1986: An Imagineering Competition - Hub Thread


Well-Known Member
House of the Future Presents:
Map 2.jpg


Well-Known Member

Hello there!

So I have absolutely no influence in the judging, but given the past couple of reviews have been only @spacemt354 , I figured it would be nice for you to read another opinion once in a while. This is where the fun begins!
  • As a juror, I want this review to be as unbiased as possible. I will give no hints towards who I intend to vote for in the endgame. I will, however, point towards who I was most impressed with this round. That very well might vary from the overall game. At the end of the day, I'm just a simple reviewer making his way through the forums.
  • First, I want to appreciate how diverse the Lost Kingdoms has become. I know the "line-up" has been predetermined at this point but I love how none of the easy cultures -- Atlantis, Avalon, Egypt -- are being used. El Dorado is the closest to "mainstream"... but even then, there's a difference between mainstream and diverse. In El Dorado's case, we have an iconic lost world with a unique culture on display... definitely a worthy companion to the Northern Passage, Yun Cheng, and Zerzura!​
  • Second, huge kudos to @PerGron for expanding his horizons with the park map. You are strong and wise and I'm very proud of you. Reading through the brainstorming thread, this was clearly something you were not comfortable with... and that's exactly why I'm so impressed. The map itself is a fantastic first digital map, fitting along with the aesthetic I developed in the other three. But what impresses me, even more, is your willingness to try new things. It's great to see you branching out this round, beyond the animals, to try new things.​
  • Final point... the backstory is getting increasingly nuanced, and I love every part of it.​
  • Moving to the attractions. I love how the Voyage of El Dorado serves as the land's "thesis statement". @DashHaber did a great job conveying both the moral message while also making for an engaging ride -- the Quetzalcoatl animatronic sounds like a sight to behold!​
  • The Quetzalcoaster is another fine addition to the park's collection that brilliantly ties a cultural folkstory to its attraction. This reminds me a bit of my veto project in the Northern Passage... but on a whole new scale. I always love a new coaster! The only concern I have is the challenge of communicating the story at such a fast pace. Perhaps a short preshow or even screens on fake windows showing the woman attending to the bird every day. But at the end of the day, I love that name, so any nitpicks gets a pass.​
    • I also don't take issue with the short description, because there really isn't much to describe once you are on a coaster: it goes so fast!​
  • NOTE: Forums just glitched out and I nearly lost my stuff... I'll try reloading, that's a good trick... EDIT: it worked everything's saved
  • Next up... Ahh, @AceAstro, the negotiator. The Hunt for the Golden City is fantastic. To be honest, it reads more like a Lion King style show rather than a stunt show... never the less I love what you were going for. I was initially nervous over the prospect of a stunt show given the judge's response to the one in Adventure Atoll, but I think by keeping the focus on immersion towards the land's backstory, you've avoided any of those dangers. It's a tad bit short considering unlike the others, this was really your only detailed land contribution, but as it stands alone, the show is superb. Bravo!
  • Okay, now to talk about the animals. This is the grandest the animals have gotten yet, and it does slightly concern me. At a certain point, I have to wonder how much of this land is becoming Animal Kingdom 2.0. Now I know PerGron lives in the Safari in AK but this time the animals are almost half the land! Ultimately this comes down to personal preference, so I won't mark it off or anything. But I think compared to the other three lands, you could have toned it down with animals and focused more on the story and general atmosphere of El Dorado.
  • That said... it's incredibly impressive to see how much attention to detail PerGron has put into each exhibit. Kudos!
  • I'm not going to go that much into detail with the shops or dining (given your limited resources, you had to focus on the attractions, and I don't blame you), but I really appreciate how it fills out the land. @DashHaber did an excellent job creating four distinct shopping areas, and @PerGron ... oh man. I don't know what you were talking about in the Hosts PM about not getting in all the detail you wanted. I really appreciated the attention to detail with the Aztek Grill and Thatch Hut menus. Great work!
  • Speaking of which, did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Tiki the wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Judges would tell you. It's a Jury legend. Darth Tiki was a Leading Judge of 1986 so powerful and so wise he could use his judging to influence the grading scale to decide which veto project won... He had such a knowledge of imagineering that he could even keep the ones he cared about from elimination (for the character arc, of course). The art of judging is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he got too busy at work, and then could not read every project in 1986. It's ironic he created such tight schedules for the players, only to be caught in one himself.
  • But prequel memes aside (a spontaneous thing I'm doing in celebration of investor's day), El Dorado is a wonderful fourth land for Lost Kingdoms. Things are getting increasingly less detailed the more the team slims down -- we started this park with six, but you're now only three. Not to worry, but we're still flying half a team!
  • Actually though... given you were only three people with half a week to make this, it's incredibly impressive and a testament to how efficient the House of the Future has become. I'm going to give it a Solid A, only because I want to see if you can best yourselves in the final project. I believe in you!

  • I sincerely challenge all of you to do Oakey Oaks as the final land. I'm dead serious. The judges might hate it but I'll personally give each of you special powers in SA7. That's not a bluff either. Dew it!


El Dorado Review

Down to the final 3! Congrats to everyone for making it this far and sticking with this competition until the end. After 12 weeks you're still creatively strong and continuing to add to this Blue Sky Resort.

In terms of images the map was an awesome surprise to see - well done filling in the gap! You keep practicing this skill and it will take less and less time with each map attempted.

Getting to the attractions I'm reading this after waking up way too early so I totally read this narration in the Maelstrom narrator's voice. 😅
Climb into your raft and journey deep into the Mesoamerican jungles to see if you are worthy to witness the wonder of El Dorado. Those who are selfless and give may see the legendary City of Gold, but the selfish shall find their dreams dashed by raging waters.

National Treasure told me El Dorado was within Mt Rushmore, so the realism is going to take a hit on this one. Kidding (or am I?). The ride sounds really interesting and in a way I like the simplicity of it. The attraction description didn't try to be more than it was, especially with all the other nuanced attractions within the park.

Quetzalcoaster includes another animal I had no idea existed before this project, so if anything I appreciate learning all these new animals. Backstory is fun as well and I think a coaster comparable to BTM (one of my favorites) fits into this region perfectly.

The Hunt for the Golden City show was a nice complement as well, and I like the tie-in with the Quetzalcoatl as well. Adds a lot to the synergy of this land.

The walking trails as always are a huge hit, so much detail - I feel like every review I say the same thing but at least it's consistent. Great job - I really want to see Bush Dogs now.

Aztek Grill offers some nice amenities. I do think the food in this park is slightly underrated, partly due to the fact that the attractions always come first in a way I breeze through the dining, but taking your time to go through it all - there's a lot to like about these. For instance Thatch Hut is such a unique dining location. The retail as always rounds it out very well.

Creativity - A+
Realism - A
Detail - A+
Presentation - A
Teamwork - A
Overall - A


Well-Known Member
Speaking of which, did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Tiki the wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Judges would tell you. It's a Jury legend. Darth Tiki was a Leading Judge of 1986 so powerful and so wise he could use his judging to influence the grading scale to decide which veto project won... He had such a knowledge of imagineering that he could even keep the ones he cared about from elimination (for the character arc, of course). The art of judging is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he got too busy at work, and then could not read every project in 1986. It's ironic he created such tight schedules for the players, only to be caught in one himself.
Not Joking, this is THE funniest thing I've seen in a review this season.

You got mad skills bro. 🤣

Chaos Cat

Well-Known Member
Going live at the top of the next hour.

> Archiving chat...
b-wolf 95
> Beginning Stream

Luke Talks About Movies
Hello everybody

b-wolf 95
> Noted: Alex does drugs

Luke Talks About Movies
If El Dorado doesn’t deliver compared to others, y’all have confirmation that I was the special ingredient 🤫

Luke Talks About Movies
What animal?

b-wolf 95
> Unit volunteers for cute animal companion

Luke Talks About Movies
I think they’re talking about a less mechanical companion, B-wolf...

b-wolf 95
> That's robotphobic!

b-wolf 95
> *robophobic

b-wolf 95
> @Luke Talks About Movies See

Luke Talks About Movies
No, b-wolf. I love you. You know that.

Behind the Magic
Eerie has a parrot

Luke Talks About Movies
I stand corrected, b-wolf.

