1986: An Imagineering Competition - Hub Thread


Well-Known Member
Look, I know you all mean no harm in questioning why I was HOH. It’s no personal attack on me or anyone else for that matter.

But, the conversation is still ongoing and the judges are still defending their decision. Honestly, it’s still hurtful as they’re really having to explain themselves. It feels like this wouldn’t have happened if anyone else was picked, which makes me feel pretty crappy. You all are reinforcing the idea that someone else deserved it more. I’m not upset but I I just want everyone to be aware of how I see it.


Well-Known Member
Look, I know you all mean no harm in questioning why I was HOH. It’s no personal attack on me or anyone else for that matter.

But, the conversation is still ongoing and the judges are still defending their decision. Honestly, it’s still hurtful as they’re really having to explain themselves. It feels like this wouldn’t have happened if anyone else was picked, which makes me feel pretty crappy. You all are reinforcing the idea that someone else deserved it more. I’m not upset but I I just want everyone to be aware of how I see it.
It's not just you... consider the following:
  • Space won because he was obviously the project leader, but after that, the judges seemed to make a vow to not make the HoH as predictable moving forward.
  • Pi won next, deserving for helping on the Atlantis e-ticket, but he wasn't the "obvious" pick for Adventure Atoll: that would be PerGron. Pi definitely deserved it (just like you Nigel) but his nomination was still unexpected, and I remember him being surprised when it happened.
  • Ace won next for designing a Bambi animatronic the judges really liked (even though Ace deserved it for his work on Spring), even though Nate was the overall leader in such a massive project.
  • Doug won next, deserving for the amazing art and retail, but if we break it down there were many others who similarly contributed to that land who I would say were also deserving.
  • And now, Nigel won next, deserving for the excellent Iron Man ride, even though Mickeynerd was the more obvious pick. It is nothing against either of you: I believe you deserve HoH Nigel, it was simply a matter of why with the judges podcast last night.
Our concerns were more how the HoH is decided, not who they are. As you can see above, every HoH (except for Space in the first round) have been not the first to come to mind, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve it. This case was just the straw that broke the camel's back, mainly related to the judges saying they only picked you to spite the rest of the project (even though from what I've gathered now, that was just a podcast error and really you won for creating the most original part of the land).

But to reiterate what everyone else is saying. When I made that short post last night, I didn't expect it to snowball into this. I want the best for this game and I don't want any feelings to be hurt. We should definitely all have a positive attitude, even if we are critical here and there because at the end of the day this is just a dumb internet game meant to distract us from the craziness of the real world, not add on to it.


Well-Known Member
It's not just you... consider the following:
  • Space won because he was obviously the project leader, but after that, the judges seemed to make a vow to not make the HoH as predictable moving forward.
  • Pi won next, deserving for helping on the Atlantis e-ticket, but he wasn't the "obvious" pick for Adventure Atoll: that would be PerGron. Pi definitely deserved it (just like you Nigel) but his nomination was still unexpected, and I remember him being surprised when it happened.
  • Ace won next for designing a Bambi animatronic the judges really liked (even though Ace deserved it for his work on Spring), even though Nate was the overall leader in such a massive project.
  • Doug won next, deserving for the amazing art and retail, but if we break it down there were many others who similarly contributed to that land who I would say were also deserving.
  • And now, Nigel won next, deserving for the excellent Iron Man ride, even though Mickeynerd was the more obvious pick. It is nothing against either of you: I believe you deserve HoH Nigel, it was simply a matter of why with the judges podcast last night.
Our concerns were more how the HoH is decided, not who they are. As you can see above, every HoH (except for Space in the first round) have been not the first to come to mind, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve it. This case was just the straw that broke the camel's back, mainly related to the judges saying they only picked you to spite the rest of the project (even though from what I've gathered now, that was just a podcast error and really you won for creating the most original part of the land).

But to reiterate what everyone else is saying. When I made that short post last night, I didn't expect it to snowball into this. I want the best for this game and I don't want any feelings to be hurt. We should definitely all have a positive attitude, even if we are critical here and there because at the end of the day this is just a dumb internet game meant to distract us from the craziness of the real world, not add on to it.
That's fair... looking back at it, I've only been involved with Doug and Nigel getting HoH. The thing is, in every project, there's going to be multiple people that deserve HoH for different reasons. In my mind, when I'm thinking about HoH, I'm thinking about who contributed something I really liked or did something super unexpected and impressive. If we come out and say that we're giving HoH to whoever is the best leader, that creates a power grab every project and also becomes really similar to SYWTBAI. If someone is flat out an amazing leader and contributes something really good to the project, we're not going to avoid giving that person HoH because they were the leader. It's just that being a leader doesn't immediately make you HoH. I was around for Ace's pick (just didn't have a say in it), and he deserved it because the Spring section was fantastic. For Doug, we said on the podcast that he led the team in a different way, by taking something minor (retail) that nobody else wanted to do, and turned it into something impressive, and his concept art was also phenomenal. We've all already talked about Nigel being picked, and even with some questions about how we choose HoH, I 100% think he deserved HoH. If anybody wants to ask in diary rooms about why they did or didn't get HoH, I'm open to elaborate there, but I don't want this to be a public callout of anybody, and I want to reiterate that all 4 judges still see Nigel as the best HoH choice available for this project. In the future (and if I remember it lol), I'll start writing something about why we chose who we chose if that's something you guys want, since I'm not usually on the veto selection show, so that you can get opinions from several judges about why someone was HoH.


