1986: An Imagineering Competition - Hub Thread


Well-Known Member
More Pooh Talk.jpg

Wow, a 2nd Album! We're so Blessed


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Original Poster
In an effort to streamline the HOH process, we will be making a small change to the HOH decision.
We ask that everyone post their potential eviction nominations in their Diary Room sometime on the final day of the HOH round.
HOH will be debated by the judges throughout the final day but we will make the final decision as late as possible to ensure everyone's work gets seen.
HOH and nominees will be announced during the Veto Pick ceremony.


Well-Known Member
Imaginarium Preshow:

Upon entering the building, we see a whole collection of old inventions on display in the museum hall. Telegraphs, typewriters, the cotton gin, and all sorts of other knacks and devices are displayed as a small sampling of the show within. After waiting for the next show, guests are lead into a dark room with a small stage and a screen. On the left wall of the Preshow theater are doors leading to the main theater.


The lights dim and guests can feel a slight wind as the shadow of Eureka comes onto the screen. It seems like she's trying to talk to us, but is unsuccessful. After some thinking, a "light bulb" moment happens, and she starts conjuring up clouds and smoke. While she's doing this, we see smoke come onto the stage, with different colors and sounds. Then, in a short blast of smoke, SMRT-1 rises out of the stage floor. After some recognition of his surroundings, he turns to address the guests.

Well, hello there! You startled me. My name is SMRT-1, which stands for Sound Modifying Response Telecommunicator 1, or Smart 1 for short. Eureka has a wonderful, wonderful presentation for you all today, which is going to chart the history of inventions!! I'm so excited, and so should all of you, because that's why your here, is it not?

A few sounds and lights illuminate from the animatronic.

Oh goodness, it's about time for the presentation to start! I better get going, and nice to meet you!

He dissapears in another puff of smoke, and the theater doors open to reveal the main theater. Before the show starts, SMRT-1 can be heard reminding guests to neither eat, drink, or smoke during the presentation, and to watch their kids.

It's something, I was pretty short on time, but I think this was good. @AceAstro , could you add this to the site? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Imaginarium Preshow:

Upon entering the building, we see a whole collection of old inventions on display in the museum hall. Telegraphs, typewriters, the cotton gin, and all sorts of other knacks and devices are displayed as a small sampling of the show within. After waiting for the next show, guests are lead into a dark room with a small stage and a screen. On the left wall of the Preshow theater are doors leading to the main theater.


The lights dim and guests can feel a slight wind as the shadow of Eureka comes onto the screen. It seems like she's trying to talk to us, but is unsuccessful. After some thinking, a "light bulb" moment happens, and she starts conjuring up clouds and smoke. While she's doing this, we see smoke come onto the stage, with different colors and sounds. Then, in a short blast of smoke, SMRT-1 rises out of the stage floor. After some recognition of his surroundings, he turns to address the guests.

Well, hello there! You startled me. My name is SMRT-1, which stands for Sound Modifying Response Telecommunicator 1, or Smart 1 for short. Eureka has a wonderful, wonderful presentation for you all today, which is going to chart the history of inventions!! I'm so excited, and so should all of you, because that's why your here, is it not?

A few sounds and lights illuminate from the animatronic.

Oh goodness, it's about time for the presentation to start! I better get going, and nice to meet you!

He dissapears in another puff of smoke, and the theater doors open to reveal the main theater. Before the show starts, SMRT-1 can be heard reminding guests to neither eat, drink, or smoke during the presentation, and to watch their kids.

It's something, I was pretty short on time, but I think this was good. @AceAstro , could you add this to the site? Thanks!
Ooo a sneak peek! 😉

I think this was meant for the other thread haha


Entertainment Weekly Review

Age of Magic

I'll be honest this feels like a real castle show, watch out in a few years if you don't *happen* to see something similar to this in a Disney Park. And that's not hyperbole, reading through the outline of the show (at this point I have not finished the script, 30 pages is a lot) it feels like such an organic transition of IPs despite my concern reading the brainstorming of how all these IPs were going to mesh together without feeling like a generic Disney show.

The theme of Peter Pan from the start offers a nostalgic but original jumping off point for the entire show, and the subsequent storylines blend in so well. The photoshop concept art puts in perspective what you all intended to accomplish with this one. The custom music track as well adds so much to the realism and creativity, as it's not a walk in the park to be splicing together tracks like that, you want to have everything flow and I think for the most part this really did.

I'd like to critique something out of this show but I'd be truly nitpicking as I'm not the biggest entertainment fan in general, so for something to hook me I'd say it's a home run. And the Walt Disney touch at the end I think encapsulates the message of the park as a whole. These are mature evolutions of Magic Kingdom style lands, but growing old (ie more mature) doesn't mean you grow up (lose the Disney charm that all these lands have). I'll add to the review once I finish the script, but that won't be tonight as I'd be rushing it and that's not fair.

The Spirit of Invention

Very much like the concept art on this one. As one of the few who was a big fan of CenterCore, I really like how this theater fits right in with the surrounding area. If you didn't do the Epcot theme, I don't think this show would have been possible in any other Tomorrowland style, so for that I have to give props. Now as someone who has very little Broadway experience, and not too much experience show-writing either, my review will be less on the technicalities of shows and more from a viewing perspective. The preshow by Mickeynerd was pretty well done. Again I haven't been to many (any) Broadway plays so I'm genuinely unfamiliar with a preshow, or if this was even needed. But nonetheless I think it sets up the story very well for the audience which is a very strong role it plays!

As a whole gave me a Crique vibe, something interpretative with little dialogue and more of a focus on the environment - it definitely fits in with what you're trying to go for here in the land as well. In regards to Act 1, it feels very much like World of Motion with Eureka as the narrator. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just the best thing I could compare it to with the fire scene, the 'wheel', and more. It also felt a bit like Spaceship Earth with the Printing Press scene as well. Again not a bad thing but in a way I kind of chuckle at the double-down on the Epcot theme lol. I respect it, this is your park and you're doing what you want with it.

Act 2 is really interesting - really liked the description for the Tesla scene as well as the Wright Bros. I do also appreciate the internet scene from the 94 SSE being paid homage here as well in this Act. In the end the tie-in back to the preshow was a nice touch. I was left with a bit of 'that's it?' feel to it. I don't mean that to sound bad, that's a product that I was looking for more. I figured there would have been 3 acts to the show, I felt you could have gone really far off into the future in an Act 3. Nonetheless, like I said before, I really respected this show for what it was in CenterCore.

Creativity A
Realism A+
Detail A+
Presentation A+
Teamwork A
Overall = A+ one of the best projects of the season!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Week 5
Power of Veto
The Animatronic Revolution


We're continuing the entertainment with this week's Power of Veto competition but with a twist. For this week's Power of Veto competition, you will be creating an original animatronic show that will be at home in one of the lands of the park. Music, entertaining characters, and a fun setting are what we're looking for in this project.

This project will be due on Friday, October 30 at 11:59:59 AM EST/8:59:59 PST

Head of Household

Eviction Nominees
@Brer Panther

Random Picks
Houseguest Choice: @Outbound
Houseguest Choice: @Pi on my Cake
@D Hulk
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

I think everyone had one of the best showings of the entire competition here. We ended up with two super unique and intriguing shows that any park would be proud to show. Enough with that, onto the actual show reviews.

Age of Magic
This is almost exactly what I meant when I said formulaic and original are not mutually exclusive. The Steps in Time/Disney Dreams formula of "magical character takes everyman on an adventure through Disney movies" is used extremely well here. I think Peter Pan was the perfect character to use in this show and the IPs chosen were immaculate. I always appreciate a Sword in the Stone inclusion, and the Pooh and Frozen II choices were not the obvious picks which adds a lot to the show in the originality department. The show is a wonderful thesis statement to the park's aim and goal as a whole: growing up with an eye on childhood. The Walt shoutout is always going to make me misty-eyed. The Disneyland Paris-esque implementation of the castle stage being to the side of the castle rather than front and center was a smart choice and one thing I think is really cool is the planned use of flying without a proscenium. It's exactly what I meant when I said in the prompt that you can do really cool things with theatrical technology both indoor and outdoor.

The Spirit of Invention
From a more straightforward Disney musical to a more abstract show. I feel like the Cirque style is somewhat underrated when Armchair Imagineers create shows. It's a very different way to tell a story and you really pulled that off. This fits CenterCore Expo really well and adds a lot to the land. I have to agree with space that this show would not fit into any other Tomorrowland theme but I really love the more fantastical theme that you brought in by having Eureka as the host. The edutainment element is super well done on top of that. I honestly think this show would be the Festival of the Lion King of the park because, yeah, it's on that level. It's fun, it's artistic, and it's different. There are some really unique acts done here like the puppet animals, the tap dance for the Guttenberg Press, and the marching band for binary code. It's a super solid show that you really nailed. It's just something I can see being a fan favorite, especially amongst the older fans.


