Trip Report 10 days goes too fast in Disney World! July Trip Report

So.. I debated back and forth on whether or not I should write a trip report! Bringing back all my Disney memories is bittersweet, I wish I was still there! However, I do not want to forget anything about my wonderful, amazing trip so here goes! Hope you enjoy :)

I went to Disney from July 14-23, got stuck in Orlando so we didn't really leave until the 24th, with my best friend. This is my fourth trip to Disney and this was her probably 14th, haha. We had never been on vacation together, but we are inseparable at home, so we knew we'd have no problems!! I'm an Ariel lover, Disney World obsessed fan, who comes on these forums WAY TOO MUCH :) My name's Nicole and the girl with the brown hair is my best friend! :) Her favorite princess is Aurora, and is pretty upset there isn't a sleeping beauty ride, or show, or really anything in Disney World! We had tons of plans, we wanted to do the cupcake challenge, where you eat a different cupcake everyday, we wanted to drink around the world, we had a ton of things on our must do lists. Disney here we come!

Day One:

Our flight to Disney was at 6:00 AM from Newark so we had to be at the airport around 4 AM! We TRIED to go to sleep early, but all our adrenaline and excitement made that impossible! Finally around 10 PM we fell asleep, and set our alarms for 3:15 AM to go to the airport. When my alarm went off, I was a little cranky and wondered why we picked such an early flight, but then the excitement of going to Disney World crept up, and I was fully awake.


I'm the blonde!

Our flight there was super fast, and we arrived at 8:40 AM. We planned this right! We'd have a full day!! Off it was to find the magical express, did I mention, my friend and I are directionally challenged.
We went all the way downstairs and saw a bunch of Disney cruise buses only to find out we were on the wrong side of the airport, the magical express in on the B side just so everyone knows :) Back up the stairs and off to the other side we went.

We found the magical express area right away, and since it was early, it wasn't crowded at all! I remember when I went to Disney in November the lines being super long, but the lines were really short when we arrived! We hopped right on the bus, and we were off! Driving through the Walt Disney World sign gave me goosebumps, I could not believe I was really here! My level of excitement increased with each big purple sign with Mickey ears on top we passed.


Stop one was Old Key West Resort, stop two was Saratoga Springs, and stop three was our new home, Port Orleans French Quarter! I had never stayed here before, but just seeing the signs saying "Welcome Home" made me all teary-eyed. I'm such a Disney sap.

We checked in immediately, there was no lines at all, and since I had done the online check in, our room was ready! We were in building 4, room 4309, near the bus stop and food court. We had a garden view, and the room was so pretty! We couldn't have asked for a better room!

We quickly unpacked our carry-ons since our luggage hadn't arrived yet, and then began exploring! We each packed all our headwear in our carry-ons, so for our very first day we decided to wear matching minnie-ears. While we unpacked, we watched Stacey! What kind of Disney trip is it if you don't watch her must dos! Unt pretzel, unt beer!

We walked along the Sassagoula River, checked out the pool area, and checked out the food court. This resort is BEAUTIFUL. It's small and easy to get around, and the landscapers were even the friendliest people. They offered to take our picture in front of the fountain. Thanks again!

After we made our way full circle around our resort, it was off to Magic Kingdom! It was around 1130 AM when we hopped on the first Disney bus to the parks! Hearing the themed music, where the horns are blaring to welcome you to the Magic Kingdom, made me instantly emotional! We put our key to world card up to the new Mickey turnstiles, watched Mickey light up green, and were inside! AHHHH!!!

We hurriedly picked up our photopass and continued on. That first walk down main street is still a blur in my mind. As soon as I saw that castle, I realized I was truly here, my happiest place on earth. The tears started welling up in my eyes, I could not believe it! After months of visiting these forums and looking at everyone's pictures, it was finally my turn! I was so happy and overwhelmed and then BAM the "move it, shake it, celebrate it" parade started going on. I swear it's like they were celebrating our arrival :) We both were laughing and dancing, and waving at every character that passed by. It was the best entrance I've ever had.

We couldn't decide what we wanted to do first, we had no plan! So we started wandering! We took as many photopass pictures and we could, and then decided to head to new fantasyland. We both had last visited in 2011, so we were excited! On the way, we saw a Tiana, and there wasn't a line, so we had to meet her right away! She was extremely nice, and really pretty!

