1986: An Imagineering Competition - Hub Thread


Well-Known Member
Outbound thoughts
Have to admit... it’s uninspiring when winning the HoH basically comes down to judges’ bias on a choice the team collectively made from the start. This isn’t to bring down Nigel for making a fantastic Iron Man project, but I wish he’d have won from the merits of his project and it’s overall contribution in the grander scheme. Instead, I’m getting the impression he only won out of spite against Epcot?

It seems the park isn’t blue sky anymore... first Adventureland can’t have a backstory because it’s too much like SEA, then Fantasyland can’t be bigger than usual even if it’s only by a few rides, now Tomorrowland can’t be optimistic as per Walt’s original intention. It feels less and less blue sky and more and more like “design a 2020 Disney Park, but swap out most of the attractions, then don’t do much else”

You can see how confusing this can be. I enjoy playing and want this game to succeed, but every week I tend to walk out of reviews more confused than anything else.
Am I going crazy or do you have PerGron's avatar and he has yours lmao. I was so confused on why PerGron was posting your thoughts until I came back to it and read your username.

It's to early for my mind to be fully working lmao


Well-Known Member
I just want to state that I'm a terrible person for being Autistic and thinking I can ran something like this. Every time I open my mouth you guys get upset at me, and it's clearly my lack of communication skills. I'm an utterly terrible, miserable excuse for a human being who can't communicate his way out of a paper bag.

We made it clear these were initial first impressions of the concept.
We made it clear we'd be giving more in depth reviews later
We made it clear we had a really hard time picking the HoH

If you all want to quit, freaking FINE at this point. I'm sick of hurting people with my words. This isn't fun for me anymore either and clearly I'm a failure at communication.


Well-Known Member
I just want to state that I'm a terrible person for being Autistic and thinking I can ran something like this. Every time I open my mouth you guys get upset at me, and it's clearly my lack of communication skills. I'm an utterly terrible, miserable excuse for a human being who can't communicate his way out of a paper bag.

We made it clear these were initial first impressions of the concept.
We made it clear we'd be giving more in depth reviews later
We made it clear we had a really hard time picking the HoH

If you all want to quit, freaking FINE at this point. I'm sick of hurting people with my words. This isn't fun for me anymore either and clearly I'm a failure at communication.
That’s not what I meant: I definitely don’t want to quit this. I was just discussing the nitpicks from the earlier podcast. It’s nothing I would want to radically alter the game over, much less quit. You’re a well-proven host — SYWTBAI 18 speaks for itself — and you’re just very busy which makes things more difficult this round, but that doesn’t mean we can’t all work together to make the best game possible. I’m not quitting anytime soon, and I don’t see any of the other players leaving either.


Well-Known Member
Look, I’m not upset at any of my fellow players or any of the judges for that matter.

To be quite plain, it does feel like a slap in the face that the judges are having to back up their decision to make me HOH because I thought I did fairly well.

But, there’s always room for improvement and the best thing we can do is move on and have a positive attitude!


Well-Known Member
You guys have no idea how hard it's been just hearing issue after issue with out feedback. Were trying out best to be constructive and fair, we've told you time and time again our feedback DOES. NOT. MATTER towards the grand scheme of the park, and this is YOUR park to do what you want with. It's definitely triggering for me as an Autistic person when it feels like every time I speak, you guys find something to be offended over. That's probably the reason why I'm a pathetic excuse of a man who's been single for his entire twenties. My communication skills are so poor it's absolutely pathetic, and frankly with everyone getting outright hurt over my feedback it just makes me not want to do it anymore...this is the second time this season I've STRONGLY felt this way. Would you all rather Space just did all of the feedback? I honestly don't know what else to say at this point. We've tried and tried to sound fair with our critiques but we come off like the bad guys every time and it's seriously starting to affect my mental health.