Well-Known Member

Coming to Port Voyage, a new animatronic show that will simultaneously serve as the park thesis statement while mentally scarring everyone unfortunate enough to walk inside.

More Pooh Talk combines Disney characters across mediums into one “original” show. The show lasts thirty minutes and contains nine original songs.

Guests enter a discrete circular building near the center of the park hub, but once inside, find themselves transported to the large and eccentric Atrium.


Benches line the walls. A circular firepit rests at the center. Along the walls are four stages (initially enclosed by red curtains) which contain the animatronic characters. Each stage is differently themed: there is a Tiki Bar, a Kitchen, a Forest, and a Beach. These curtains gradually unveil as the story progresses.

More Pooh Talk_ The Show (4).png

The show beings with the curtain opening on the first stage: a tropical Tiki bar. A Tiki Totem rests at the center of the bar. To the Totem’s left is Mickey Mouse. To the Totem’s left is Goofy. In the back is an original character, the Jokester, a friendly jester resting on piano.

More Pooh Talk_ The Show (3).png

The Tiki Totem welcomes everyone to More Pooh Talk, an occult cult dedicated to resurrecting Winnie the Pooh from cultural obscurity. Today, they will sacrifice one of their fellow “Pooh-Peas” for the great Pooh God. Tiki introduces his fellow cult members through his tier list (“Welcome / Tiki’s Tier List”).

With Tiki’s tier list finished, it is time for the members of the cult to prove their worth. Whoever offers the least to the cult will be thrown into the Ring of Fire (“Ring of Fire” by Johnny Cash). They will begin with Fozzie Bear, who will teach us how to cook.


The stage to the right of Tiki opens, revealing a Kitchen with an animatronic Fozzie Bear. Fozzie is an expert on cooking. He explains the most important part of cooking a meal is the presentation. Especially having a unique presentation. As he sings along, he makes sure his cardboard and foam sandwich is as beautiful as can be (“The Presentation Parade”). When he finishes, his plate incredible… if you don’t consider the fact it’s literally cardboard and foam.

More Pooh Talk_ The Show.png

Tiki, Mickey, Goofy, and Jokester love Fozzie’s meal but take issue with his ball pit in the kitchen. To make this known, they sing a song (“Not Found of the Ball Pit”).


While the others are pleased by Fozzie’s work, Goofy takes issue with Fozzie’s mere presence. He is upset because when he learned a bear would be joining their gang, he had wanted Yogi Bear, the greatest bear of all time. Tiki and Goofy get into a rap battle over whether Yogi Bear is terrible or amazing (“The Yogi Bear Rap”).




It is now time for the second nomination. The stage across Fozzie opens to reveal a forest scene. Sonny Eclipse is resting on a fallen log, surrounded by animals of all kinds. Sonny needed a break from all that hustle-and-bustle of Tomorrowland DJing, so he moved to a wooden shack in Maine and became friendly with all the animals. Sonny sings his animal folk song… unfortunately, he couldn’t cut back any of the folklore so he can only relegate 5 seconds to each song on the banjo (“The Animal Folklore Song”).

More Pooh Talk_ The Show (2).png

The banjo is halted when the armed and potentially dangerous WolfBot arrives, intent of maybe or maybe not killing Sonny Eclipse. Luckily Sonny happens to be friends with Keanu Reeves, so John Wick inexplicably shows up as scares WolfBot into Windows Error Messages.


Across the set, Fozzie asks how Sonny got the animals to like him so much. Sonny starts into his long, complex yet interesting backstory when Mickey interrupts and begins the third nomination.


Satisfied with Sonny’s showing, the Pooh-Peas prepare for the final nomination… Kermit the Frog! But wait… Kermit hasn’t shown up!

As Tiki calls out for Kermit, Kermit shouts down from upstairs that he is in the middle of Cats (2019), which he considers the greatest film of all time. The judges decide to skip this process and get right to the votes.

Tiki votes to sacrifice Fozzie, Mickey votes to sacrifice Sonny, and Jokester votes to sacrifice Kermit. This leaves Goofy the one who has to decide the vote, leading to a song (“Why Am I Always Tiebreaker?”) Eventually Goofy flips a coin and decides to kill Kermit.

But before the sacrifice can begin… the fourth curtain opens!


If you thought I was high before, think again! For absolutely no apparent reason, a talking Space Mountain with googly eyes and a giant red mouth starts singing about friendship (“Space & Pi’s Friendship Song”). The animatronic Space Mountain is joined by an even weirder talking Pi Symbol resting on a giant cake. The two are trying to convince the Pooh-Peas to not sacrifice Kermit, but the cultists won’t budge: a sacrifice must be made to resurrect the Pooh Gods.