New fantasyland did not live up to my expectations, I guess because the huge mine train is in the middle of everything. It kind of takes away from the whole immersive experience. I think I may have rathered they open everything up at once, instead of in stages. Don't get me wrong, all the detailing in this area of the park is one the reasons I love Disney World so much.. they truly go that extra mile.
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Kona is worth every raindrop, even torrential rain. A good place to view the Electrical Water Pageant is from the beach at the Wilderness Lodge. We were there in May and the WL shows outdoor movies and they would pause the movie for the water pageant each evening.
Great pics of Epcot...I kinda like Epcot.


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Can't wait to see what you'll be saying about my homeland (Canada)...

Oh and keep up the good work on your TR!

thanks for following along! and i want to go to canada!

You ladies are troopers to brave the rain like that! I'm glad it was worth it and you got a heartwarming CM story out of the deal. When I retire, it's my dream to work at Disney and make people happy everyday!

that's my dream too! we can retire together!

Rain Smain!!! It don't mean nuttin' at the World. Still lovin this report.
We ate at Kona a few years back and it was ridiculously good. After reading your report and seeing the pics I may have to move some things around for our upcoming trip to get back there!!

it was insanely good! i want to try breakfast next! i always hear good things!

Great report so far! I did a guys trip in March (no report since I just don't take enough pictures) and its fun to see the female version.

Can't wait to read more.

i'd love to see guys take on the world! next time you will have to share!! :)


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I love love love your tr/pictures!! So cute, I cannot wait until I can take a trip like that.

going with a friend in your 20s is a really great experience. i would tell everyone to do it if they ever get the chance!

Kona is worth every raindrop, even torrential rain. A good place to view the Electrical Water Pageant is from the beach at the Wilderness Lodge. We were there in May and the WL shows outdoor movies and they would pause the movie for the water pageant each evening.
Great pics of Epcot...I kinda like Epcot.

i will have to watch the water pageant from here next time! thanks for the tip! i never even heard of it until this trip, so I'm glad i atleast caught what i did from the monorail! and kona is amazing!!

OMG -- when I first saw these pictures of the Beast I thought they were dressed up Pomeranian dogs!
I had to do a double take!

wow he does look like that!!!


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The first picture of you hugging Eeyore is adorable. Your smile is so sweet it makes me smile every time I look at it. My daughter and I love him too.

Best trip report EVER! I'm going in 3 weeks and wish I could put one together half as good as yours.

Have the best time!! and thank you so much for the compliment! i'm sure you will put together a great report and i can't wait to read it! eeyore was sooo cute.. i always liked him best :) glad i got to meet him!!


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It was quite a journey walking to Canada, amazing how you can walk through whole entire countries in a few minutes flat! This is the closest thing I'll ever get to a time machine and I love it!

Took some scenic photos on the way, the world showcase just screams beautiful, and I have to stop myself from photographing it from every angle! My photos never do it justice. I'm glad so many other members on the forums can make up for my lack of skill! I like to imagine this is exactly as Walt picture it. It's gorgeous.

Continuing on with my photo with a pole theme.. not sure why I did this but I stuck with it!

I even just love the world showcase banners. Seeing them flowing in the wind is enough to make me smile. Gosh I want to be here right now!

Had to walk through the lovely UK to get back to Canada. Don't worry we will come back! The royal baby was born while we were in Disney, and friends back home kept telling us to go celebrate at Epcot. I wonder if anyone did!

I used to have the phone booths numbers saved in my phone, I was really upset that they don't work anymore! I liked calling people at Disney while I was sitting home, it always brought a smile to my face! My friend and I would sit at each other's houses sometimes and out of the blue be like "let's call disney!" Sometimes I would pretend to be Ariel to whomever answered and would tell them to come find my at the MK. Guess it was fun while it lasted! At least the wonderful phone booths are still there. I love these pictures. I want to make a collage of each year I went with these phonebooth photos. I have one from each time!

Mickey did not want to talk to me!

And we arrive in Canada! No flight needed :) If only you could really walk across continents like that!

I feel as though Canada is the prettiest pavilion. I love them all in their own unique ways, but I could sit and stare at Canada for hours. It's so peaceful; it honestly looks like a painting. I can never get over the landscaping! Serenity in one of the world's busiest theme parks! Who woulda thunk it?!

One day I will eat at Le Cellier! I want to try the famous cheese soup! We stared at the menu longingly for a wee while. