1986: An Imagineering Competition - Hub Thread


Well-Known Member
Outbound: I really appreciate your attention to detail in this project… conceptually, it’s very unique and a great idea, but the detail really sets it apart. The exhibits are a nice touch, and the distinction between them on each ship is a great idea as well. I also really like the different dioramas and the ideas behind them, so all in all the concept is really well done. However, there are a couple things that I think could be improved. First, and this is just a more minor thing, but I feel like the ship is super out of place in Four Winds Square at the place you have it docking, and if there is a Tomorrowland prompt at some point, I feel like it’d be weird too… like when you think about it, you can’t really see the railroad for the most part in Tomorrowland (unless my memory is just really bad), so I think it would be tough to integrate in those two lands especially. My other thing with this is something I’ve said several times this season… not everything needs a super in depth backstory, especially when the backstory is so central to the reason for the ships existing. I continue to be blown away by your ability to come up with stories out of nothing, and this is a great story you created, but it ends up being really superfluous, especially considering that the park already has so many in depth backstories. Again, the work is really well done, I just think that the story is too unnecessary, which dropped my realism score somewhat.

Creativity: 10/10

Realism: 7/10

Detail: 5/5

Total: 22/25

Pi: I really love the idea of using horseback rides as a way to navigate around the park… it’s definitely something super unique! I like the different stations a lot, especially the Harbortown and 4 Winds Square stations! All in all, it’s a really creative idea that I really like. That being said, I really hope you have a massive group of horses because I think this park is significantly larger than the Magic Kingdom lol… I think the ticketing thing is kind of unnecessary and put-offish… Like I understand your reasoning for it, but I don’t think a ticketed experience would be used a as a real means of transportation. The railroad is used to some extent for transportation, partially because it’s a relaxing experience, but also because it’s quicker than you think, and I don’t think the horses fit that. The only other thing, and this is more of something that I don’t know if anybody is able to make fit, but horses going through Tomorrowland is a little strange. I realize I’m being nitpicky, but in a group this good, I feel the need to nitpick to justify my scores. It really is a great concept though, and I truly enjoyed it!

Creativity: 9/10

Realism: 6/10

Detail: 5/5

Total: 20/25

Hulk: Man I don’t even know what to say hahaha… like this is a crazy idea that would never happen, but it’s a really fun idea, and your concept art of the track behind the castle keeps making me laugh. To be honest, I don’t have much to say because there isn’t much here, but I really need to know what a Tiki Roll is!

Creativity: 9/10

Realism: 7/10

Detail: 3/5

Total: 19/25

B-Wolf: At first, I thought it was sorta boring to do the train concept again, but the more I read, the more I thought this was actually a really great idea. I like the tributes to different very significant Imagineers and the description of the parlor car and automatic doors. I think you really set yourself apart with doing a really unique idea like this that also has some great theming throughout… I could see this 100% being something viewed as an attraction with the different sights in the journey. My favorite parts are the cave between the “Frontierland” station and the Four Winds Square section and the Hidden World section… what great ideas! The only criticisms I have is that, although I think it’s a great idea integrating the train into the mine train, there’s much less convenience in taking a train from the hub area to the different lands than the front of Harbortown. Also, it would be ridiculously challenging to build something like this because you’d have to have a fully underground show building, but that’s neither here nor there really… it is a blue sky park after all! This is probably my favorite idea so far-timeless and yet really fitting with the themes behind the lands… great work!

Creativity: 10/10

Realism: 8/10

Detail: 5/5

Total: 23/25

Mickeynerd: I like the idea of making a more advanced monorail, because I think some people criticize the fact that the monorails are still very similar in design to the monorails from decades ago, so it was cool to see that advancement. Definitely a bold choice to anchor your transportation option in a land that isn’t guaranteed to be made in this competition, but if there is a Tomorrowland prompt, I think this would be a great way to anchor your transportation. I will say that I wish there was more of an explanation other than just making a blanket statement that the cars and stations would be user-friendly and designed with the passenger in mind… like I don’t really know what that means in this context, so I would’ve liked more of an explanation of that. I don’t think 5 stops is necessary either; and I don’t know how fast the train goes, so I don’t know how long a trip around the park would take, but I think with that number of stops, you’re probably looking at doubling your travel time. I like the concepts for the different stations though, I just wish there was more detail on them, and on that note, you mention “transport tubes”, but I don’t know what that means either, versus it being easier to conceptualize dioramas. Ultimately, the more I think about it, even though I like the idea of modernizing the monorail, it seems too industrial and too focused on efficient transportation, which isn’t necessarily the point of a round the park transportation service. I think if you focused more on theming and stuff between the different stations, I might feel differently… I do really love the idea though… it’s definitely a creative answer to the prompt!