And so, finally, we have reached the moment you have all been waiting for. Kermit the Frog, confused from being pulled from his beloved Cats (2019), is attached to the rope and dangles down the ceiling in the center of the room.

Sonny Eclipse just so happens to be friends with the ghost of Johnny Cash, so they play a reprise of “Ring of Fire” as Kermit slowly descends into the fire.


But just before Kermit is sacrificed, he reminds Tiki that he has always been a loyal Pooh-Pea, citing many examples from the past. This causes Tiki to mid-sacrifice change his mind and let Kermit live! The rope pulls back up to the ceiling as everyone sighs in disapproval.

Despite everyone’s general sadness that they will not be able to resurrect Winnie the Pooh from cultural obscurity, the Jokester reminds everyone that just because things didn’t seem to go the way we wanted today, there is always another time. What’s important is we learned everyone is special in their own special way. The Jokester then pulls out the piano and plays a finale song, while everyone sings along (“Everything’s Super”).

Welcome / Tiki’s Tier List
Ring of Fire
The Presentation Parade
Not Found of the Ball Pit
Yogi Bear Rap
Hulk Want a Mutiny
The Animal Folkore Song
Why Am I Always Tiebreaker
Space & Pi’s Friendship Song
Ring of Fire (Reprise)

Everything’s Super
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Chaos Cat

Well-Known Member
The banjo is halted when the armed and potentially dangerous WolfBot arrives, intent of maybe or maybe not killing Sonny Eclipse. Luckily Sonny happens to be friends with Keanu Reeves, so John Wick inexplicably shows up as scares WolfBot into Windows Error Messages.

View attachment 509316
> ...
> IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Participants are advised to avoid using the Bathroom of the Future, as @Outbound has an increased likelihood of coming down with a severe case of the runs tonight.

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Coming to Harbortown USA in Disneyland 1986 will be a newly enhanced and plussed clone from Disneyland Shanghai (of the Creator Games Universe). The updated version of this animatronic theater show is being handled by the same imagineer who began his career with this project back in early 2017.

The Symphony of the Strange


You enter into the mysterious house of Dr. Otto Tiberious, A researcher who has travelled the world uncovering secrets, mysteries, and the arcane. And he has gathered them all here.

You are welcomed into a makeshift theater Dr. Otto T. (Pronounced almost like "Oddity") has set up in his private study. He promises to present to you the Symphony of the Strange. The curtain rises and it appears our host is no where to be seen. Though there are many artifacts and objects scattered about.

The study almost feels like a Museum of the Weird ;)


"Where is the Doctor?" the audience asks themselves. Then, the chair in the center of the room opens his eyes.


"Right. So, it appears I have been turned into a chair. No reason to let that stop the show though."

Dr. Otto T. has recently and mysteriously been transformed into a chair. He talks about his metamorphosis as calmly and simply as most people would talk about stubbing their toes. As if being transformed into a chair was nothing more than a mild inconvenience and a common occurrence. Not any reason to stop his show.

After introducing himself, he explains that he came to Harbortown 13 years ago because of its unusually high concentration of the unusual (As evidenced by the Haunted Lighthouse, the ghost writers in the library, the Headless Horseman nearby, etc). Otto is fascinated by the fantastic and has spent his life seeking it out. He has even written a song about it.

A simple metronome plays as he sings:

I am curious
About the curious
I wonder
About the wonders all around
If you are curious
And seek out
The fantastic
It can always be found

Some say I'm crazy
Or call me deranged
But I just listen
To the Symphony of the Strange

It's a bit boring. A bit simple. But the Doctor explains that just like life, sometimes you have to really listen to hear what makes it special. The little details that are out of the norm and make life grand.

He then goes through and introduced a few of the oddities he has found in short vignettes. Each oddity is represented by an animatronic (sometimes enhanced with a projection effect).

  • A mummy notable for being somehow both thousands of years hold and having a call phone in his pocket.
  • A man made out of candle wax who wails and moans as he is constantly melting for all eternity.
  • An Aquarium with skeletal fish swimming through it.
  • A living plant with monstrous features.
  • A mysterious prism that produces dazzling light shows.
  • A heart belonging to a creature of unimaginable size and shape buried out of sight underneath the floor boards.
Lastly, an enchanted, evil songstress long locked away in a chest in the center of the room. She breaks out and tries to sing her siren song and cast her magic spells in order to subdue the Doctor and take all his oddities as a way to increase her own power. The bat that rests on her head sings harmonies with her.