Well-Known Member
I just think we should shut everything down if people are getting that upset over everything. I'm a freaking terrible person for letting things snowball like this. It's completely my fault. I'm a god awful host and should just leave the boards. I'm sorry everyone hates me.
Tiki, listen to me.

Stop saying things like this, it's not helping anything going on. Please.

We all want to continue this. Honestly, I'm seeing it now that everybody, including me, is overreacting. Your skills aren't bad. And it's all NOT, I repeat NOT your fault.

Everybody is overreacting, we all just need to take a chill pill.

If you want to step away for a week, go ahead! Calm your thoughts, but please don't quit.

As for everybody else, we just need to calm down and move on with life. This isn't healthy conversation anymore. This is bad rhetoric that is splitting this Competition into fragments.

Let's just all calm down and think about the veto.


Well-Known Member
I'm just so, SOO sorry if my bad communication skills led to any of this. I can't stand the fact that I some times can't communicate my points clearly, and I LOATHE the fact that my Autism makes this all but impossible. I mean really, what the HELL right do I have to host something like this when my mental illness is just going to get in the way and make you all upset with everyone. I can't STAND the idea of my Autism wasting the efforts of everyone. I will NEVER back down from the fact that it makes me a terrible person.


Well-Known Member
I'm just so, SOO sorry if my bad communication skills led to any of this. I can't stand the fact that I some times can't communicate my points clearly, and I LOATHE the fact that my Autism makes this all but impossible. I mean really, what the HELL right do I have to host something like this when my mental illness is just going to get in the way and make you all upset with everyone. I can't STAND the idea of my Autism wasting the efforts of everyone. I will NEVER back down from the fact that it makes me a terrible person.
It's ok, we all make mistakes. Mabye your communication isn't that clear, and that's ok, but then again if people refuse to listen, that's not your fault.

I just beg of you not to destroy this beautiful creation on a couple comments, please.


Well-Known Member
It's ok, we all make mistakes. Mabye your communication isn't that clear, and that's ok, but then again if people refuse to listen, that's not your fault.

I just beg of you not to destroy this beautiful creation on a couple comments, please.
I just don't want anyone else's feelings getting hurt or anyone feeling like they're wasting their time. I take others being affected negatively by stuff I'm doing seriously. Too seriously. :(


Well-Known Member
I'm just so, SOO sorry if my bad communication skills led to any of this. I can't stand the fact that I some times can't communicate my points clearly, and I LOATHE the fact that my Autism makes this all but impossible. I mean really, what the HELL right do I have to host something like this when my mental illness is just going to get in the way and make you all upset with everyone. I can't STAND the idea of my Autism wasting the efforts of everyone. I will NEVER back down from the fact that it makes me a terrible person.
You are not in any way a terrible person whatsoever.

You are a brilliant, capable, and awesome host who got me into these types of competitions. I wouldn’t be interested in being here today if it weren’t for you. I remember the night I got temporarily evicted from SYWTBAI 18. I saw how upset you were to see me go and right then I knew the kind of person you were. So there’s no reason to be discouraged.

If anything, it’s our fault. Let’s just abandon this dumb mob mentality and Keep Moving Forward.


Well-Known Member
I just don't want anyone else's feelings getting hurt or anyone feeling like they're wasting their time. I take others being affected negatively by stuff I'm doing seriously. Too seriously. :(
It’s not your fault at all, it’s a combo of a lot of things stewing that came to a head through a bunch of tired people watching an unscripted podcast at midnight, which probably isn’t the best time to watch for many of us (though I understand why you do them at that time).

Nobody hates you for any reason and nobody has really been affected by this at all. We all enjoy the game and have given critiques because we care about it. If we didn’t care, we’d all have just been quiet or even left. We’re all enjoying it and you are a good host, don’t beat yourself up about it.

One of my closest friends and former coworkers has autism too and I’ve seen the way it impacts him, so I sympathize, but I promise, none of us think any less of you because it. If anything, the fact you are as active in the forums as you are really speaks volumes.

Let’s all just move on to the next project and leave this in the past. I’ll be putting up my project tonight because I don’t want to mess up like last week and post late haha. Hakuna matata my friend


Well-Known Member
It’s not your fault at all, it’s a combo of a lot of things stewing that came to a head through a bunch of tired people watching an unscripted podcast at midnight, which probably isn’t the best time to watch for many of us (though I understand why you do them at that time).

Nobody hates you for any reason and nobody has really been affected by this at all. We all enjoy the game and have given critiques because we care about it. If we didn’t care, we’d all have just been quiet or even left. We’re all enjoying it and you are a good host, don’t beat yourself up about it.

One of my closest friends and former coworkers has autism too and I’ve seen the way it impacts him, so I sympathize, but I promise, none of us think any less of you because it. If anything, the fact you are as active in the forums as you are really speaks volumes.