Well-Known Member
You guys have no idea how hard it's been just hearing issue after issue with out feedback. Were trying out best to be constructive and fair, we've told you time and time again our feedback DOES. NOT. MATTER towards the grand scheme of the park, and this is YOUR park to do what you want with. It's definitely triggering for me as an Autistic person when it feels like every time I speak, you guys find something to be offended over. That's probably the reason why I'm a pathetic excuse of a man who's been single for his entire twenties. My communication skills are so poor it's absolutely pathetic, and frankly with everyone getting outright hurt over my feedback it just makes me not want to do it anymore...this is the second time this season I've STRONGLY felt this way. Would you all rather Space just did all of the feedback? I honestly don't know what else to say at this point. We've tried and tried to sound fair with our critiques but we come off like the bad guys every time and it's seriously starting to affect my mental health.
It’s not the critiques we take issue with, it’s the inconsistencies, and it’s not just you, it’s everyone, including the other players. There’s things that we all just don’t agree on, like importance/prominence of backstory, how to handle the term blue sky, blah blah blah.

You are a tried and true host of some stellar and iconic games at this point, so it’s not like you can’t do it.

I think, at least my person issue, is that certain things just don’t make sense and are inconsistent. I know we talk about Adventure Atoll and the backstory a lot and how you didn’t “hate it” or whatever the general consensus is, but as someone who poured a lot of heart and soul into it, having it not be received well sucks. Nobody wants to hear critiques of their work on any side, but we have to, that’s fine. This comp is great, it just has some bugs, as does every comp.

I know for SAVI, we caught a lot of flack a bunch of different times about eliminations especially, causing a prominent member to leave the game and I haven’t seen them on the Imagineering boards since. Sometimes as judge you have to be the bad guy, and sometimes it es people off.

I don’t really know how to phrase it without offending you further, but I think you chose the Big Brother aspect over the Blue Sky Disney aspect. There’s a ton of drama going on over different things that everyone is playing in to. Obviously having twists and what not is part of the fun of a game, but sometimes I think you need to look at it like this. We’re invested in this park, all of us. We disagree on it a lot, and we butt heads about it, but in the end, we come up with something great every time. Maybe not one person’s perfect vision, but many peoples’ imperfect visions.

Plus, our issues this time aren’t even with you, they were with the idea that this “isn’t Tomorrowland” something you’ve said you disagree with. Don’t take offense, just roll with the punches. This is just a fun internet game, let’s treat it like that and not some life changing experience


You guys have no idea how hard it's been just hearing issue after issue with out feedback. Were trying out best to be constructive and fair, we've told you time and time again our feedback DOES. NOT. MATTER towards the grand scheme of the park, and this is YOUR park to do what you want with. It's definitely triggering for me as an Autistic person when it feels like every time I speak, you guys find something to be offended over. That's probably the reason why I'm a pathetic excuse of a man who's been single for his entire twenties. My communication skills are so poor it's absolutely pathetic, and frankly with everyone getting outright hurt over my feedback it just makes me not want to do it anymore...this is the second time this season I've STRONGLY felt this way. Would you all rather Space just did all of the feedback? I honestly don't know what else to say at this point. We've tried and tried to sound fair with our critiques but we come off like the bad guys every time and it's seriously starting to affect my mental health.
I think hearing from a variety of people is important; sure maybe I'm in the minority and liked this land more than most, but my last review I preferred the World's Fair concept over Crafts. On the flip side, so much feedback means that some responses might not always be on the same page.

