1986: An Imagineering Competition - Hub Thread


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@JokersWild after reading through everyone's diary room.
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@goofyyukyuk after reading through everyone’s diary rooms


Well-Known Member
Episode two of the radio drama is FINALLY here. Before we get to it, a couple production notes.

1. Yes...I obviously over-estimated our ability to get these episodes out on a weekly basis.

2. Because they're taking such a long time to produce, because I care about the quality, and most importantly because I don't want the plot to get repetitive or drag on forever, I'm currently setting the final episode count at SIX. I know this is basically cutting the number of episodes in half from the initial goal, but I think this will go a long way towards making each individual episode more special, as well as make it a quicker process to ramp up to the BIG story points I'm anxious to get to. Going to use each two episodes as an act in the "Three Act Structure" of it all, so expect a big "low of lows" moment in episode four. (Those in the know...you know what's coming ;) )

3. I profusely apologize for my HIDEOUS impression of Pi. Including the diary room stuff with his real voice was a last minute editing choice on Evan's part, so having it go from actually him to my terrible impression is EASILY the cringiest thing about the episode.

4. Due to the timing now being completely out of sync with the game, I'm basically going to stop trying to tie in-game events into the narrative. I definitely want to incorporate some stuff going on within the cast. @D Hulk expect some lines in the diary room soon ;) But I really do have distinct stories I want to tell from the SIR/One Way/Sonny side of things as well as the Bernice/Eros side of things, so any houseguest stuff going forward is probably going to be comic relief at the most.

5. Evan has requested a much-needed editing break. I'll probably be able to pump out the episodes faster on my schedule, but I PROMISE you the sound mixing isn't going to be as good going forward. If someone would like to volunteer to do the sound mixing (basically I'd give you a rough cut of all the line readings and it'd be up to you to spice them up with music, sound effects etc.) please let me know.


Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Episode two of the radio drama is FINALLY here. Before we get to it, a couple production notes.

1. Yes...I obviously over-estimated our ability to get these episodes out on a weekly basis.

2. Because they're taking such a long time to produce, because I care about the quality, and most importantly because I don't want the plot to get repetitive or drag on forever, I'm currently setting the final episode count at SIX. I know this is basically cutting the number of episodes in half from the initial goal, but I think this will go a long way towards making each individual episode more special, as well as make it a quicker process to ramp up to the BIG story points I'm anxious to get to. Going to use each two episodes as an act in the "Three Act Structure" of it all, so expect a big "low of lows" moment in episode four. (Those in the know...you know what's coming ;) )

3. I profusely apologize for my HIDEOUS impression of Pi. Including the diary room stuff with his real voice was a last minute editing choice on Evan's part, so having it go from actually him to my terrible impression is EASILY the cringiest thing about the episode.

4. Due to the timing now being completely out of sync with the game, I'm basically going to stop trying to tie in-game events into the narrative. I definitely want to incorporate some stuff going on within the cast. @D Hulk expect some lines in the diary room soon ;) But I really do have distinct stories I want to tell from the SIR/One Way/Sonny side of things as well as the Bernice/Eros side of things, so any houseguest stuff going forward is probably going to be comic relief at the most.

5. Evan has requested a much-needed editing break. I'll probably be able to pump out the episodes faster on my schedule, but I PROMISE you the sound mixing isn't going to be as good going forward. If someone would like to volunteer to do the sound mixing (basically I'd give you a rough cut of all the line readings and it'd be up to you to spice them up with music, sound effects etc.) please let me know.

What Tiki thinks I sound like:

Jokes aside, great episode!


Well-Known Member
Episode two of the radio drama is FINALLY here. Before we get to it, a couple production notes.

1. Yes...I obviously over-estimated our ability to get these episodes out on a weekly basis.

2. Because they're taking such a long time to produce, because I care about the quality, and most importantly because I don't want the plot to get repetitive or drag on forever, I'm currently setting the final episode count at SIX. I know this is basically cutting the number of episodes in half from the initial goal, but I think this will go a long way towards making each individual episode more special, as well as make it a quicker process to ramp up to the BIG story points I'm anxious to get to. Going to use each two episodes as an act in the "Three Act Structure" of it all, so expect a big "low of lows" moment in episode four. (Those in the know...you know what's coming ;) )

3. I profusely apologize for my HIDEOUS impression of Pi. Including the diary room stuff with his real voice was a last minute editing choice on Evan's part, so having it go from actually him to my terrible impression is EASILY the cringiest thing about the episode.

4. Due to the timing now being completely out of sync with the game, I'm basically going to stop trying to tie in-game events into the narrative. I definitely want to incorporate some stuff going on within the cast. @D Hulk expect some lines in the diary room soon ;) But I really do have distinct stories I want to tell from the SIR/One Way/Sonny side of things as well as the Bernice/Eros side of things, so any houseguest stuff going forward is probably going to be comic relief at the most.

5. Evan has requested a much-needed editing break. I'll probably be able to pump out the episodes faster on my schedule, but I PROMISE you the sound mixing isn't going to be as good going forward. If someone would like to volunteer to do the sound mixing (basically I'd give you a rough cut of all the line readings and it'd be up to you to spice them up with music, sound effects etc.) please let me know.

Will we ever get a resolution to the Sign of the Future’s story arc that was so masterfully set up? I only ask because I didn’t see his name listed with the other characters, when he should have been listed first.