Let’s all just move on to the next project and leave this in the past. I’ll be putting up my project tonight because I don’t want to mess up like last week and post late haha. Hakuna matata my friend

Exactly. In my opinion, there weren’t need for any harsh comments in the first place. But, we are all on the same team and you only want to see us improve!
You know, I didn't realize it at first, but I see it now. One of the best things about this board is how much of a community it is. We're all caring about the well-being of others, and it's truly magical (lol🤣).

That's why I haven't dropped from fatigue. This is just too precious to give up. 😃


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to take a break from giving feedback for the next week or so. Maybe that will give me time to finally catch up on Seasons of Fantasy. It will definitely give me time to dive into the radio drama more. Hope everyone understands. I don't hold anyone at fault, but today took A LOT out of me. To get home from work and see that the drama was STILL going on was utterly heartbreaking. :( I'll get over it, and as I told Ace in his diary room this is more to do how I poorly react to things than anything any of you did. I don't want you guys to feel like I'm guilt-tripping. Your criticisms are absolutely valid and I don't want people to walk on eggshells in terms of voicing them. It's when it becomes a CONSTANT mob for hours on end that my mental stability starts to crack under the pressure.

Veto this week will be decided by Space, Jokers, Mickeyfan, and Goofy. I'll still give some feedback on the podcast if I get around to reading the projects, but my main focus for tomorrow is going to be the Disney Debate that were also doing that night.


Well if it's any consolation...I tried to watch Big Brother once, and the last few pages have provided more storylines than all the episodes I saw so....


Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
For this week's Power of Veto, you will go back to one of the five lands of Blue Sky Disneyland and pitch either an expansion or redo of that land. Now, we don't expect a full-on project to be done, we simply want a pitch on how you would have done one of these lands differently with the benefit of hindsight​
Okay, how's this...

How I, Brer Panther, Would Have Done Seasons of Fantasy
As part of the team working on Seasons of Fantasy, I was simply part of a design committee. When I designed lands for my "dream resort", Disney Down Under, I was on my own. I didn't have anyone else to bounce ideas off of. Which one is easier? I don't know. But here I am, asked to redo a land - this time without any of my teammates' help. Can I pull it off? Well, let's get started...


I really wouldn't change that much about Snow White's Castle or the Courtyard. Same shops, same dining, same walk-through in the castle... so let's move on to the Spring section.

Spring is a season focused mainly on nature "re-awakening" - the weather gets warmer, the flowers bloom, the trees gain leaves... things like that. Thus, it's fitting that the Spring section is in a mostly forest-y environment. One such attraction featured in this section is Flowers and Trees, a flat ride based on the Silly Symphony of the same name. Riders circle a pair of anthropomorphic trees surrounded by dancing flowers aboard a large caterpillar. Bambi is represented via a small quick-service location, Thumper's Thicket, featuring a mainly vegetarian menu. Also here is an animatronic show, the Ugly Bug Ball, featuring a cast of cartoony insects celebrating the arrival of Spring. The show exits out into a gift shop/confectionary, Grasshopper Gifts and Goodies. The "headliner" of this section is a Peter Pan's Flight-esque dark ride based on Fantasia's Pastoral Symphony segment, a flight through a Greek world of mythological creatures aboard a beautiful Pegasus.


My version of the Summer section would mainly focus on Robin Hood and Tangled, like the finished section already does. Instead of a Tangled dark ride, however, the land would have a theatrical show - Tangled: The Musical, performed in an open-air theater. The Snuggly Duckling, instead of a 3D show, would be a restaurant a la Gaston's Tavern at the Magic Kingdom, complete with a similar menu (the pork shank is quite popular!). However, I would make no tents to Robin Hood's Merry Adventure or the festival tents.


The Autumn section is one that I actually had the pleasure of working on. So, predictably, I wouldn't change much of it. However, with Pastoral Symphony existing, having another "aerial" dark ride seems a bit redundant. Thus, Ride of the Pumpkin King becomes a hayride, with guests boarding large wagons outdoors before heading into the show building and arriving in Halloweentown.


Winter is where I would REALLY change things. At the risk of igniting the rage of most of the folks on this site, I hate Frozen. And I always have. I've never thought the film deserved the amount of success that it got. So, instead of the "Arendelle" section, the other section of Winter would be themed to the North Pole. A nice counterpart to the also Christmas-focused Holiday Village, the main draw here is an elaborate - and original - dark ride called Santa's Workshop. Aboard small sleighs, the attraction whisks guests on a tour of Santa's abode, with elves and reindeer hard at work on preparing for Santa's yearly flight around the world. The attraction exits out into a gift shop, North Pole Exports, dedicated entirely to selling toys of all shapes and sizes. A small quick-service location selling hot chocolate is also featured.



Well-Known Member
Winter is where I would REALLY change things. At the risk of igniting the rage of most of the folks on this site, I hate Frozen. And I always have. I've never thought the film deserved the amount of success that it got. So, instead of the "Arendelle" section, the other section of Winter would be themed to the North Pole.
It’s a shame Brer Panther gets automatically disqualified for removing Frozen :p

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