2008 Marathon Weekend: How Did You Do?


New Member
that video is awesome!

My dad and sister in law did it... and it was really great because both had lingering injuries come about roughly 2 months prior to the race... both went to the doctor a week before, and both doctors told them they shouldn't race; but if they chose to it wouldn't kill them... just be careful...

so they planned on running as far as possible then walking; but both ran it, said the adrenaline and all the people supporting them along the way (its nice they have your name on your number so people can support you!) kept them going...

they both finished around 2:20... (they did the half)

and now, completely outta shape and only able to run a half mile right now at best... i begin my training because it was so much fun to be down there it made me really want to do it... so I'm officially training for the half next year!

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member

So, 1/3 of the way through the year, how's anyone doing with their training for '09?

I am determined that I'm going to run the 1/2, got myself registered and everything, but I'm a long way from being able to run over 12 miles yet. . . and the hot weather is almost here.

. . . but I'm going to do it. :D


New Member
So I guess I'm a little confused. What half marathon was this weekend? I know about the Minnie Marathon (9.3 miles, not a half(?)), my sister ran it. I was cheering everyone on at mile 2, 8, and at the finish.

The Disneyland half isn't til August or Sept. I've done the Walt Disney World Full Marathon the past two years and I'm signed up for the Goofy Challenge for '09. For those of you wanting to sign up just know that the half and the Goofy Challenge are already full. The Full marathon is already at 55% or so. Sign up quick!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So I guess I'm a little confused. What half marathon was this weekend? I know about the Minnie Marathon (9.3 miles, not a half(?)), my sister ran it. I was cheering everyone on at mile 2, 8, and at the finish.

The Disneyland half isn't til August or Sept. I've done the Walt Disney World Full Marathon the past two years and I'm signed up for the Goofy Challenge for '09. For those of you wanting to sign up just know that the half and the Goofy Challenge are already full. The Full marathon is already at 55% or so. Sign up quick!
There was no half this weekend, MKCP was just bumping this thread from the January races.

I was surprised at how fast the half filled for 2009. Marathon racing is becoming quite popular.


New Member
Well, I'm signed up to run the 1/2 in 2009. Training won't officially start for me until September. I'm trying to keep my running base at about 22-25 miles a week; give or take a few. It's going to get more difficult as the hotter temps arrive.

Hope everyone has a great summer running season!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, I'm signed up to run the 1/2 in 2009. Training won't officially start for me until September. I'm trying to keep my running base at about 22-25 miles a week; give or take a few. It's going to get more difficult as the hotter temps arrive.

Hope everyone has a great summer running season!
22-25 miles a week and not be in training is going to have you in good shape heading into September.

I'll be running in the Disneyland half in August and I'm concerned about the Florida summer heat while training. It's gonna be a booger, for sure. I just finished the Country Music Half Marathon, so tomorrow I'll start the slow jogging again and really kick the training off the first of June.

Good luck in January! :wave:


New Member
22-25 miles a week and not be in training is going to have you in good shape heading into September.

I'll be running in the Disneyland half in August and I'm concerned about the Florida summer heat while training. It's gonna be a booger, for sure. I just finished the Country Music Half Marathon, so tomorrow I'll start the slow jogging again and really kick the training off the first of June.

Good luck in January! :wave:

I'm hoping I'll be able to keep up my running. I'd really like to finish the 09 half under 2 hrs (2:11 in 2008); without feeling like I'm going to die. If I stay injury free and keep up my training base, I think I should do fine. I'd also like to take my time through MK and maybe stop for a picture or two; that means I really have to haul a** during the other parts of the race!! Hope you have a great race in August; you'll get the special medal right?!!


Active Member
No kidding about the Florida heat. I broke down a couple of years ago and bought a quality treadmill because of it. I've been doing all my runs during the week on it, but I still do my long weekend runs outside (though I've moved my start time back to 6AM or earlier to try to get done before there's too much sun). I just cant do more than about an hour on the treadmill without going nuts, even with video and/or music. I'm right at my maintenance of 35 miles a week now. I'll be running the TOT race in October for the first time (can't wait!), and then will start gearing up for the WDW marathon. I may or may not run the Jacksonville half marathon in December - depends on whether it fits into the training schedule.


New Member
I ran the full this year and it was great fun. Although I didn't do very well I still plan on doing next year. I also be running the 5K on Friday with my mother, she needs someone to run with. I can't wait.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm hoping I'll be able to keep up my running. I'd really like to finish the 09 half under 2 hrs (2:11 in 2008); without feeling like I'm going to die. If I stay injury free and keep up my training base, I think I should do fine. I'd also like to take my time through MK and maybe stop for a picture or two; that means I really have to haul a** during the other parts of the race!! Hope you have a great race in August; you'll get the special medal right?!!
Yep, special medal! :sohappy: That's a HUGE reason why I'm doing the DL race. :lol: And it's also turned into a 25th anniversary trip for me and the Mrs.


New Member
I loved the Tower of Terror race. It's such a different experience to run at night. It wasn't really put together too well last year but it was their first year and I'm sure they've got the bugs out. I'd like to do it again. The medal was my favorite I've ever received.


New Member
Well, I just found out that we are NOT going to Florida for Christmas this year, which means I CAN come down for the marathon (two trips to Florida in less then a month is a little to much money). Yippy! The Marathon Weekend usually falls on my birthday, SO I am running the Full for my 40th. I can't wait. I did the Full in 2005 and it was the best birthday I have ever had. See you all there!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, I just found out that we are NOT going to Florida for Christmas this year, which means I CAN come down for the marathon (two trips to Florida in less then a month is a little to much money). Yippy! The Marathon Weekend usually falls on my birthday, SO I am running the Full for my 40th. I can't wait. I did the Full in 2005 and it was the best birthday I have ever had. See you all there!
Good luck! Glad that you'll be able to be there.

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