Creativity: 9/10

Realism: 7/10

Detail: 4/5

Total: 20/25

PerGron: First of all, sorry about the time mixup! That being said, the work you did put out is impressive for being short on time! I like the little backstory with you being at the center of it, and it explains your thought process for why you picked the hot air balloons, but why’d you go and suggest the Chicken Little attraction? Now nothing can live up to that!!! I think that this idea actually fits very well with the entire park, which is something other projects this time have struggled with. I like the spots you chose for the stations, especially not choosing to clog up Seasons of Fantasy, which reminds me, I really like the humor with which you presented this. I also think that having transport and express lines was a smart idea that accomplishes the goals of it serving as an attraction and a transportation method. Honestly, there’s not really anything to criticize here; you don’t need interlude scenes between the stations because the park itself is your scenery, which is a great idea. I don’t think it’s the most creative idea (just because this is basically a rethemed Skyway with impressive improvements), but it’s by far the most realistic one that satisfies everything we’re looking for, so it’s near the top of the list for me.

Creativity: 9/10

Realism: 10/10

Detail: 4/5

Total: 23/25


Project Veto Reviews

Outbound - What can I say, this was really strong - from the eloquent backstories to the path on the map throughout the park, mostly everything seemed to work for me. To stay consistent I do remember this being an option when brainstorming Harbortown and we dismissed it originally because like the Discovery River Boats in DAK, we thought it'd take too long to sail around the park.

Given that however, I think you made some strong adjustments to ensure that it works the best it can, and thematically this is one of if not the best option for in-park transportation in my view.

Creativity - 10/10
Realism - 9/10
Detail - 5/5
Total 24/25

Pi on my cake - I like horses as much as the next guy, and they might work for perhaps a future Frontierland or Harbortown aesthetics, but for a full park transportation it feels a bit over the top in terms of care for the horses themselves, maintenance, and facilitation of guests. A nice idea for in-land transportation in lieu of a trolley or motor car however. I also liked the makeshift map - while maybe not the best looking it does show the progression of the season up until this point and helped the detail score.

Creativity - 10/10
Realism - 6/10
Detail - 5/5
Total 21/25

D Hulk - Well, as a roller coaster enthusiast I approve. Other than that, umm, well, without getting the Hulk too mad, you'll have to take the stairs on this one.

Creativity - 10/10
Realism - 5/10
Detail - 4/5
Total 19/25

b-wolf - This was a very neat proposal! An underground train throughout the park would be interesting to see pulled off. I do like nuance to it as well I think in general it enables you to create something that doesn't have to fit with the theme of each land like an above-ground attraction might have to. Overall, very impressed by this. The only thing I'll add I think you have the potential to be really good in this game, I'd like to see you step out and try some concept art or a map as we continue on, it'll really help your presentations!

Creativity - 10/10
Realism - 9/10
Detail - 4/5
Total 23/25

mickeynerd17 - Like the innovative approach with the Maglev, and I think in a group project it's okay to borrow with credit other people's illustrations so you did fine there. At the same time I think this approach without an established Tomorrowland yet puts folks in a bind to pick a futuristic style Tomorrowland rather than brainstorm other potential options. If Tomorrowland was already established this would be higher on my list but otherwise it makes it tough to have this be the established transportation.

Creativity - 9/10
Realism - 8/10
Detail - 4/5
Total 21/25

PerGron - The whimsy of this option really entices me! I didn't really need the inside baseball however of the brainstorming process; I'm sure at some point I've done that as well, but I think unless it's a custom backstory it might help to just get right to the attraction. This concept provides a system that can be used in all corners of the park without seeming too out of place, and I really like the two lines one transport and one express - it makes it feel productive for the park in addition to being an attraction. High in the sky views are something missing a bit from Disney parks ever since the closure of the Skyway, I do like how you kept most of the track away from backstage areas and closer to the hub, as seeing the backstage areas juxtaposed with the guest view for me is a bit less magical.

Creativity 10/10
Realism 9/10
Detail 4/5
Total 23/25
PerGron's review added


Well-Known Member
Four Winds Square review

Before I begin, I just want to acknowledge that I'm still behind on reading and reviewing Seasons of Fantasy. It's a super ambitious project and work has been insanely busy par usual. I still very much intend to get to it, as I absolutely know that I need it to properly judge the park in the context of everything else.

