2/16 Spaceship Earth Update


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Wow when did this post become a marathon? I think you get the point.

Marathon posts are good! :D

I know we both have swayed the other and I think that's why we're here. Not just to change another's point of view, but to expand our own point of view. I have tried to be open minded about things more than I used to be, but my own business experiences have kept me from doing so to a higher level. That, combined with my tendency of looking forward to a positive future and, almost to a fault, of not creating nostalgic attachments keeps me further to the side of optimism/forward thinking about WDW's future.

All of that doesn't mean that you (or others) are necessarily pessimistic, but maybe less optimistic than I. However, I'm now reading more optimism in your posts than I have in the past. And I've noticed that you can convince me that things from the past doesn't have to be viewed just as long gone memorials.

So, chin up, we're both taking baby steps. :D

(hmmm, another marathon?) :lol:


Well-Known Member
Wow, this is good stuff.

wannab@dis said:
and, almost to a fault, of not creating nostalgic attachments

WDW wouldn't mean as much to me if I wasn't able to do that. But if you can get by without it, you're the lucky one. Some attachments are MUCH stronger than others, but I try to feel that way about almost everything. Certain attractions like POTC or the HM or IASW have special places in my heart, but I have no problem seeing them changed (At least at WDW ;)) and if they are every set to be replaced, it won't effect me deeply. It just seems I have a problem in getting attached to attractions that meet their maker before they are ready :lol:. If I were Soarin', I'd run away from me as fast as possible.

wannab@dis said:
However, I'm now reading more optimism in your posts than I have in the past.

Some of that is growth and some of that is for one simple reason: It's not 2003 and 2004 anymore. And I have a pretty good feeling you'll be able to figure out what that means ;). While I have almost lost all optimism for the Magic Kingdom, I feel better every day about the future of the other three parks.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Wow, this is good stuff.
Yes, it is!
dxwwf3 said:
WDW wouldn't mean as much to me if I wasn't able to do that. But if you can get by without it, you're the lucky one. Some attachments are MUCH stronger than others, but I try to feel that way about almost everything. Certain attractions like POTC or the HM or IASW have special places in my heart, but I have no problem seeing them changed (At least at WDW ;)) and if they are every set to be replaced, it won't effect me deeply. It just seems I have a problem in getting attached to attractions that meet their maker before they are ready :lol:. If I were Soarin', I'd run away from me as fast as possible.
I really think part of this is an age difference thing. When I was younger (ie, before my own family), I did hate to see attractions move on. Now that I have a family, I have nostalgia for the MEMORIES we made at WDW and they're attraction independant. It's more about the experience. Maybe that impacts my views more than I think. :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
I really think part of this is an age difference thing. When I was younger (ie, before my own family), I did hate to see attractions move on. Now that I have a family, I have nostalgia for the MEMORIES we made at WDW and they're attraction independent. It's more about the experience. Maybe that impacts my views more than I think. :veryconfu

Oh I still have PLENTY of memories made at WDW. From the time my grandpa lost his 1997 SEC Championship hat on Big Thunder Mountain, to the time my grandmother almost fell in the boat at Maelstrom, and the time last year when my family pushed all 4 of my grandparents (in wheelchairs) across those Magic Kingdom turnstiles for the last time with tears coming down our cheeks. And while I do think of many of these things while I am at certain attractions and whatnot, I also can view them independently of those occasions in the grand scheme of WDW history. I have many memories of AE or Horizons with my family and those will never die, but I also had special moments with these attractions ever time I saw them and those won't happen again. So I guess for me, WDW isn't just time with my family and the memories of being together, but it is almost as much about experiencing these attractions for what they are and seeing them in the face of WDW history.

Why do I feel like I'm writing a serious, sappy novel about theme parks? :brick:

Trust me, I'm not this dramatic in real life :lol:

And I apologize to the OP of this thread because I've sort of turned it into something totally different.


