I would not put her on the RNRC. I dont think she is ready for that but who knows. She is just 48 inches and about 40 pounds. I would be more nervous than her! But I am paranoid!

If she has done the TOT and loved it then maybe she would be good to go. You can't see it until you are up close but there is always time to back out. You do get to see it take off before you get on.

My daughter is about the same size as yours and loves ToT! We went on 5 times in a row one time. She loves all the coasters too! :D


Well-Known Member
I don´t think you´ll have a problem. I was always the shorty in the family (I shouldn´t say I WAS. I´m currently 26 years old and I´m 4´11´´ ) but I always loved thrill rides. I never had a problem riding them as long as I met the height requirement, which I did just precisely, almost never made more than an inch or two higher than the line.


Marching along...
Premium Member
We just returned from WDW this morning with our 7yo who w/o shoes is just 48". She rode RnRc for the first time this trip and absolutely loved it!! She was a little nervous about the take off, but after riding - had no problems...in fact we rode it twice more before leaving!!:)


Well-Known Member
My 10 year old is/was the same way. She has been a thrill ride junkie since the day she was born. She would sleep with her arms in the air and we refereed to her as our roller coaster baby. The height marks on the wall at our house had height goals with specific attractions on them.

We let her go on the attractions as soon as she hit the height limit and have never had even the slightest issue. One word of advice.....if she is right at the height limit be prepared for one CM to say OK while another says no, even if you have already been on the attraction previously. Don't argue, just let it go. Their only interest is your granddaughters safety. One thing we found our daughter was doing was scrunching down to fit under the bar. We told her to bump her head on the bar and that issue went away,

Also good to have some shoes that add a little height. I just had some friends visit and they had identical twins with identical height one was able to ride RnRC the other was not due to the shoes being a little shorter than the others.


our daughter was 4 the first time we took her to WDW (march 09)...she went on TOT 8 times in a row lol ....she is pretty tall for her age, so it is hard to decide to let her go on rides just becuz she is tall enough......we let her make the decisions....last yr she was 5 and finally tall enough for EE and SM...she LOVED SM....went on it 5x lol, but when we went on EE it was raining and it felt like needles hitting your face, so she didnt wanna go on again.....this year she will be tall enough for RnRC and she can not wait.....like others have mentioned, the CMs would not let them ride if safety was an issue, so if shes brave enough, go for it.....u never know what they will like/dislike....my daughter is a roller coaster junkie, but dont ask her to go on Dinosaur again lol


New Member
When we took my 7 yr old daughter, we just started with less intense rides such as Thunder Mountain and worked our way up. She had no problem with anything including ToT. Her favorite is Expedition Everest!


Well-Known Member
Took our kids two years ago, ages 6 and seven, the younger was just 48" with shoes, rode RNR and never looked backed. They are both hooked. As far as MS for a guage, it doesnt compare, as its an enclosed spinner ride with a moving screen in front of you, more people get sick on that than anything else. Back on topic, your grand daughter should be fine and you two will have a great time!!


New Member
Last year we took our boys (4 and 7 at the time). Both boys had never been on any "wild" rides before but never thought twice about riding the ones at Disney. Our younger son wasn't tall enough for RNR but was tall enough for TOT and he had no care in the world what the ride was or did, just was excited that he was tall enough. He loved it! Our older son had never been on a roller coaster, much less one that flipped, and he LOVED it! I wouldn't have any hestitation about your granddaughter, if I were you! Enjoy riding with her!


My daughter is 7 and also loves roller coasters( well kid ones anyway) Last time we were in WDW she did the goofy barnstomer and was hooked! She then went onto Splash mountain and since my son was a baby, we did the baby pass and she got to ride again. We didn't get on space mountain but I am sure she would like that too. Now we saw she is tall enough for the TOT but I am hesitant to put her on it. And I would not put her on the RNRC. I dont think she is ready for that but who knows. She is just 48 inches and about 40 pounds. I would be more nervous than her! But I am paranoid!

If she has done the TOT and loved it then maybe she would be good to go. You can't see it until you are up close but there is always time to back out. You do get to see it take off before you get on.

See I am having the opposite problem here ...my daughter just turned 5 (last Saturday), weighs 42 lbs and is at 46 inches tall..last year when we took her she was 42 inches tall and hubby wanted to put her on EVERYTHING that the height restrictions would let him..I had to "fight" with him over it..yes she's tall enough and fairly brave, but she was only 4...now that she is 5 and tall enough for so much he's chompin at the bit to get her on something BIG (but honey she's older now)...I keep telling him..don't ruin it.. (he hated roller coasters until I got him on one about 8 years ago and it's been go go go every since...lol)..she's a bit of a drama queen (5 year old girl, go figure..lol) so she kinda plays up the being afraid a little bit..so you never knwo when she is really afraid


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
my granddaughter has been doing splash and thunder since she was 4. splash is her all time favorite. she started doing space at 6 and loves it. she hasn't been back over to dhs to have a chance to try tot since she was tall enough to ride. she's seen pics/video and heard about it and wants to ride it but omg it's the ride i hate the most...i have a thing about falling and haven't ridden it since my daughter (now almost 22) was 6 lol. i may have to put on my big girl hat and suck it up...ok now my stomach already hurts lol :dazzle:

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
My youngest son was almost 7 when we went for his first trip in '07 and had never been on a thrill ride before then. He did every ride and RnR is now his favorite of all time. We did it 3x that trip!!!

I think kids get (what I call) "Disney bravado" when they are there so I'd say take her. As long as she is ok getting "into the car" on her own, she will love it once it's over.

Have a great time. :wave:


Well-Known Member

Not being a smart a** but what if one is a midget? Do you really not get to ride something due to height requirements?


Well-Known Member
Yes. It has nothing to do with age it has everything to do with safety. A person under the height requirement would not be properly restrained and therefore they could slip out and get seriously hurt. It is sad but it is a safety issue. There are a lot of fun rides that don't require you to be average height.


Active Member
history: i'm taking my 7 y/o granddaughter to wdw for a few days at the end of august just the two of us. she's just scraping the 48 inch height requirement she'd need for rides like rnrc. we're frequent wdw visitors. she's not 50lbs but is the kind of kid born to ride roller coaster. she was barely 2 and would laugh wickedly with one hand in the air and one hand on the joy stick going up/down on dumbo type rides trying to freak out anyone riding with her. when she became tall enough for the 3 mountains in mk nothing else existed, in fact, her 1st time trying space mountain she took it upon herself to ask the cast member for the last seat on the train. both hands are always in the air, i couldn't get her to hold on if i paid her.

so my question is if this were your child at this point would you do a ride like rnrc? do you think the takeoff is to intense for one that little? would the overhead restraint thing even go small enough to hold her in? (i'm not worried about her being afraid of the ride by any means). thanks a bunch...obviously i haven't had to think of mom stuff for a little one in a loooonnnnnggggg time lol.
my little bro went on rnrc when he was 6 an tot when he was 3 and was fine. it hink she shoul be ok. she sounds a lot like me.lol

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