There's a lot to juggle in this game, if you need help, I'm always here, but I think you guys are doing a fine job from the podcasts to the prompts. I think the changes made going on almost a month ago have been really helpful and I'd view any 'feedback to the feedback' as passion for the game rather than a negative.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Unlike the great SAT word milquetoast used in the podcast to describe the land
I wouldn't even say the land itself is milquetoast. I say this as probably the biggest detractor of the Epcot Center theme, it was extremely well done and there are sparks of inspiration (see what I did there?) in the project. My problem stems from 1) I think that Epcot Center is such a played out and overused theme that it's become an inherently unoriginal idea and 2) all but one attraction in the land feels like it's just copying something that came before rather than doing something different with the land like we were expecting.
I mentioned this in the Veto Ceremony but I think Tomorrowland and Epcot may have stemmed from the same idea: a celebration of the future today, but as time has gone by, the two diverged. Tomorrowland has become the science-fiction/science-fantasy side of things: stuff like Doctor Who, Star Wars, Dan Dare, Buck Rogers, Superheroes, H.G. Wells, and Jules Verne. That really fun and fantastic side of things where you have improbable but still plausible stuff all over the place. Epcot, on the other hand, is pure science, history, and culture presented in a fun, occasionally fantastic, way. Even the likes of Imagination still have a foot stuck in reality despite its fantastic elements because the segments of the ride are all based on interpretations of various human artforms: traditional art, literature, performance, and it even argues that science is an art form in its own way.
Now those are my personal definitions of Tomorrowland and Epcot in 2020 so that colors my view of this project and I've given my hot take on Epcot in the Hype Thread. Anyways, I have to go write a literature review for a capstone. Project review will be up later.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't even say the land itself is milquetoast. I say this as probably the biggest detractor of the Epcot Center theme, it was extremely well done and there are sparks of inspiration (see what I did there?) in the project. My problem stems from 1) I think that Epcot Center is such a played out and overused theme that it's become an inherently unoriginal idea and 2) all but one attraction in the land feels like it's just copying something that came before rather than doing something different with the land like we were expecting.
I mentioned this in the Veto Ceremony but I think Tomorrowland and Epcot may have stemmed from the same idea: a celebration of the future today, but as time has gone by, the two diverged. Tomorrowland has become the science-fiction/science-fantasy side of things: stuff like Doctor Who, Star Wars, Dan Dare, Buck Rogers, Superheroes, H.G. Wells, and Jules Verne. That really fun and fantastic side of things where you have improbable but still plausible stuff all over the place. Epcot, on the other hand, is pure science, history, and culture presented in a fun, occasionally fantastic, way. Even the likes of Imagination still have a foot stuck in reality despite its fantastic elements because the segments of the ride are all based on interpretations of various human artforms: traditional art, literature, performance, and it even argues that science is an art form in its own way.
Now those are my personal definitions of Tomorrowland and Epcot in 2020 so that colors my view of this project and I've given my hot take on Epcot in the Hype Thread. Anyways, I have to go write a literature review for a capstone. Project review will be up later.
I totally get that. The momentum definitely rolled towards an Epcot-style expo and I still like what we did, but I do admit that my own personal Tomorrowland would either be a Raygun Gothic spaceport or a Cyberpunk city.


I wouldn't even say the land itself is milquetoast. I say this as probably the biggest detractor of the Epcot Center theme, it was extremely well done and there are sparks of inspiration (see what I did there?) in the project. My problem stems from 1) I think that Epcot Center is such a played out and overused theme that it's become an inherently unoriginal idea and 2) all but one attraction in the land feels like it's just copying something that came before rather than doing something different with the land like we were expecting.
I mentioned this in the Veto Ceremony but I think Tomorrowland and Epcot may have stemmed from the same idea: a celebration of the future today, but as time has gone by, the two diverged. Tomorrowland has become the science-fiction/science-fantasy side of things: stuff like Doctor Who, Star Wars, Dan Dare, Buck Rogers, Superheroes, H.G. Wells, and Jules Verne. That really fun and fantastic side of things where you have improbable but still plausible stuff all over the place. Epcot, on the other hand, is pure science, history, and culture presented in a fun, occasionally fantastic, way. Even the likes of Imagination still have a foot stuck in reality despite its fantastic elements because the segments of the ride are all based on interpretations of various human artforms: traditional art, literature, performance, and it even argues that science is an art form in its own way.
Now those are my personal definitions of Tomorrowland and Epcot in 2020 so that colors my view of this project and I've given my hot take on Epcot in the Hype Thread. Anyways, I have to go write a literature review for a capstone. Project review will be up later.
And this emphasizes my main point that various opinions is important