One thing that caused some tension but I actually think was for the better was the length of the project. Easily the shortest write-up yet, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. This was a very niche prompt and you guys did pretty much everything in your power to make it shine. There was definitely a divide between World's Fair and Papercraft. In the end while I wish the papercraft would have been emphasized perhaps a wee bit more in the minute-by-minute details of walking around the land, you still totally stuck to landing on the concept of an expanded Small World sub-area.

I don't have a ton to say about the individual components. I thought the AA stuffed animal show was really inspired as a smaller scale version of the American Adventure tech, and simply adorable in its concept. The art gallery and gardens were also a very good fit and a natural inclusion to space out the land. The gardens especially contrasted very well with the gardens already established in the park within the castle grounds. The swinging ship clock was another really simple, extremely kinetic idea. Love the fact that the actual ship is an oversized Small World boat to add to the familiarity factor.

The area around the E-Ticket really is fantastic. The E-Ticket itself I love some elements of and think others could have been spiced up a bit. For this I'm going to go the compliment sandwich route. I really did like how large scale this version of the attraction was, and that you went for something different. That being said, I really didn't see a lot of differences at all between the Sea and Sky tracks.

It's a ridiculously novel concept for Small World especially given how kinetic the ride is already, but I really do think the dual tracks got lost in translation. On the plus side though, I love, love, LOVED the addition of the mythological creatures! I saw this also spark up some controversy, but I think it fits the tone of the ride flawlessly. I also think there was perhaps a little too much push-back against making this slightly darker in tone. I have no idea how a darker tinged Small World (like...Epic Mickey dark...) would work, but I'd LOVE to see an attempt at it and think the idea got pushed under the rug a bit too soon.

So overall, this is definitely the most clear vision for a land ya'll have had since Harbortown. It was a very challenging prompt and you made it work really well.

Just got home from work, so I'll be working on Veto reviews throughout the evening culminating in a Veto review podcast with @goofyyukyuk tonight at 11PM Eastern. The podcast for the main land will be happening tomorrow night at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Four Winds Square review

Before I begin, I just want to acknowledge that I'm still behind on reading and reviewing Seasons of Fantasy. It's a super ambitious project and work has been insanely busy par usual. I still very much intend to get to it, as I absolutely know that I need it to properly judge the park in the context of everything else.

One thing that caused some tension but I actually think was for the better was the length of the project. Easily the shortest write-up yet, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. This was a very niche prompt and you guys did pretty much everything in your power to make it shine. There was definitely a divide between World's Fair and Papercraft. In the end while I wish the papercraft would have been emphasized perhaps a wee bit more in the minute-by-minute details of walking around the land, you still totally stuck to landing on the concept of an expanded Small World sub-area.

I don't have a ton to say about the individual components. I thought the AA stuffed animal show was really inspired as a smaller scale version of the American Adventure tech, and simply adorable in its concept. The art gallery and gardens were also a very good fit and a natural inclusion to space out the land. The gardens especially contrasted very well with the gardens already established in the park within the castle grounds. The swinging ship clock was another really simple, extremely kinetic idea. Love the fact that the actual ship is an oversized Small World boat to add to the familiarity factor.

The area around the E-Ticket really is fantastic. The E-Ticket itself I love some elements of and think others could have been spiced up a bit. For this I'm going to go the compliment sandwich route. I really did like how large scale this version of the attraction was, and that you went for something different. That being said, I really didn't see a lot of differences at all between the Sea and Sky tracks.

It's a ridiculously novel concept for Small World especially given how kinetic the ride is already, but I really do think the dual tracks got lost in translation. On the plus side though, I love, love, LOVED the addition of the mythological creatures! I saw this also spark up some controversy, but I think it fits the tone of the ride flawlessly. I also think there was perhaps a little too much push-back against making this slightly darker in tone. I have no idea how a darker tinged Small World (like...Epic Mickey dark...) would work, but I'd LOVE to see an attempt at it and think the idea got pushed under the rug a bit too soon.

So overall, this is definitely the most clear vision for a land ya'll have had since Harbortown. It was a very challenging prompt and you made it work really well.

Just got home from work, so I'll be working on Veto reviews throughout the evening culminating in a Veto review podcast with @goofyyukyuk tonight at 11PM Eastern. The podcast for the main land will be happening tomorrow night at the same time.
Finally, someone who read my proposal more in-depth!

