Greetings everyone. This is my first foray into judging, so here goes!
First just wanted to give kudos to
@kmbmw777 for the prompts in this competition.
@Magic Feather
When I first started reading your prompt, I thought we were going to get all sorts of exotic water locales, creatures and underwater adventures based on the planet being made up of so much water. I was a little disappointed that wasn't explored more based on the make up of the planet itself. I thought you did a nice job of giving a basic set up of the planet, how things were laid out, etc. Completely appreciate anyone that puts themselves out there and takes the time to do custom art work of any type. I felt like there was a good deal that was not explored though based on the prompt as far as more detail with the tourism and how was this truly a living park
Forza One
You knocked out some of the basic backstory of the prompt with getting to your planet, government, and some excursions (some amazing stock photos btw). However you were missing some of the other features that would make this a living planet with the inhabitants, etc. While the natural planet excursions looked awesome, I was also looking for potentially some insights on attractions built for the planet whether they be monuments, themed attractions, etc.. In other words tourism that the locale might also enjoy. I know you were short on time, but thought you had a good start to a beautiful planet.
Not sure really to begin here with yours.
First I'll say your website was spot on. Felt you did a really nice job with the set up and would blend very similarly to local tourism websites for some large cities on Earth. I don't want to get too much into talking about your project because I fear I'll leave something awesome out. Really loved your attention to transportation and all of the different options that would be needed for a planet. You checked a lot of boxes with this project and to me really delivered something that I would almost expect to see in a team competition in a championship round but you did it yourself. I don't want to speak for kmb, but I think you really nailed the prompt and then some.