Dr. Otto T. was prepared for her attempted escape though. The Crystal ball in the center of the room lights up and acts as a mystical fail safe trapping the songstress back in her chest.


The Doctor then tells us that since we now know of the weirdness all around, perhaps this time we'll be able to appreciate the Symphony of the Strange. The song plays again, but this time each oddity from the show (and even a few more) plays a part adding to the song.
  • The ringtone from the mummies cellphone providing a nice melody
  • The Candle Man's wailing providing a melodious back up vocal
  • The bubbles popping in the undead fish tank adding to the percussion
  • The monstrous plant shaking its leaves almost like a maraca
  • The prism adding a lightshow to go with the song
  • The heartbeat providing a strong bass beat.
The song now is a full, beautiful, unique, and weird Symphony of the Strange! The Doctor tells us to always look where other don't and to never count out the odd ones out. For as long as we search for it, we will always find that the most beautiful of songs is hidden beneath the surface.

The lobby for guests to wait for the show to start would wind through the Doctor's house.

The theaters would be small to keep the show having an intimate feel, but there would be two theaters for capacity.

The show itself would be done similarly to the Enchanted Tiki Room using audio animatronics and other traditional effects. Occasional projection effects will be used for what is impossible or impractical using practical effects.

The tone would be a dark comedy. Not too serious or scary, but fitting perfectly into the darker, more adult Harbortown USA. The comedy is kept primarily witty and dry, though the occasional clever pun may slip through.

The theater holds about 250 people per show.
The show lasts 8 minutes.
With two theaters and no unexpected delays, it can cycle 3,750 people through per hour.

Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
Week 5
Power of Veto
The Animatronic Revolution

View attachment 509091
We're continuing the entertainment with this week's Power of Veto competition but with a twist. For this week's Power of Veto competition, you will be creating an original animatronic show that will be at home in one of the lands of the park. Music, entertaining characters, and a fun setting are what we're looking for in this project.

This project will be due on Friday, October 30 at 11:59:59 AM EST/8:59:59 PST

Head of Household

Eviction Nominees
@Brer Panther

Random Picks
Houseguest Choice: @Outbound
Houseguest Choice: @Pi on my Cake
@D Hulk

Ladybugs and grasshoppers, bugs and grubs, 1986 Blue Sky Park proudly presents...

The Ugly Bug Ball
A new addition to Seasons of Fantasy - specifically, its London Spring section, this attraction is a grand animatronic show with a cast of kooky, cartoony characters a la Country Bear Jamboree and the Enchanted Tiki Room. Guests approaching the theater will feel as though they're shrinking in size, thanks to the plants and fungi getting larger and larger. By the time you walk under the entry sign, the blades of grass towering over your head imply that you're currently no bigger than an ant! Adding to this, said entry sign is actually just the root of a gigantic tree with the words "UGLY BUG BALL" carved into it (perhaps by a termite?).

Once under the root, you've arrived in the theater's holding area. From the looks of it, you've actually crawled into a subterranean tunnel. The walls and floor seem to be made of dirt, with an "earthy" smell pumped through the air vents. If you don't want to stand until the next show begins, just have a seat on a small rock. Roots hang down from the ceiling of the room. Eventually, a "wall" of dirt gives way (actually, a cleverly-disguised door opens), allowing us to head into the theater.

While the theater is held inside a show building, anyone can be fooled into thinking that we're back outside. "Walls" are formed by enormous blades of grass. The "stage" is constructed from discarded candy boxes, tree bark, and rocks. The roof is painted to look like a sunny, cloud-dotted sky. "Benches" are formed from leaves. Even the floor still appears to be made of dirt. After a cast member gives the usual "no food, no drink, no flash photography" spiel, the show begins.


A worm suddenly pokes its head out of the ground in front of the stage. This is our host for the evening, Irving "Irv" Worm, and he fills us in as to why we're here - Spring has finally arrived, and after a long cold winter he and his insect friends have decided to throw a "Music Festival" to celebrate. "Now, I know some of you folks might not be too fond of bugs," Irving admits. "You probably think we're creepy, ugly, irritating pests. But I'll tell you something - we bugs might be small, but we've got big hearts. And we'd like to show you just what we can do. Why don't we get this festival started?"

From there, more and more bugs appear and strut their stuff. The show features a total of nine acts, which each character singing an original song. Irving starts off the show with a musical number of his own, a jazz number called "What's Bugging You?", accompanied by a chorus of scat-singing crickets. From there, he introduces...