JK, I bet everyone gave it a good thought, and I thank you all for reading it 🤣


Well-Known Member
I really like the idea of this one, but I think that it's way out of scale for feasible in-park transportation. It would look ridiculous having four galleons circling your park. Maybe something smaller would fit better like a schooner, if we're really going to commit to full-sized vessels, but I think that something like a skiff or a keel boat would have worked a bit better if only from a realism perspective. While I enjoyed the backstory, I think that it was a bit too much. Again, I appreciate it and it was well-written, but I think that it was mostly unnecessary. I really love the exhibits as well, and I think that it was smart to have the ships be accessible when they're docked. Definitely a smart way to balance having the exhibits as well as outdoor show scenes. In terms of the route, everything looked fine. With your transport themed to sailing ships, I would have moved your Fantasyland dock to Arendelle, but that's like the smallest of nitpicks. All in all, great job. While I had some issues with realism and an unnecessary backstory, the concept as a whole was very solid.

@Pi on my Cake
Great concept. Horribly unrealistic. Like Outbounds, I really like the concept as a concept, but I think that it would be far more trouble than it's worth. It makes sense to have this be an upcharge, but at that point it's kind of taking away from the notion of it being a mode of transportation around the park. Yes it is literally transporting you around the park, but personally I wouldn't want to drop $5 to ride a horse to Adventure Atoll when it would probably be faster and definitely cheaper for me to just walk there myself. Maybe if you kept this to part of the park rather than the berm it would have made more sense? Again, I appreciate the concept as a concept, I just don't think that it was quite as a successful as it could have been.

@D Hulk
Why do you insist on hurting us? I'm just going to ignore the concept, and give you a 25/25 for the art alone.

I really adore this concept. I love the idea of having most of it set underground/ in proper mineshafts. It really gives the attraction a sort of magical subway feel (that sounds a lot less delightful when it's referred to that way.) I also really enjoyed all of the showscenes. Everything fit exceptionally well. This type of attraction is what I was hoping for from everyone. You were able to do something distinct, but still realistic.

This is a good concept, but I really worry about how it would fit with the rest of the park. Of course, a steam train doesn't necessarily fit in Tomorrowland in a traditional castle park, but I think that doing the opposite and designing a train specifically themed around a Tomorrowland that you guys haven't written yet would be even more jarring. Again, it's a good concept. I just think that in the future you should consider the park as a whole when designing something that will be seen all around the park.

This concept is fantastic. I love the out of left field choice to theme this around hot air balloons. The only thing that I would say is maybe instead of a skyline, this could have been something like a suspended monorail system. I just think that it would be more realistic, but that's just me. I just love the whimsical atmosphere created here, and I really love the idea of seeing a bunch of hot air balloons floating around the park. Really great, unique concept. Just what I was looking for.

Chaos Cat

Well-Known Member
I really like the idea of this one, but I think that it's way out of scale for feasible in-park transportation. It would look ridiculous having four galleons circling your park. Maybe something smaller would fit better like a schooner, if we're really going to commit to full-sized vessels, but I think that something like a skiff or a keel boat would have worked a bit better if only from a realism perspective. While I enjoyed the backstory, I think that it was a bit too much. Again, I appreciate it and it was well-written, but I think that it was mostly unnecessary. I really love the exhibits as well, and I think that it was smart to have the ships be accessible when they're docked. Definitely a smart way to balance having the exhibits as well as outdoor show scenes. In terms of the route, everything looked fine. With your transport themed to sailing ships, I would have moved your Fantasyland dock to Arendelle, but that's like the smallest of nitpicks. All in all, great job. While I had some issues with realism and an unnecessary backstory, the concept as a whole was very solid.

@Pi on my Cake
Great concept. Horribly unrealistic. Like Outbounds, I really like the concept as a concept, but I think that it would be far more trouble than it's worth. It makes sense to have this be an upcharge, but at that point it's kind of taking away from the notion of it being a mode of transportation around the park. Yes it is literally transporting you around the park, but personally I wouldn't want to drop $5 to ride a horse to Adventure Atoll when it would probably be faster and definitely cheaper for me to just walk there myself. Maybe if you kept this to part of the park rather than the berm it would have made more sense? Again, I appreciate the concept as a concept, I just don't think that it was quite as a successful as it could have been.

@D Hulk
Why do you insist on hurting us? I'm just going to ignore the concept, and give you a 25/25 for the art alone.

