We've stayed on property 3 times now and have used the DDP all three times, including 2007, when appetizer was still included. Even without appetizer, I've done the math and found it to be a money saver, providing of course, that you don't choose the cheap buffets for all your table service meals.
However, if this latest news is true, even though the math would probably STILL show it to save money vs out of pocket, I have a good mind to drop the DDP for our next trip. While the DDP DOES save money, the downside is that it is restrictive for people like us who like to go off property more than once per trip. Because if you do a day off property, then you have to pay out of pocket for food at THAT venue, plus you then have to fannagle it such that you use that extra meal credit at some point so that you don't waste it. On this last trip, for example, we had originally planned to visit Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios. However, with our son along, we had to go at a much slower pace and were not able to get as much done at the Disney parks in one day, so the day we planned to do IofA, we went back to Animal Kingdom instead to cover missed ground from our first day. And the day we were supposed to go to Universal, we went back to DHS to cover lost ground. Also, we wanted to get our money's worth out of the Disney tickets we had already purchased rather than spending money for the 3 of us at Universal for 2 days. And, in that whole thing was also the fact that we would have had to sit down and eat lunch out of pocket each of those two days, and then find a way to use that DDP credit at some other point.
So, long story short, if we scrapped the DDP on our next trip, it would give us the freedom to go wherever we want off property and not feel like we have to be confined on property to use those DDP credits. And I DO want to do the Universal parks, although I have planned to do Universal the past two trips and have stayed on property after all each time. Not getting the dessert as part of the DDP may be that last necessary incentive to persuade us to pay for ALL meals out of pocket so that we can eat anywhere we want, on property or off, without having to worry how our DDP account is going to be affected.