1986: An Imagineering Competition - Hub Thread


Well-Known Member
The CenterCore Expo Performing Arts Center is proud to present:

The Rust Buckets, a Sonic Musical Adventure!

Main Theme Song: Track 1 from sax album

NOTE: Songs would have custom lyrics and titles instead of the ones on these tracks, I just didn't have enough time to write them all out, but the rythyms and sounds would be the same 🤣.

music was picked from:

Located on the left when entering CenterCore Expo from Port Voyage, the Performing Arts Center is host to a new band of friendly, clunky, but loveable robots who just got their first gig!


The main architecture is similar to the old HISTA theater from TDL, with a sleek refined style and an open lobby with a glass wall on one side. We see posters on the walls featuring the new band we'll be seeing.


After holding in the lobby, a set of doors open to reveal the main theater, which is a futuristic take on a jazz club stage with viewing balconies (not guest accessible) on either side of the stage. A cast member reminds guests to neither eat, drink, smoke, or take flash photography during the performance.


Out of a balcony comes our host, Sonny Eclipse, who had decided to take the earnings from his gigs at Cosmic Rays to open this theater, which he hopes will bring more musical talent to the galaxy, and serve as an educational space for new musicians starting out.

Sonny: Hello down there! Welcome to the CenterCore Performing Arts Center! My name is Sonny Eclipse, and today we're going to be showing off a brand new band made entirely of robots! Now, they have never performed before, so your the first audience to see them live ever! Hopefully things go well, and hopefully the rugrats don't show up.

An announcer says: And now, the CenterCore Expo Performing Arts Center is proud to present: The Rust Buckets!

Sonny dissapears, the lights go dark, and an akward pause happens when the spotlight hits the stage, only to find no band. Sounds of crashing drums and cats occurs backstage, and one of the robots cries out:

Robot 1: Gah! Stupid cat, this stage is full of them!

Robot 3: C'mon, we're supposed to be on stage now!

Robot 2: AHHH, I've got stage fright!

Robot 4: Ralph, Your always scared of everything!

Ralph (Robot 2): Well, this is our first performance, so I've got every right to be afraid.

Robot 3: Quiet you two! were supposed to be on stage now.

Four robots ( Carl, Ralph, Jane, Fred) "walk" onto the stage (this would be done with an advanced version of the walking Ben Franklin technology from American Adventure) a bit haphazard with crazy musical devices and setups. They are shocked at how many people are in the audience.


Fred: Woooaahh, there's so many people here!

Carl: Hello everyone! We're the Rust Buckets, and today we're showing off a new dimension of music, which I've dubbed "Sonic Rock". Here's our first piece.

They tune their instruments, but while they're doing so, a robotic goblin-like creature sneaks onto the stage and messes with a few cables.

Carl plays the first note, only to be an insanely loud electronic noise. Glass can be heard shattering.

Ralph: Caaarrrl, that kills people! I thought I told you to keep the volume down.

Carl: The volume was down, I don't know what happened.

Fred: Hey man, your wires are unplugged.

Carl: oh whoops, I thought they were plugged in.

Sonny Eclipse interrupts the band.

Sonny: Guys, I told you to be ready, these guests are waiting for your dynamite sound.

Carl: Sorry boss. Anyway, here's our first tune for realzies!


Track 1 (Exosuit album)

During the first song, some rugrats can be seen crawling behind sound equipment with maniacal faces. Some unplug wires and other mess with the volume. Occasional missed notes and odd sounds happen during the performance because of this, and cut off the song early.

Rugrat concept art:

Fred: Dude, why are all these wires unplugged?

Jane: why is my high-hat chain disconnected?

Carl: (whispering) guys, not now, we've got to keep going.

Carl: (to the audience) Here's another tune for y'all thats going to sound reeeeaaaallll epic!

Track 21 (Exosuit album)

one peculiar rugrat starts chewing through an amplifier at the beginning of the song, prompting another loud electronic, ear-splitting sound. Jane notices the culprit.

Jane: Hey, ya stupid little , get off of that!

Ralph: My amp!! I paid over 10,000 credits for that!

Carl: Ok, sorry folks, but we're having technical difficulties here, we'll be back.

Sonny Eclipse comes flying across the stage.

Fred: Watch out brah!

Sonny crashes backstage, with a loud thud.

Sonny: I'm alright, I'm alllllright!

Carl: we've got to find these creatures, everybody search!

Searchlights start scanning the walls, floor, and the audience of the theater for signs of the rugrats who've messed up the concert. after a couple minutes, Ralph finds them.

Ralph: Hey, I've got 'em!