- The Beetles, a Beatles-esque band consisting of a stag beetle named Pete, a ground beetle named Jack, a rhinoceros beetle named Ralph, and a sap beetle named Greg. They sing a rock song, "Big Blue Beetle Eyes".
- Polka Dots, a ladybug who squeezes and stretches a discarded bendy straw like an accordion as she sings "The Ladybird Polka".
- The Butterfly Gals, who perform acrobatics and soar over the audience as they sing the operatic "Colors of Spring".
- Jump and Jive, a pair of wisecracking grasshoppers who banter with and pull pranks on each other as they perform a comedic ditty, "Flyswatters and Pesticide".
- Slime-Soaked Sid, a snail with a talent for singing the blues. He performs the song "Slow-Moving".
- Gloria, a sly Spanish spider who tries to lure Irving over via a seductive number, "Web of Love", but Irving isn't fooled - mainly because Gloria doesn't do a very good job of hiding the fact that she really wants to eat the worm.
- An entire colony of army ants who march through the theater (and under the guests' seats!) as they rev up the audience with "The Incredible Ant".
- Moth Goth, a goth band of six dark-colored moths who take the show in a darker direction with their heavy metal-flavored song "Bat Food".
- Apollo and the Sparklers, a quintet of fireflies who light up the theater with the jugband-influenced "Glow in the Dark".

Finally, the bugs all gather together as Irving attempts to lead them all in a reprise of "What's Bugging You?". Alas, just as he can get them to finally stop arguing and join him in song, the clouds darken and rain begins to fall in the theater. The bugs scatter - except for Irving, who tells us that worms love a rainy day and bids the audience farewell before diving back down into the dirt.

Guests exit out into Grasshopper Gifts and Goodies, a combination gift shop and confectionary that seems to be held inside an old box of Animal Crackers. Here they can find a selection of merchandise based on the show and its characters, from stuffed Irvings to amusing t-shirts.


Or, they can visit the shop's candy counter and pick out an insect-related snack. Cake pops that look like ladybugs, caterpillars made from marshmallows, cups of "dirt" (actually crumbled cookies) with gummy worms, cupcakes, and chocolate-covered pretzels are among the sweet treats available.

The Ugly Bug Ball makes for a perfect counterpart to the animatronic shows found at other Disney parks. It has catchy songs, lovable characters, clever special effects, and a refreshing lack of IPs. Guests of all ages are sure to be swarming back to the attraction for more!


Well-Known Member
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Coming to Port Voyage, a new animatronic show that will simultaneously serve as the park thesis statement while mentally scarring everyone unfortunate enough to walk inside.

More Pooh Talk combines Disney characters across mediums into one “original” show. The show lasts thirty minutes and contains nine original songs.

Guests enter a discrete circular building near the center of the park hub, but once inside, find themselves transported to the large and eccentric Atrium.


Benches line the walls. A circular firepit rests at the center. Along the walls are four stages (initially enclosed by red curtains) which contain the animatronic characters. Each stage is differently themed: there is a Tiki Bar, a Kitchen, a Forest, and a Beach. These curtains gradually unveil as the story progresses.

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The show beings with the curtain opening on the first stage: a tropical Tiki bar. A Tiki Totem rests at the center of the bar. To the Totem’s left is Mickey Mouse. To the Totem’s left is Goofy. In the back is an original character, the Jokester, a friendly jester resting on piano.

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The Tiki Totem welcomes everyone to More Pooh Talk, an occult cult dedicated to resurrecting Winnie the Pooh from cultural obscurity. Today, they will sacrifice one of their fellow “Pooh-Peas” for the great Pooh God. Tiki introduces his fellow cult members through his tier list (“Welcome / Tiki’s Tier List”).

With Tiki’s tier list finished, it is time for the members of the cult to prove their worth. Whoever offers the least to the cult will be thrown into the Ring of Fire (“Ring of Fire” by Johnny Cash). They will begin with Fozzie Bear, who will teach us how to cook.

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The stage to the right of Tiki opens, revealing a Kitchen with an animatronic Fozzie Bear. Fozzie is an expert on cooking. He explains the most important part of cooking a meal is the presentation. Especially having a unique presentation. As he sings along, he makes sure his cardboard and foam sandwich is as beautiful as can be (“The Presentation Parade”). When he finishes, his plate incredible… if you don’t consider the fact it’s literally cardboard and foam.