It helps nobody if people only hear from one voice, or one unified opinion...because then over time projects will resemble a certain viewpoint rather than a progression of improvement


Well-Known Member
You guys have no idea how hard it's been just hearing issue after issue with out feedback. Were trying out best to be constructive and fair, we've told you time and time again our feedback DOES. NOT. MATTER towards the grand scheme of the park, and this is YOUR park to do what you want with. It's definitely triggering for me as an Autistic person when it feels like every time I speak, you guys find something to be offended over. That's probably the reason why I'm a pathetic excuse of a man who's been single for his entire twenties. My communication skills are so poor it's absolutely pathetic, and frankly with everyone getting outright hurt over my feedback it just makes me not want to do it anymore...this is the second time this season I've STRONGLY felt this way. Would you all rather Space just did all of the feedback? I honestly don't know what else to say at this point. We've tried and tried to sound fair with our critiques but we come off like the bad guys every time and it's seriously starting to affect my mental health.
Hey, not all your critiques are bad. I just think you sided on quite an unpopular opinion this time around.

One thing that's touchy about epcot is that because of the long train of abuses from Disney, the park has basically gone to rot, and it really drives the fans absolutely nuts, to the point of even being toxic, which I strongly do not support.

I agree with your point about it being too epcot centric, I understand that, but in all honesty, Tomorrowland doesn't have to be all about fantasy. For example, the original Disneyland Tomorrowland was a showcase of new ideas and technologies just like epcot, I mean, The hall of chemistry, flight to the moon (we were trying to land on the moon at the time). The carousel of progress showing new ideas and innovations throughout time.

Fast forward to wdw, and you had Delta Dreamflight showing air travel, circle vision technologies, an efficient people mover, all sorts of stuff.

Epcot was just the continuation of that, except a bit more directed in the education idea, because edutainment was extremely popular at the time. The pavilions still promoted new and exciting technologies while being fun and had quite a bit of fantasy to it too.

The only time a Tomorrowland was based on pure fantasy was the '94 overhaul of WDW, the '98 Disneyland one, and DLP, all because they were trying to fix an issue with the land ageing, which in reality didn't really work cause now it's (almost) all getting removed in WDW.

So, to summarize, I think the reason the houseguests grilled ya so much was because, in their eyes, your reasoning didn't make sense, especially with @mickeyfan5534 's opinions about a lack of fantasy. Then on top of that, it was inflamed even more by Nigel getting picked for HoH when his project was the only main "fantastical" project out there besides @D Hulk 's, which in the eyes of the rest of us seemed like we got nailed for being too "epcot" instead of not enough fantasy, so that was just a bad coincidence. I don't want to take away from @NigelChanning09 , he had really good contributions, but it was just a little bit too biased sounding to the ears.

Now, I will have to confess, I was quite salty for almost winning HoH for either the second or third time (I don't remember the exact amount of times,) so my response to your views was muddied by opinion and salt, and I actually thought I finally had it in the bag this time. I should have pushed my self-centered thoughts aside and listened to your first impression with open ears, but I didn't, and that's 100% my fault.

Now, for my final point, just because this round received alot of backlash to your thoughts, don't let it spoil the entire competition! One of the best parts about this Competition is the quality feedback the judges give, and I appreciate it a LOT, especially when you go against the grain, and I really don't want to lose that over one project.

One of the best things I have learned in my extremely short time on this Earth, is that when your knocked down, it may seem easier to walk away and quit, but if you pick yourself back up and keep fighting for what you believe is right, that makes all the difference.

Please don't let one sour apple ruin the whole bunch. We appreciate your hard work and ideas. I know what it's like to get knocked down, it's not fun, but I promise that picking yourself back up and keep trucking along will do wonders for everybody.

Hopefully my comments are helpful, and I'll try to not be so salty in the future 🤣. Thanks for your dedication to this Competition! 😀👍

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I think a lot of people have said things better than I can. So, I'll keep what I'm gonna say brief.

I'm having fun. I think everyone is. And I have no plans to quit and I don't believe anyone else does.

A dream park competition is a tough thing to pull off. There is a disconnect among the players at times for the direction of the park. And beyond that there is a disconnect between the hosts and the players at times for the direction of the park. That is just what is going to happen with a dream park competition.

There are frustrations at times when it feels like the reviews are more about conflicting visions for the park between players and hosts rather than about what we actually did.

These frustrations can be added to when the hosts have busy lives. Tiki has admitted before to not always reading the projects before giving feedback. But no one can really fault anyone for being busy or distracted right now. the world is kinda crazy.

Of course, as Tiki and the hosts have said, their feedback doesn't matter too much because this isn't 2 teams competing against each other. Yet with the HoH determining who might go home and the Vetos reshaping the park, the hosts do have a very important role in shaping the park.

Part of the frustration also stems from HoH being picked a day before the project is due. Of course, I understand why this has to happen to keep the game flowing. But it essentially moves the deadline up 24 hours for anyone wanting to have a shot at HoH. It is unavoidable really since that is just how the game has to be to keep things moving though.

Part of the frustration can also definitely be stemming from the players too. This is a game designed around tight deadlines and big projects and things like that. It's been outright stated that one of the goals of the game was to create some friction and frustration to make strategies and alliances work better. Though rather than between separate players/alliances, the friction has instead begun to manifest mostly between hosts and players. There was a lot of talk about trying to not let the game's format turn us players against each other too much or get into fights there, but now that friction the game was designed to create is turning against the hosts. Which isn't really fair either to let too much negativity get pointed that way. It's something we, as the players, have got to be careful about also the same way we've been careful to not let it turn us against each other.

Look, I’m not upset at any of my fellow players or any of the judges for that matter.

To be quite plain, it does feel like a slap in the face that the judges are having to back up their decision to make me HOH because I thought I did fairly well.

But, there’s always room for improvement and the best thing we can do is move on and have a positive attitude!

You absolutely did an amazing job! And I don't want you to think that any of these issues people have brought up are because they don't think you've earned this! The issue was that the first impressions presented on the veto announcement podcast gave the impression that they picked you to spite the vision the players chose for the land because Iron Man fit their vision for the land. Rather than choosing you for all the incredibly valid reasons. You created a fun and engaging ride that was fully unique while still fitting into the land as a whole.

Of course, that's the tough thing with a first impression podcast before reading the whole project at midnight. It was a simple miscommunication and it has been clarified now.

Overall, this has been a really fun and unique game. With how unique it is, there's some growing pains and frustrations that come with it. Especially in a crazy year where everyone is a little on edge anyways. I cussed out my tv remote for running out of batteries yesterday. Nothing that happened last night/this morning has been a real crisis or huge issue. And I don't want anyone (players, judges, or hosts) to start walking away with a sour feeling here. Like @NigelChanning09 said, there’s always room for improvement and the best thing we can do is move on and have a positive attitude!


Hey, not all your critiques are bad. I just think you sided on quite an unpopular opinion this time around.

One thing that's touchy about epcot is that because of the long train of abuses from Disney, the park has basically gone to rot, and it really drives the fans absolutely nuts, to the point of even being toxic, which I strongly do not support.

I agree with your point about it being too epcot centric, I understand that, but in all honesty, Tomorrowland doesn't have to be all about fantasy. For example, the original Disneyland Tomorrowland was a showcase of new ideas and technologies just like epcot, I mean, The hall of chemistry, flight to the moon (we were trying to land on the moon at the time). The carousel of progress showing new ideas and innovations throughout time.

Fast forward to wdw, and you had Delta Dreamflight showing air travel, circle vision technologies, an efficient people mover, all sorts of stuff.

Epcot was just the continuation of that, except a bit more directed in the education idea, because edutainment was extremely popular at the time. The pavilions still promoted new and exciting technologies while being fun and had quite a bit of fantasy to it too.