Carl: Explain yourselves you ugly creatures.

Rugrat: You guys suck, you play such loud and obnoxious music, it's so annoying.

Fred: How does that justify trashing our amp?

Rugrat: I'm trying to make a difference in the world, and besides, my acapella is so much better than yours.

He proceeds to sing a gut-wrenching song of how his ugly, putrid voice is so beautiful when in reality it's quite literal garbage. The band members cover their ears in horror

Jane: That is absolutely awful!

Carl: Your telling me that you ruined our first concert based on your own pride and opinion!? Be gone you wretched thing!

He immediately shoots the rugrat with a laser, making it dissapear in a puff of smoke.

Ralph: Well, that's taken care of now.

Jane: Jeez, this is turning into a horrible mess of a performance, and all because of a few robotic goblin-like creatures

Carl: Yea, what an embarrassment. Sorry folks for wasting your time. Let's get out of here guys.

feeling somber, they start packing up their things.

Sonny comes from backstage in a disheveled mess.

Sonny: Hey guys, why y'all packing up?

Fred: Concert's been ruined.

Ralph: We've wasted the time and money of the audience.

Jane: in essence, we basically suck.

Sonny is taken aback by their words.

Sonny: hey, hey, don't say that! just because some metal thugs messed with your equipment doesn't mean your musical talent is obliterated! Why, when I first performed at the famous Cosmic Rays Starlight Cafe, My keyboard fell off the stage and snapped in half! I felt quite embarrassed myself. Despite that, I still finished the gig and the crowd went wild! Trust me, you guys have one heck of a sound, and I believe in you, now go and show the audience what your truly made of!

Sonny walks off-stage, and the band gets ready for it's final tune.

Carl: Thanks Sonny, your the best boss ever! (whispers to band) Guys, final tune, let's do it! Ah ONE, TWO, AH ONE TWO THREE FOUR!

Track 1 (Synth Sax album)

The band rocks out, and the performance was a success.


Jane: Wow! that was awesome!

Fred: Totally tubular brah!

Ralph: I think we're quality material now!

Carl: That was the best performance ever! Thanks for listening folks, and we'll see you again soon!

The curtains go down on stage.

Sonny: See folks, that's the power of self-confidence. Thanks for being a good audience for the Rust Buckets! I'm gonna have to clean up from those blasted rugrats now. See ya!

The show ends, and an announcer says:

"The CenterCore Expo Performing Arts Center thanks you for visiting us today. Please take your personal belongings and exit to the right, and we hope to see you again soon!"

The theater funnels into a pathway that heading to the right would go back to CenterCore Expo, and going straight funnels into the VendorPort.

Thanks for reading!


Space's Reviews: I have to run, I read them, but wanted to get out my elevator pitch reviews for all!

Outbound: I was cracking up reading this - so the creativity scored pretty high in this one. Nonetheless, it's hard to 'review' this in the traditional sense, I don't know what to say lol.

Creativity - 10/10
Realism - 7/10
Detail - 4/5
Total - 21/25

Pi - I do remember this project! It's definitely probably but personally I would have preferred something more original than what was done before.
Creativity - 7/10
Realism - 9/10
Detail - 4/5
Total - 20/25

Brer Panther: This was super creative! Honestly I think if you contributed something like this during the round you wouldn't have even been on the block!
Creativity - 10/10
Realism - 9/10
Detail - 4/5
Total - 23/25

D Hulk - This wasn't me being easy, this was me playing each piece of music you crafted together while meticulously reading the proposal; I was just captivated by it all. This type of Pirates vibe is an excellent transition point in the park and really is something that stands out among the crowd.
Creativity - 10/10
Realism - 10/10
Detail - 5/5
Total - 25/25

PerGron - Very interesting take here. I like the mythos to this, it's definitely inventive, and blends in well with the mature vibes of the park. I also like the fact that in a land packed with attractions you have a people eater in this that would be able to hold people off who are waiting for their fastpasses or a meal.
Creativity- 10/10
Realism - 9/10
Detail - 4/5
Total 23/25

Mickeynerd - Okay, so fair warning, I may be slightly generous with this realism score. Partly because I felt bad about the snafu with the timing, but also because you've got the spark and I don't think you've reached your potential in this competition yet. While some of the dialogue was a bit off, I think the originality of this show shines through.
Creativity- 9/10
Detail- 5/5
Total 24/25


Well-Known Member
NateD1226's Reviews

Animatronic shows are awesome!