I really adore this concept. I love the idea of having most of it set underground/ in proper mineshafts. It really gives the attraction a sort of magical subway feel (that sounds a lot less delightful when it's referred to that way.) I also really enjoyed all of the showscenes. Everything fit exceptionally well. This type of attraction is what I was hoping for from everyone. You were able to do something distinct, but still realistic.

This is a good concept, but I really worry about how it would fit with the rest of the park. Of course, a steam train doesn't necessarily fit in Tomorrowland in a traditional castle park, but I think that doing the opposite and designing a train specifically themed around a Tomorrowland that you guys haven't written yet would be even more jarring. Again, it's a good concept. I just think that in the future you should consider the park as a whole when designing something that will be seen all around the park.

This concept is fantastic. I love the out of left field choice to theme this around hot air balloons. The only thing that I would say is maybe instead of a skyline, this could have been something like a suspended monorail system. I just think that it would be more realistic, but that's just me. I just love the whimsical atmosphere created here, and I really love the idea of seeing a bunch of hot air balloons floating around the park. Really great, unique concept. Just what I was looking for.
> Quarry: What was the scores for each review?
> Addendum: Subject does not have to respond if they do not have full score breakdown prepared.


Well-Known Member
Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 6/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 19/25

Creativity: 8/10
Realism: 6/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 18/25

D Hulk

Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 8/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 21/25

Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 6/10
Detail: 3/5
Total: 18/25

Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 22/25

*score does not reflect actual standing.


Well-Known Member
Reviews are going to be really bullet point on my end, but I'll definitely be expanding on my points during the podcast.


Creativity: 8/10
Realism: 7/10
Detail: 3/5 (backstory actually drags it down IMO)
Total: 18/25

Alright, I guess I should explain the detail thing. It's a really well thought out backstory, but it once again gives me the feeling of having to take notes for something as simple as transportation. There's really no reason for things to be that dense here. I agree with Evan that the idea is very grand, but the scale would be all kinds of whack. Overall a really ambitious idea that I think veers a little bit into the "sheer effing Hubris" of it all, haha.


Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 6/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 19/25

Yea, definitely not a very realistic proposal especially for the traffic stops on the walkways which I imagine would be absolute hell for crowd control. Not to mention the fact that the pack mules were one of the most infamously problematic attractions in Disney history. With that said, I was impressed by how distinct each of the routes were, and as a paid experience that's still cost effective it's a really cool idea.


Creativity; 10/10
Realism: 4/10
Detail: 2/5
Total: 16/25

I mean, if the parameters of the grading scale weren't a factor, this would win hands down. I really WISH this was the thing actually going into the park, haha. RMC Disneyland Railroad is such a wacko concept that I'd love to see expanded on in the future.


Creativity: 8/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 4/5
Total: 21/25

Definitely my personal favorite of the projects. It's a really cool expansion on the Disneyland Railroad concept while still being realistic at a pretty base level. The idea of an all underground railroad with a route that still matches the land is just really cool and just enough of a "plus" to the "trip around the berm" formula that it really comes out as an inspired concept to me. Very well done.

Aaaand I'm out of time. I'll get to @PerGron and @Mickeynerd17 after the podcast.

Chaos Cat

Well-Known Member
With @PerGron winning the power of veto competition and saving @Mickeynerd17 , Head of Household @D Hulk has nominated @NateD1226 to replace Mickeynerd. Tiki is sending out reminders to vote now, but the two options for your eviction vote are:
> Partner @NateD1226 is now put in danger because of @PerGron
> Bromance is now destroyed because of @PerGron
> Set currentObjective = Kill @PerGron

(This is a joke, I don't hold anything against anyone in this competition, I'm just trying to be funny, I'll delete this if you want me to, please don't kill me)


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Here's my review for the other two Veto projects that I missed.


Creativity: 7/10
Realism: 7/10
Detail: 3/5
Total: 17/25

I know there was some miscommunication with the way the prompt was worded, but regardless I felt like this was just kind of a boring concept, if I'm being completely honest. The whole thing just felt like a slightly more elaborate Subway system. I think making this a spiritual successor to the Viewliner would have evaporated pretty much every problem I have for this, but as it stands now it's definitely too focused on Tomorrowland and the idea just doesn't leave much to the imagination. I will give you credit though, @b-wolf95's project was definitely a factor in why this one just doesn't stand out as much. You and B-Wolf had VERY similar projects, but B-Wolf definitely put more effort into the transitions. Overall a solid enough idea, but there's not really a lot here to make it stand out from the pack.

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