The only time a Tomorrowland was based on pure fantasy was the '94 overhaul of WDW, the '98 Disneyland one, and DLP, all because they were trying to fix an issue with the land ageing, which in reality didn't really work cause now it's (almost) all getting removed in WDW.

So, to summarize, I think the reason the houseguests grilled ya so much was because, in their eyes, your reasoning didn't make sense, especially with @mickeyfan5534 's opinions about a lack of fantasy. Then on top of that, it was inflamed even more by Nigel getting picked for HoH when his project was the only main "fantastical" project out there besides @D Hulk 's, which in the eyes of the rest of us seemed like we got nailed for being too "epcot" instead of not enough fantasy, so that was just a bad coincidence. I don't want to take away from @NigelChanning09 , he had really good contributions, but it was just a little bit too biased sounding to the ears.

Now, I will have to confess, I was quite salty for almost winning HoH for either the second or third time (I don't remember the exact amount of times,) so my response to your views was muddied by opinion and salt, and I actually thought I finally had it in the bag this time. I should have pushed my self-centered thoughts aside and listened to your first impression with open ears, but I didn't, and that's 100% my fault.

Now, for my final point, just because this round received alot of backlash to your thoughts, don't let it spoil the entire competition! One of the best parts about this Competition is the quality feedback the judges give, and I appreciate it a LOT, especially when you go against the grain, and I really don't want to lose that over one project.

One of the best things I have learned in my extremely short time on this Earth, is that when your knocked down, it may seem easier to walk away and quit, but if you pick yourself back up and keep fighting for what you believe is right, that makes all the difference.

Please don't let one sour apple ruin the whole bunch. We appreciate your hard work and ideas. I know what it's like to get knocked down, it's not fun, but I promise that picking yourself back up and keep trucking along will do wonders for everybody.

Hopefully my comments are helpful, and I'll try to not be so salty in the future 🤣. Thanks for your dedication to this Competition! 😀👍
^^ A future Hall of Famer in the making here


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people have said things better than I can. So, I'll keep what I'm gonna say brief.

I'm having fun. I think everyone is. And I have no plans to quit and I don't believe anyone else does.

A dream park competition is a tough thing to pull off. There is a disconnect among the players at times for the direction of the park. And beyond that there is a disconnect between the hosts and the players at times for the direction of the park. That is just what is going to happen with a dream park competition.

There are frustrations at times when it feels like the reviews are more about conflicting visions for the park between players and hosts rather than about what we actually did.

These frustrations can be added to when the hosts have busy lives. Tiki has admitted before to not always reading the projects before giving feedback. But no one can really fault anyone for being busy or distracted right now. the world is kinda crazy.

Of course, as Tiki and the hosts have said, their feedback doesn't matter too much because this isn't 2 teams competing against each other. Yet with the HoH determining who might go home and the Vetos reshaping the park, the hosts do have a very important role in shaping the park.

Part of the frustration also stems from HoH being picked a day before the project is due. Of course, I understand why this has to happen to keep the game flowing. But it essentially moves the deadline up 24 hours for anyone wanting to have a shot at HoH. It is unavoidable really since that is just how the game has to be to keep things moving though.

Part of the frustration can also definitely be stemming from the players too. This is a game designed around tight deadlines and big projects and things like that. It's been outright stated that one of the goals of the game was to create some friction and frustration to make strategies and alliances work better. Though rather than between separate players/alliances, the friction has instead begun to manifest mostly between hosts and players. There was a lot of talk about trying to not let the game's format turn us players against each other too much or get into fights there, but now that friction the game was designed to create is turning against the hosts. Which isn't really fair either to let too much negativity get pointed that way. It's something we, as the players, have got to be careful about also the same way we've been careful to not let it turn us against each other.

You absolutely did an amazing job! And I don't want you to think that any of these issues people have brought up are because they don't think you've earned this! The issue was that the first impressions presented on the veto announcement podcast gave the impression that they picked you to spite the vision the players chose for the land because Iron Man fit their vision for the land. Rather than choosing you for all the incredibly valid reasons. You created a fun and engaging ride that was fully unique while still fitting into the land as a whole.