AceAstro Outbound - More Pooh Talk
This is pure joy. You would catch me at every showing smiling like a baby. The story is great! Who doesn’t love throwing Disney characters in fire! The songs are great, but I was really hoping to see some lyrics for the songs. Also the lack of Buck Cluck was greatly missed. Overall, I absolutely enjoyed it. Despite the obvious realism aspect of it, I would love to watch this everyday I went to the park.

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 7/10
Detail: 5/5
Total: 22/25

Pi On My Cake - The Symphony of the Strange
What a great show! Everything worked so well and loved the sophistication of it. The creativity portion of this was lacking as it was mostly copied from the previous game, but I still enjoyed it as I’ve never read it before. With that being said, I really loved the atmosphere and the uniqueness in the story. I’m not sure if Harbortown was the best place for this. I can see why you put it there, but this feels more like an Adventure Atoll type show. Overall, it was a really nice read, but having almost all of it be copied and pasted wasn’t the most creative idea.

Creativity: 7/10
Realism: 8/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 19/25

Brer Panther - The Ugly Bug Ball
I really loved this. It had lots of charm and life to it which made it very fun to read. The atmosphere of the show is amazing. I loved the descriptions and charm of it all. The characters were great. I absolutely loved everything about them. I would’ve loved to hear more about the songs! They have great titles and I think some small descriptions would’ve added to this greatly. I really liked the gift shop. It was a nice addition that went above and beyond to make this show more connected to the surrounding area. Overall, I enjoyed this a lot. This is hit the mark in my interpretation of the prompt.

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 9.5/10
Detail: 4.5/5
Total: 24/25

D Hulk - The Merry Mariners’ Musical Mutiny!

I’m speechless. How did you do this all in 1 day?!? This is amazing! The songs are great and I absolutely loved the characters. The story is great, but (in my own opinion) this is a little too much for an animatronic show. It’s great, but I think in this prompt less is more. Another small nitpick I have is the A Pirate’s Life For Me. It feels out of place even though it is meant to be jokey. Overall, this is a great show, but (again in my own opinion) this is too ambitious for an animatronic show.

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 8/10
Detail: 5/5
Total: 23/25

PerGron - Seasons of Change

This show sounds visually stunning. I thought it was a very nice addition to Seasons of Fantasy. The focus on the different characters were very nice and really helped the show. I do wish there were one or two more songs or scenes that focused on all of the characters together. A small nitpick is just the formatting is a little inconsistent. Other than those small nitpicks, it is a solid show that works well with the existing land.

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 23/25

Mickeynerd17 - The Rust Buckets, a Sonic Musical Adventure!
There is a lot of potential in this show. It is very creative and has lots of great things about it. There are a few notes that I have so let me get those out of the way first. I really think you should've introduced the characters first since they are mentioned a lot in the script without a proper description. Another thing is some of the script is a tad bit all over the place and a little disjointed. The last thing is that it doesn’t feel like it belongs at Disney. I think it needed a little bit more Disney to it. Other than that, it’s a very creative show and has lots of potential to it.

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 7/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 21/25


Well-Known Member
This show really had it all, and it had me near tears with how hard I was laughing at it! Reading through it a second time, I love the opening sentence that says this serves as the park’s thesis statement and scars everyone unfortunate enough to go to the show. This has got to be one of the most creative things I’ve ever seen made, and I love how you represented everyone in the show so well! The Yogi rap, Hulk song, WolfBot, Space and Pi’s Friendship Song, and of course, Why Am I Always Tiebreaker are all hysterical, and the tribute to Everything’s Super is great. This is the best meme project since the legendary Cats Park itself, and I see no flaws with it (except realism, but you know…).

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 5/10
Detail: 5/5
Total: 20/25


For this particular project, I think a backstory is great, and I like the way you set it up initially as an eclectic Museum of the Weird type place. I thought the chair bit was really funny, and I like the explanation behind Harbortown and his connection to it. The different vignettes and animatronics are all really interesting and creative, but I wonder if it borders on a little too weird and mature, even for a land like Harbortown. I’ve got to say, I think this is really creative, and I know the intent was for it to be weird, but I think it gets too weird, which makes it less realistic. (For the record, I had no idea that this was a near replica of an old project, but I’m not going to change my score on it because I still think it’s super creative lol).

Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 7/10
Detail: 5/5
Total: 21/25

Brer Panther:

First off, thank you for giving us a fleshed out version of the Ugly Bug Ball! I loved it in your last veto project and I love that you continued it here! I like the way that guests enter, feeling like they’ve shrunk to the size of a bug, and I think this transition would be much better than It’s Tough to Be a Bug. I like the ideas behind pumping in earthy scents and a wall of dirt changing to a door, and then transitioning into an outdoor-styled theater is a great idea. It really feels like the perfect setting for an Ugly Bug Ball. Irv seems like a lovable central character, and I have to say, I absolutely love all of your acts! Honestly, I think these are hilarious and work really well together. I think this is an absolutely fantastic show that would be right at home in Seasons of Fantasy, and I think the addition of the shop was really cute as well! Literally the only knock on it is it’s similar to It’s Tough to Be a Bug, but I think it’s different enough that it doesn’t bother me, so all in all, great work!

Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 10/10
Detail: 5/5
Total: 24/25


I absolutely love the idea of having an animatronic show on a ship! Captain Stan was a funny touch that I really appreciated too, and I liked the MC being a sea turtle as well. I think having a cast full of funny animatronic characters is a great idea, but I wonder how well that actually fits Harbortown’s darker theme? I will say I really appreciate the different songs you picked and how they fit the show’s theme. I think you chose very well with them! I feel like this cast is probably bordering on too large, given that this ship isn’t the size of a stage like Fantasmic, but I still appreciate the time it took to create all these characters. Kevin the Kraken was a cool addition, but I feel like that bordered on too out of scale. I think the thing I keep circling back to is this is probably the best concept I’ve seen so far, but it’s so much for an animatronic show that’s typically kind of simple. Like all of the songs and acts are great, but it really is too much in my opinion. All that being said, I love your concept and the time it took to make something like this!

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 8/10
Detail: 5/5
Total: 23/25


My first thought was putting a show in a tree was a little strange, but thinking on it more, I think it’s a bold creative move and a fun twist on setting. I think the projections are a wonderful idea that bring life to a waiting area in a really interesting and exciting way. I love your character ideas and the Latin names you chose for them! The way the show is set up by these characters interacting with each other is really cool, and it helps explain the garden area in a really cohesive way. I really like all the different song ideas and think this is a fantastic idea for a show that really fits with Seasons of Fantasy. My only criticism is I wish there was more detail, but to be honest, you conveyed the message of the show really well!

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 23/25


First off, I think you picked a good location for Rust Buckets, and I like the name a lot too! I like the theming of the theater itself, and I think it would probably fit with the rest of CenterCore Expo. Interesting idea with Sonny Eclipse being the owner of the theater, and I think that he makes a lot more sense as the center of an attraction than an 80s Epcot character, so good choice there. The aesthetic of the robots is also really cool, and I like the rugrat AAs in the background. I think as a storyline, it makes sense and has a good message and everything as well. My main issue with this is that it doesn’t feel like a Disney show. I think the dialogue is oddly forced, and a real concern is it being implied that Jane curses when I think that multiple people saying the word “suck” is already probably borderline too far in a lot of parent’s opinions (unless my parents just really sheltered me, which is both possible and beside the point 🤣 ). That being said, I think the concept itself is a very strong concept that fits the area quite well.

Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 6/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 19/25

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
(For the record, I had no idea that this was a near replica of an old project, but I’m not going to change my score on it because I still think it’s super creative lol).
Lol yeah. I didn't really have an idea or time yesterday. Should've made it more clear in my intro just so no one thinks I'm just trying to plagiarize myself or hoping to win with a project that is 75% from a past project haha. Just a pet project to update one of my earliest things from the forum.


Well-Known Member
This show really had it all, and it had me near tears with how hard I was laughing at it! Reading through it a second time, I love the opening sentence that says this serves as the park’s thesis statement and scars everyone unfortunate enough to go to the show. This has got to be one of the most creative things I’ve ever seen made, and I love how you represented everyone in the show so well! The Yogi rap, Hulk song, WolfBot, Space and Pi’s Friendship Song, and of course, Why Am I Always Tiebreaker are all hysterical, and the tribute to Everything’s Super is great. This is the best meme project since the legendary Cats Park itself, and I see no flaws with it (except realism, but you know…).

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 5/10
Detail: 5/5
Total: 20/25


For this particular project, I think a backstory is great, and I like the way you set it up initially as an eclectic Museum of the Weird type place. I thought the chair bit was really funny, and I like the explanation behind Harbortown and his connection to it. The different vignettes and animatronics are all really interesting and creative, but I wonder if it borders on a little too weird and mature, even for a land like Harbortown. I’ve got to say, I think this is really creative, and I know the intent was for it to be weird, but I think it gets too weird, which makes it less realistic. (For the record, I had no idea that this was a near replica of an old project, but I’m not going to change my score on it because I still think it’s super creative lol).

Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 7/10
Detail: 5/5
Total: 21/25

Brer Panther:

First off, thank you for giving us a fleshed out version of the Ugly Bug Ball! I loved it in your last veto project and I love that you continued it here! I like the way that guests enter, feeling like they’ve shrunk to the size of a bug, and I think this transition would be much better than It’s Tough to Be a Bug. I like the ideas behind pumping in earthy scents and a wall of dirt changing to a door, and then transitioning into an outdoor-styled theater is a great idea. It really feels like the perfect setting for an Ugly Bug Ball. Irv seems like a lovable central character, and I have to say, I absolutely love all of your acts! Honestly, I think these are hilarious and work really well together. I think this is an absolutely fantastic show that would be right at home in Seasons of Fantasy, and I think the addition of the shop was really cute as well! Literally the only knock on it is it’s similar to It’s Tough to Be a Bug, but I think it’s different enough that it doesn’t bother me, so all in all, great work!

Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 10/10
Detail: 5/5
Total: 24/25


I absolutely love the idea of having an animatronic show on a ship! Captain Stan was a funny touch that I really appreciated too, and I liked the MC being a sea turtle as well. I think having a cast full of funny animatronic characters is a great idea, but I wonder how well that actually fits Harbortown’s darker theme? I will say I really appreciate the different songs you picked and how they fit the show’s theme. I think you chose very well with them! I feel like this cast is probably bordering on too large, given that this ship isn’t the size of a stage like Fantasmic, but I still appreciate the time it took to create all these characters. Kevin the Kraken was a cool addition, but I feel like that bordered on too out of scale. I think the thing I keep circling back to is this is probably the best concept I’ve seen so far, but it’s so much for an animatronic show that’s typically kind of simple. Like all of the songs and acts are great, but it really is too much in my opinion. All that being said, I love your concept and the time it took to make something like this!

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 8/10
Detail: 5/5
Total: 23/25


My first thought was putting a show in a tree was a little strange, but thinking on it more, I think it’s a bold creative move and a fun twist on setting. I think the projections are a wonderful idea that bring life to a waiting area in a really interesting and exciting way. I love your character ideas and the Latin names you chose for them! The way the show is set up by these characters interacting with each other is really cool, and it helps explain the garden area in a really cohesive way. I really like all the different song ideas and think this is a fantastic idea for a show that really fits with Seasons of Fantasy. My only criticism is I wish there was more detail, but to be honest, you conveyed the message of the show really well!

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 23/25


First off, I think you picked a good location for Rust Buckets, and I like the name a lot too! I like the theming of the theater itself, and I think it would probably fit with the rest of CenterCore Expo. Interesting idea with Sonny Eclipse being the owner of the theater, and I think that he makes a lot more sense as the center of an attraction than an 80s Epcot character, so good choice there. The aesthetic of the robots is also really cool, and I like the rugrat AAs in the background. I think as a storyline, it makes sense and has a good message and everything as well. My main issue with this is that it doesn’t feel like a Disney show. I think the dialogue is oddly forced, and a real concern is it being implied that Jane curses when I think that multiple people saying the word “suck” is already probably borderline too far in a lot of parent’s opinions (unless my parents just really sheltered me, which is both possible and beside the point 🤣 ). That being said, I think the concept itself is a very strong concept that fits the area quite well.

Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 6/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 19/25
I had no curse words in it. Suck isn't a curse word in my book.

The ***** was supposed to be b u g g e r


Well-Known Member
I had no curse words in it. Suck isn't a curse word in my book.

The ***** was supposed to be b u g g e r
Got it. I don’t think suck is a curse word either, but I still see it as the sort of word that parents don’t want their 5 year old saying, and when the word is replaced with asterisks, my first thought is that it’s a curse word of some sort, and the word you intended to put in there is a swear word in a lot of countries with British influences


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Week 7
Head of Household
Blue Sky Resort


Time for a gear shift. Blue Sky Disneyland isn't just the park, you know. For this week's Head of Household challenge, you will be creating a deluxe resort hotel to be one of the crown jewels of the resort. With an encapsulating theme around the experience, we will be looking for an experience that matches the likes of Disney's Grand Floridian Resort, the Grand Californian Resort, Disneyland Hotel in Paris, and Hotel MiraCosta as one of the greats in the Disney pantheon.

Whoever stands out in their contributions this week will be awarded Head of Household.

This project will be due on Wednesday, November 4 at 11:59:59 PM EST/8:59:59 PM PST​


Well-Known Member
As a reminder, please send your eviction nominees in the diary rooms! Nominees and HoH will be announced tonight (I think)!

Ngl, I really would like a break from PoV. I've been in like the last 3 to 4 of them and I really could use the couple day break mentally lol.

Now if I'm nominated AGAIN I'm just gonna chuck this phone at the wall. 🤣🤣

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