Well-Known Member
I think you could find some sort of happy medium. I love the old logos (obviously - avatar), but I could deal with new ones, too. They serve to unify FutureWorld (especially since the full park logo was linked rings with earth in the middle). They could make updated ones that aren't neccesarily circular (maybe oval-ish, on an angle) with more modern graphics.


Well-Known Member
And if they did do that brkgnews, it would be really neat to have some kind of hologram card or pin that shows the old logo (Either Old SSE, Living Seas, Land, Universe of Energy, or JII or Horizons, World of Motion, Communicore) morph into the new logo. Sort of like a passing of the torch kind of thing. I love my retro Epcot shirt they sold a few years ago with all the logos on it, but I would love to buy something along those lines just as much.


New Member
Sorry to keep this post going for those who have had enough of it (including the guy who helpfully told me to "get a pulse"), but I guess I don't understand what looks so "'80s" about the icons.

They look pretty modern on brkgnews's avatar, and they do serve to provide some kind of unifying element to Future World, which has been missing since Test Track and Imagination abandoned the icons and the EPCOT font.

Also, that sort of iconography has been increasing, not decreasing culturally--especially in places that are really modern--the modern European airports, for example. Not to mention that the original park logo is, I think, a timeless design that does a really good job of expressing EPCOT's messages of world brotherhood and technological development quite well.



Well-Known Member
Just for giggles, I whipped this up. It's amazing how just italicizing the old logos make them look more modern and "forward thinking."



Well-Known Member
Mecha Figment said:
to bad two of those don't exist anymore and one more soon to follow.
Actually the one in the middle is World Showcase, rather than Wonders of Life. And for my money, the old Horizons logo would fit with test track.

The Mak

Ghostbuster626 said:
Could someone name them all in order? There are a few I dont recognize.

Epcot - Spaceship Earth - The Living Seas
Universe of Energy - World Showcase - Horizons
The Land - Communicore - World of Motion

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I LOVE the original logos! They are wonderful, and look just as "modern" and "futuristic" as they did in 1982!

I'm all for bringing them back. I really seriously hope the WDC issues a slew of new merchandise to coincide with the 25th...just for us die hard Epcot Center fans.

I'd by one of everything i'm sure.....


Active Member
Epcot82Guy said:
Each was meant to be an abstract emblem.

Imagination was a four-piece vortex in pink. It showed the constant movement of the mind.

I always noted the striking similarity of the JII logo to a camera lens, the pavilion's sponsor being Kodak, of course. I haven't been able to help thinking that this is more than a coinicidence.

brkgnews said:

I always thought that the logo in the middle was Earth Station?! Have I been wrong about that the entire time?! I do love the logos, but I don't think the exact same logos should be used unless the basic pavilion remains. CommuniCore/Innoventions is still applicable, but the Horizons logo should certainly be axed in reference to Mission: SPACE (It has it's own little hidden tribute inside, anyways). It certainly seems like the logos might be popular, too. They sold those EPCOT shirts with them just a couple of years ago, and, if I remember right, they sold like hotcakes! Not only are the logos aesthetically pleasing, I think they serve a useful function as an organizational/directional tool to help people find their way around the park.

By the way, you can still find every single logo in the park, (with the exception of Wonders of Life, and World Showcase?/Earth Station?) if you know where to look.

As far as Leave a Legacy goes, I've always hated the darn thing, and wanted to see it torched, but one of the articles on the Re-Imagineering blog certainly stirred my thoughts on it. I didn't know it had such a turbulent development.


Well-Known Member
Ghostbuster626 said:
Journey into Imagination didnt get a symbol?
Look at my avatar. Third down on the left is Imagination. Fourth down on right is Wonders of Life.

ImagineerMMC: Great catch on the lens reference. Hadn't noticed that. As for that other logo being Earth Station, we had discussed it before on here, and someone dug up a photo of an old directional sign showing that with the World Showcase logo next to it.

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