Four Winds Square Review

Off the bat, I wasn't the biggest fan of this prompt for a few reasons. Foremost because for some folks they just did a Worlds Fair/Small World land in SA6's Mumbai Disneyland, but also because the prompt was more specific than the previous 3. If this was not a prompt, the odds of it being created organically for the park would be less likely. So that created a new challenge for the team, to take a classically one note attraction and create a world around it that felt not only original, but that it belonged in this Blue Sky Park, and overall I think the team did an exceptional job at compromising and coming together to achieve this goal.

Starting off with the title - a wonderful transition in my mind from 'four' seasons of fantasy to four winds square. Secondly I think the scale is just right. From the background description, this sounds very much like the intentions of Toy Story Land, not only in terms of size, but in terms of feeling like a kid again. I do think in the end, the second half of the introduction belongs on the title page for the park. As we travel through the park land by land, it does help for recaps, but in terms of a completed park once its done I think the Man vs Nature elements would be best served at the beginning of the park as a prologue.

When the Crafts theme was being tossed around, there was a sense of hesitation how it would fit. To me that stemmed from what I mentioned above, about how this theme probably wouldn't have been created if it wasn't this prompt. A Chicago Worlds Fair however, given the Progress City Main Street concept, and the more historical approach of Harbortown and Adventure Atoll, it absolutely makes sense why there was interest in going that direction. The tight split with Crafts narrowly pulling out shows how both ideas held weight. Even @Mickeynerd17 's darker take on small world was an intriguing concept. Overall, I think the Crafts base keeps the foundation of small world intact and transitions well from Seasons of Fantasy, because it's a small world, in my mind at least, is synonymous with Fantasyland.

Let's also talk about the artwork by golly it's wonderful! And new contributions as well in the art and logo departments. For those that think they aren't 'artists' I feel that's cutting yourselves short on potential, because there's something I call 'descriptive art' which might not be the Mona Lisa, but it illustrates your concept better than long paragraphs ever could. Keep that up!

In terms of the website, I do like the little hyperlinks at the bottom of each page so that I don't have to scroll to the top every time to change. It's minor, but I remember mentioning in the previous review that it was kind of frustrating - so thank you very much for the adjustment!

I also like the Indoor/Outdoor Mexico Pavilion vibe that this has going for it. A great choice of inspiration there as it truly keeps the core of it's a small world while evolving it into the size it needs to be for a mini-land. The flat rides are well done (between Seasons of Fantasy and this I feel there's a plethora of flats in the area) nevertheless they're well done. Stories around the world and the Garden of Unity were both excellent filler pieces for the land, fleshing it out while keeping it within reason.

Small World: One Song is just incredible from the animal research to the imagination behind it, adds more to the land that makes it feel complete.

Ironically in a small world themed land, it's a small world is what I have the least to say about. It's tricky, because it's such a classic, and always known for one purpose, that it'd be bold, too bold really, to think that it could be plussed or to alter it's purpose in too broad a scale. So for this project and overall for the park, I think you made the right move, which transitions well into the Blair's Diner on the waterfront like Blue Bayou - excellent! Reminds me of the San Angel Inn in Mexico as well. Menu for that is phenomenal too. Retail is sufficient - I appreciate though that you took the time to detail that the shops contain the same kinetic energy that the rest of the mini-land facilitates. It's a small detail but one that really resonates with how the land about world peace, pardon the pun, feels unified.

Space's spacetacular Report Card:
Creativity A
Realism A-
Detail A+
Artwork A+
Teamwork B+
Overall: A

I still think Seasons of Fantasy might be the top creatively, but I think this one was probably the best test of wills for teamwork next to Adventureland so far.

Whatever land is next (I'm just a review guy, I have no inside-diary knowledge) it's at the point in time in this park where not everyone is going to agree on the direction of the park. I'd consider that pretty normal especially when a park people are passionate about is being built piecemeal. Ultimately though - I think by next land, the Sat-Wed routine will be easier, and thus, I think hashing out concepts can be done all weekend, just as long as you come to a decision by Monday.

Unless everyone agrees on Saturday night - I don't think anyone should be clutching a concept because you know now as long as it's figured out by Monday the practically dozen players will be able to knock it out in 3 days with ease. So use the weekend to chat and debate the best route, you do that you'll be rocking and rolling for the remainder of the park.

Congrats to all!


Well-Known Member
Week 4
Power of Veto
Blue Sky Station


One piece currently missing from your Blue Sky Disneyland is in-park transportation. We're going to fix that right here, right now. This week's Power of Veto challenge asks that you create an in-park transportation that takes guests from land-to-land. One of your stops must be in *insert World's Fair land name here* and you are free to use any type of vehicle you wish to provide transport.

The winner of this challenge will obtain the Power of Veto and the opportunity to veto one of the currently nominated houseguests.

Your projects will be due on Friday, October 16 at 11:59:59 EST/8:59:59 PST

The contestants for this week's Power of Veto are:

Head of Household
@D Hulk

Random Picks
@Pi on my Cake
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Well-Known Member
Of all the things to listen to, I'm listening to the Magic Journeys soundtrack from Epcot Center to curb my crippling depression of being named for elimination.

Now, time for your daily random bit of completely useless information! 😃

Hot Take: Magic Journeys is basically a kid-friendly imagineer acid trip not gonna lie, mixed with a just-as-trippy-but-also-cool soundtrack.

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