Behind the Magic
Congo the parrot he’s an African gray

b-wolf 95
(OoC: Actually, my avatar is concept art for Megaman 11.)

b-wolf 95
(OoC: I call it Megaman: Fursuit Mode)

Luke Talks About Movies
I really hate the name of the Velocicoaster coming to Universal

Behind the Magic
I just can’t write coasters 😂😂

Behind the Magic
I didn’t know how to write it in detail

Behind the Magic
I wanted it longer but it’s just be describing a nascar race. A left turn, another left turn, an up, a down

b-wolf 95
> Unit sees no problem there

Luke Talks About Movies
Everyone loves an Anti-hero

Luke Talks About Movies
“Murder is ok when it’s justified”

Luke Talks About Movies
is it weird that I’ve never seen the movie?

Luke Talks About Movies
Can I get a large pizza with pepperoni, Tiki, since you’re already ordering dinner?

Luke Talks About Movies
Good, thanks

b-wolf 95
> Bacon pizza, please

Behind the Magic
Spirit was a weird movie because it’s all narrated with weird Bryan adams music spliced in

b-wolf 95
> With extra bacon

Luke Talks About Movies
Thai places have secret menus like Starbucks that often contain Pizza

b-wolf 95
> Unit doesn't have a problem. You have a problem!

Behind the Magic
If we say these seats have backs do you like it?

b-wolf 95
> Mood

Luke Talks About Movies
Ask about the secret menu, Tiki. They have Pizza!

Behind the Magic
So pizza it is

Luke Talks About Movies
It’s always Pizza. And that’s okay

Behind the Magic
More Pooh Talk doesn’t start on the rails to begin with

b-wolf 95
> Anything with Unit involved is never on rails

Luke Talks About Movies
If More Pooh Talk was ever on the rails I’d be concerned

Behind the Magic
Tbh I’d cut the monkeys if I cut anything

Luke Talks About Movies

Behind the Magic
Anteater legs do look like pandas. It’s a common zookeeper joke that pandas are born from the legs of anteaters

Luke Talks About Movies
Evolutionarily?? You think that thing was there day 1?

Behind the Magic
I’d tell you if I knew (what my life is)

b-wolf 95
> PerGron is breaking Unit's processers

Behind the Magic
Maned wolves pee smells like weed also, I included that in the writeup but I thought I’d bring it up here

Luke Talks About Movies

Behind the Magic
Since you want to talk about things that sound made up

Behind the Magic
Like, I had a report that someone was smoking in the zoo but it was just the maned wolves

Luke Talks About Movies
Can I technically get high by sniffing the urine of that wolf, PerGron?

b-wolf 95
> 00110100110101010110

b-wolf 95
> 0110110101101101011

b-wolf 95
> 0101011100000110101

Luke Talks About Movies
I went to Applebee’s once and somebody else ordered the apple. That meant I had to order the bees...

Behind the Magic
Probably not. I wouldn’t try

Luke Talks About Movies
Dang it

b-wolf 95
(OoC: I don't know what I'm typing! PerGron has left me doing the robot equivalent of key smashing)

b-wolf 95
> 0010101111001010101110011

b-wolf 95
> 011101101011- Systems Rebooted

b-wolf 95
> What did Unit do during System Reboot?

Luke Talks About Movies
Nothing really

Luke Talks About Movies
You were a good boi

Behind the Magic
I’m just upset it’s midnight and I can’t eat dinner now

Behind the Magic
I suppose I could...

Luke Talks About Movies
I’m legally not an adult

b-wolf 95
> Unit ate at 8:00 PM tonight

Luke Talks About Movies
We’re not all adults here

Behind the Magic
You’re an adult in spirit

Luke Talks About Movies

Behind the Magic
I’m a few drinks in and didn’t think about that

b-wolf 95
> Unit is calling the police

Behind the Magic
Ahead of time

Luke Talks About Movies
I’m a victim of being super cool

Behind the Magic
b-Wolf, that’s fair, lock me up

Behind the Magic
I deserve it after that misspeaking

Luke Talks About Movies
I’m a few drinks in of Fruit Punch and I’m getting a little tipsy tbh

Luke Talks About Movies
You’re not the only one

Behind the Magic
Don’t tempt me. I’ll do a 20 minute documentary

b-wolf 95
> Ending Stream


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As a recap of the podcast announcement
The top two of this week's double land prompt will be asked to make a live 5-minute pitch for a boutique park to round out Blue Sky Disney Resort. The winner of this pitch will then eliminate one player to join the jury and the final two will throw down.

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