Of course, that's the tough thing with a first impression podcast before reading the whole project at midnight. It was a simple miscommunication and it has been clarified now.

Overall, this has been a really fun and unique game. With how unique it is, there's some growing pains and frustrations that come with it. Especially in a crazy year where everyone is a little on edge anyways. I cussed out my tv remote for running out of batteries yesterday. Nothing that happened last night/this morning has been a real crisis or huge issue. And I don't want anyone (players, judges, or hosts) to start walking away with a sour feeling here. Like @NigelChanning09 said, there’s always room for improvement and the best thing we can do is move on and have a positive attitude!
Yea, I agree with the picking the veto issue.

One of the things I think tiki said was part of the reason nigel was picked was because he had the most complete project at the time of the pickings, which really isn't entirely fair to other people. I was still working on my project an hour before the deadline, basically disqualifying me from HoH.

Even if nigel was picked anyway, this brings up an issue where someone could get picked for HoH while someone else who finished later was actually more deserving for HoH than the original person. That basically creates an artificial deadline for those of us who are competitive to finish before Wednesday.

I understand why HoH is picked when it's picked, but I feel that it's a bit of a flawed system.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, and I don't want to get into details of why we didn't pick other people, we landed on Nigel yesterday morning, and it wasn't just based on the quality of his work, although that was probably the most important factor. The thing is, if we were picking purely based on the most impressive aspect of the project because of how much time it took or whatever, Outbound would probably be HoH because his concept art was ridiculously impressive. Being completely honest, the three people we were between for HoH had already submitted their parts of the project, and we'd already narrowed it down to those 3 before they had submitted their projects. We try to evaluate social game, brainstorming, idea creativity, and finally, execution. I don't think we've officially discussed it before, but we're able to pretty easily narrow it down to a few players before the projects start getting submitted and then if we need a tiebreaker, we use the quality of the project. If all of our candidates hadn't submitted their parts with an hour before the deadline, we wouldn't give someone HoH that we didn't feel deserved it. I just wanted to clear that up because I think there's a misunderstanding about the way we pick HoH, and I wanted to be clear that there isn't a deadline where people have to submit their parts of the project to be considered for HoH. We take the time to read through the brainstorming threads and pick the people we think may be deserving of HoH and go from there.
I've been a part of choosing 3 Head of Households I think, and it's never come down to giving it to someone who turned in their project first or anything like that, and I don't forsee that happening in the future.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, and I don't want to get into details of why we didn't pick other people, we landed on Nigel yesterday morning, and it wasn't just based on the quality of his work, although that was probably the most important factor. The thing is, if we were picking purely based on the most impressive aspect of the project because of how much time it took or whatever, Outbound would probably be HoH because his concept art was ridiculously impressive. Being completely honest, the three people we were between for HoH had already submitted their parts of the project, and we'd already narrowed it down to those 3 before they had submitted their projects. We try to evaluate social game, brainstorming, idea creativity, and finally, execution. I don't think we've officially discussed it before, but we're able to pretty easily narrow it down to a few players before the projects start getting submitted and then if we need a tiebreaker, we use the quality of the project. If all of our candidates hadn't submitted their parts with an hour before the deadline, we wouldn't give someone HoH that we didn't feel deserved it. I just wanted to clear that up because I think there's a misunderstanding about the way we pick HoH, and I wanted to be clear that there isn't a deadline where people have to submit their parts of the project to be considered for HoH. We take the time to read through the brainstorming threads and pick the people we think may be deserving of HoH and go from there.
I've been a part of choosing 3 Head of Households I think, and it's never come down to giving it to someone who turned in their project first or anything like that, and I don't forsee that happening in the future.
ok, thanks for clearing that up. It was not made very clear at first and honestly sounded like it was being chosen that way.

Im still salty though 🤣

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