1986: An Imagineering Competition - Hub Thread


Well-Known Member
I think I speak for all of us when I say; This park is all of our baby. Each and every one of us, from the first eliminees to the final 3 all have our unique fingerprints on this absolute masterclass of a project. Each and every one of you should be absolutely and immensely proud of everything you did for this project, I know I am humbled to have gotten to put so much time and effort into finishing not only the parks, but the shopping, and the hotel too!

No matter the results of Friday's vote, I feel that each and every one of us won based on the result of all of our collaborative efforts. This resort began and ended with all of our imaginations, and I'm just humbled to have gotten to be here to finish it.

Well, that's enough sappy talk here, let's get this final show on the road...

The House of the Future Proudly Presents:


And for those who are interested, I filled out the Lost Kingdoms homepage as well with a tiny bit of extra info, mainly just housekeeping stuff, but I wanted to bring attention to it in case you wanted to read it.

Home Page


Buyan Review

As the last written review of the season, I just want to commend the final 3 and everyone in the game for bringing this home. I remember going back to September and the adjustment it took getting used to the format. You 3 are the last ones standing and deserve all the praise in the world for remaining dedicated and what impresses me the most is habituating to creating lands in a matter of 4 days on average. That really hasn't been done before and probably won't be the norm going forward because it takes a certain type imagineer to pull that off, so there will be a Mt. Rushmore all by itself for the accomplishments you achieved in this competition!


In terms of presentation I love the map compiled together. It shows the progression of the park in clockwise formation and also illustrates the detail and time put into designing the backstory and being able to visualize the entire park come together. In a way, I think this 2nd park surpasses Blue Sky Disneyland on that front - a good sign when the 2nd park outmatches its original.

The backstory, once again, is fantastic. I will say it's gotten to the point though where I have to go refresh on the characterization of Erie, not necessarily a critique, just more that if there is a superlative in the Year End Awards for most developed original character well I think I know my vote.

The Adventure of Alatyr is a solid E-ticket for the land. I really appreciate the attraction layout so its evident how Dinosaur is the sample route for it to take. If there was more time, a few custom images would have been nice going along the attraction, but nonetheless, the visualization of the route let my imagination take it from there.

Zorya Star Swings - the Sacred Oak reminds me a bit of the Seasons of Fantasy icon, a nice visual counterpart in each park. I appreciate how this land is geared more towards flat rides in a way, to help round out the park with some kiddie attractions that still remain well themed, such as this, Warring Winds, and Sea Squall Spin which had such a unique ride system!

In the Aquarium, excellent detail as always - and Spiny Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) - never heard of that 😅 The Indrik Forest Trail was great as well.

The Kasha Kafe had a neat interior and pretty decent menu, with Seafarer's Grill rounding it out. And the retail completes the land, Perun's Forge would be pretty neat inside the tree.

Creativity - A
Realism - A-
Detail - A
Presentation - A
Teamwork - A+

Overall - A

Congrats and good luck to everyone in the finale!


Well-Known Member
  • It's amazing to see the Lost Kingdoms complete! Connecting the maps together was an excellent decision. I also appreciated how you updated the Lost Kingdoms page on the website with land descriptions and a park weenie. It's a small touch you didn't have to make, but you put in the time when you were already rushed for time. Kudos to you!
  • The "story" of Everett Erie is perfect. It builds a narrative journey as you walk around the parks, linking each unique land backstory to one massive storyline.
  • Adding onto that, I love how you were able to conclude Erie's story this week while also blending to the Northern Passage -- to think when this park started, Erie was just some random explorer who died in the Passage. We had no idea what his story was.
  • To the attractions: I love how you gave flat rides their much-needed representation in Lost Kingdoms. Prior to Buyan, there was only one flat ride in the entire park, so creating a bit of a "kiddie area" here with the variety in flat rides is a great concept.
  • Adventure of Alatyr is the best. It's great to see Everett Erie take a physical presence in the park (although... given his role in the emv, I could see people making comparison's between this and Indiana Jones), and plotting out each event in the ride is an excellent way to visualize how it'd work practically. I also don't really take issue with the lack of concept art in the land given the small team size.
  • It made me realize: although we all love the backstory, the average park guest would only know of Erie through this ride! That's incredible.
  • The three flat rides, as I mentioned before, are great for more ride variety. My favorite of the three was Seagull Spin. An excellent concept + I love the diagram explaining the idea! Zorya Star Swings and Warring Winds are two other solid additions, not as stand out as Seagull Spin imo but they fill out the land with a rich and detailed mythology.
  • I would call the animals great.... but really no words describe these exhibits anymore. It's incredible how PerGron consistently creates super-detailed walkthroughs of ever-increasing collections of animals. But the icing on the cake this time was the Indrik. My only concern prior was whether the realistic animals would contrast with the very fantastical rides: but the Indrik is perfect. Fantastical, ties to the land and attractions, and an amazing sight to see in person.
  • The Kasha Cafe is a great write-up! I appreciate how each land's restaurants have tied to the cuisine of the culture said land is representing. That said, I think the Seafarer's Grill is a bit of a let-down. Could it have been more tied to Slavic cuisine like the Kasha Cafe? Idk... perhaps it's best to have a more American menu for the picky eaters of the park.
  • Shops are solid: nothing much to say besides they tie into the mythology well and don't need fully-detailed descriptions when the focus should be on the attractions.
  • Overall, this is an excellent project to complete the 1986 Blue Sky Resort. I consider it a significant step-up from El Dorado and a superb conclusion to Lost Kingdoms. Good luck to all three of you -- having watched the three of you play through the last three months, you each deserve to win. The only question left is who deserves it most.

Creativity - A+
Realism - A
Detail - A-
Presentation - A
Teamwork - A+

Overall - A+


Well-Known Member
Now that the comp is over (at least as far as adding to the parks) I went through and added all of the winning veto projects (except the tv show one) to the site.

I also went through each tab and marked down who wrote what so that future people looking on know who wrote each thing. I hope I got it all right as I didn't have all the access to the brainstorming threads (particularly for Seasons of Fantasy), but I think I got it 98% right at least.

This isn't for extra clout or anything, I've been adding each of our names under our pieces throughout Lost Kingdoms so I figured I'd go back and do it for the whole project, give everyone their time to shine!

Anyway, that was a lot of time digging through our old brainstorming threads, so it's time for PerGron to get a drink before the massive blizzard that'll inevitably knock out my power tonight!


Well-Known Member
Final Competition Statement

From yours truly:

Well, we've reached the end of a competition. Incredible.

Wow! What a blast! I now see why this is so much fun! There were good times, some bad times too, but most importantly we all had fun Imagineering around. It was a pleasure to be apart of this Competition, and I'm glad this was the one for me to begin my career with.

I personally want to thank all the judges for their time and passion into making this a reality. It would mean nothing without your work and dedication making it possible. (Also, thanks for putting up with my occasional ramblings and diatribes in the Diary Room).

I specifically want to thank @TheOriginalTiki and @mickeyfan5534 for starting this competition. It truly was a blast and your hard work, if nobody else was affected (which I HIGHLY DOUBT), at least affected me in a positive way and really makes me want to stick around in this community. Thanks a ton!

This may be the end for now, but the story is only just beginning! I'll be doing projects related to my overarching Epcot Center Project while waiting for SA to start up. Hope you guys check them out!

Look out for an epic presentation on the horizon at the Year End Awards!

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