View attachment 509314

Tiki, Mickey, Goofy, and Jokester love Fozzie’s meal but take issue with his ball pit in the kitchen. To make this known, they sing a song (“Not Found of the Ball Pit”).


While the others are pleased by Fozzie’s work, Goofy takes issue with Fozzie’s mere presence. He is upset because when he learned a bear would be joining their gang, he had wanted Yogi Bear, the greatest bear of all time. Tiki and Goofy get into a rap battle over whether Yogi Bear is terrible or amazing (“The Yogi Bear Rap”).



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It is now time for the second nomination. The stage across Fozzie opens to reveal a forest scene. Sonny Eclipse is resting on a fallen log, surrounded by animals of all kinds. Sonny needed a break from all that hustle-and-bustle of Tomorrowland DJing, so he moved to a wooden shack in Maine and became friendly with all the animals. Sonny sings his animal folk song… unfortunately, he couldn’t cut back any of the folklore so he can only relegate 5 seconds to each song on the banjo (“The Animal Folklore Song”).

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The banjo is halted when the armed and potentially dangerous WolfBot arrives, intent of maybe or maybe not killing Sonny Eclipse. Luckily Sonny happens to be friends with Keanu Reeves, so John Wick inexplicably shows up as scares WolfBot into Windows Error Messages.

View attachment 509316

Across the set, Fozzie asks how Sonny got the animals to like him so much. Sonny starts into his long, complex yet interesting backstory when Mickey interrupts and begins the third nomination.

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Satisfied with Sonny’s showing, the Pooh-Peas prepare for the final nomination… Kermit the Frog! But wait… Kermit hasn’t shown up!

As Tiki calls out for Kermit, Kermit shouts down from upstairs that he is in the middle of Cats (2019), which he considers the greatest film of all time. The judges decide to skip this process and get right to the votes.

Tiki votes to sacrifice Fozzie, Mickey votes to sacrifice Sonny, and Jokester votes to sacrifice Kermit. This leaves Goofy the one who has to decide the vote, leading to a song (“Why Am I Always Tiebreaker?”) Eventually Goofy flips a coin and decides to kill Kermit.

But before the sacrifice can begin… the fourth curtain opens!


If you thought I was high before, think again! For absolutely no apparent reason, a talking Space Mountain with googly eyes and a giant red mouth starts singing about friendship (“Space & Pi’s Friendship Song”). The animatronic Space Mountain is joined by an even weirder talking Pi Symbol resting on a giant cake. The two are trying to convince the Pooh-Peas to not sacrifice Kermit, but the cultists won’t budge: a sacrifice must be made to resurrect the Pooh Gods.

And so, finally, we have reached the moment you have all been waiting for. Kermit the Frog, confused from being pulled from his beloved Cats (2019), is attached to the rope and dangles down the ceiling in the center of the room.

Sonny Eclipse just so happens to be friends with the ghost of Johnny Cash, so they play a reprise of “Ring of Fire” as Kermit slowly descends into the fire.


But just before Kermit is sacrificed, he reminds Tiki that he has always been a loyal Pooh-Pea, citing many examples from the past. This causes Tiki to mid-sacrifice change his mind and let Kermit live! The rope pulls back up to the ceiling as everyone sighs in disapproval.

Despite everyone’s general sadness that they will not be able to resurrect Winnie the Pooh from cultural obscurity, the Jokester reminds everyone that just because things didn’t seem to go the way we wanted today, there is always another time. What’s important is we learned everyone is special in their own special way. The Jokester then pulls out the piano and plays a finale song, while everyone sings along (“Everything’s Super”).

Welcome / Tiki’s Tier List
Ring of Fire
The Presentation Parade
Not Found of the Ball Pit
Yogi Bear Rap
Hulk Want a Mutiny
The Animal Folkore Song
Why Am I Always Tiebreaker
Space & Pi’s Friendship Song
Ring of Fire (Reprise)

Everything’s Super
I'm literally crying at how flipping funny this thing is... @TheOriginalTiki whenever you're ready, I will do the Yogi Bear Rap with you. And yes, "Why Am I Always Tiebreaker" sounds like a song I would definitely sing 🤣 🤣 🤣


Well-Known Member
Age of Magic:

I love that even when Hulk says that it’s not a good piece of art, it’s still stunning, so yeah, I love the art of the show in front of the castle! I think it’s an interesting idea to have seating in front of the castle; to be honest, I don’t know how well it would work in practice having never been to Shanghai Disneyland, but that being said, I very much prefer seating to no seating a la Disneyland Fantasmic.

As far as the actual show itself, I have to give a ton of credit to you all. The idea of doing a show this ambitious is a great idea, and I think that it would be a fantastic hit! The way that you integrated and combined all these different IPs is brilliant, and I think starting it with Peter Pan was a great idea. Toy Story absolutely furthers that storyline and is another solid choice. The Lion King, Winnie the Pooh, Princess and the Frog, and Mulan are all excellent choices as well, and I think that using Sword in the Stone is a really bold choice that definitely pays off in the way that it works from an effect standpoint as well as storyline. Some Things Never Change is another perfect song choice, and wrapping it up with Jordan choosing to go home rather than Neverland is a great way to end that night of songs and scenes. I love love love the ending of the show, with all the characters helping Jordan get ready and everything, and the Walt quote at the end is perfect.

Reading the script, the show flows together even better than I initially thought. The way you transition from worries about friends to taxes to childhood memories to future decisions to worries about being good enough to maturing to just not wanting things to change is fantastic.

I want to find something to nitpick, I really do. Like maybe the show is a little too ambitious with the flying stuff? And centering the show around someone nervous about school isn’t the most magical thing, but then again, that’s the point, isn’t it? There really aren’t any flaws with this project. I am honestly stunned at how amazing this show is. It’s a beautiful message to children and adults and is a show that I think any park in the world would be greatly improved by having. Honestly, I’m running out of superlatives, but this is one of my favorite things you’ve done this season!

The Spirit of Invention:

The idea of making a theater with a massive lightbulb weenie is a really fun idea, especially for Tomorrowland, and it really speaks to the message of this show. I sort of wonder how well that sort of façade would work when we’ve already mentioned how some of the differences in facades in the land clash a little bit, but I think that it is still fitting well. I think that the mosaic is a cool idea that works well too.

Interesting idea having a sort of museum entry… I think that would work really well, sort of in the fashion of the Hall of Presidents. As far as the preshow, I think it’s a fine idea, but it’s really unnecessary to have a preshow with an animatronic and everything before a big show in my opinion, and I think that the use of SMRT-1 is a cool idea, but, just like the name of CenterCore Expo, I would be more confused than anything because it’s an Epcot reference that most people probably won’t understand.

I like the idea of Eureka as the central character (great name choice by the way), but I think that the Tapestry of Nations puppet is probably a little too much when it could be an actress or animated character or whatever. Personally, I think the puppets are sorta creepy (and flying is a little much too), and I feel like it’s another unnecessary Epcot callback when there are other alternatives that probably work for storytelling better.

Okay, so I’m realizing that a lot of this is symbolic stuff too, so I’m a little bit more okay with the puppet. I think doing these things with the fire and domestication with animals that are with puppets and streamers is a cool idea. I think it’s interesting that you chose to go with small skits or acts rather than a full story, so I really like the standalone nature of some of it, like the invention of the wheel, but there’s another part of me that wishes that there was a storyline to it other than advancing technology since it’s a show rather than an attraction.

I just realized that large parts of this are just dancing and silence without any dialogue or anything… in my opinion, that’s a little out of place in a Disney park. Even though I would appreciate all the different dances that connect with the different inventions (the tap dancers with the printing press is a particularly cool idea), I don’t think it has as much appeal as a show with dialogue/story.

Now that we’re into the second act, I’m feeling the fun telegraph and telephone sequences, and now I’m wondering if this show does have dialogue that just isn’t explained. See, I love this second act, and I feel like the first act is more traditional in performances, so it makes sense because now this seems super cool. The band is a really neat and out of the box idea for the computer, but I will say that the ballet scene about rocketry sort of tripped me up a little bit. The internet sequence sounds great, but again, I feel like SMRT-1 is just so out of place, and I wonder if something displaying the inventions of today wouldn’t be better served as a postshow exhibit? The finale itself sounds like a great way to end after the high energy second act.

Overall, I really really love the adventurous spirit of this project. It’s bold, it’s kinda crazy, and who knows if it would ever work, but you know what? I love that about it! This is so out of the box that I can’t do anything but be impressed at the creativity levels. I would really love to see this show actually played out because I think this genre is something that is beautiful and criminally underrepresented. I’ve given my critiques, but the main takeaway for me here is the creativity with this 100% fits CenterCore Expo and is PRIME BLUE SKY.

All in all, I think this is probably my favorite (or one of my favorite) projects from this competition. Everybody seemed like they were going all out, and both projects sounded so fun and so creative. Honestly, fantastic work everyone, and I can’t wait to see how this momentum continues moving forward!

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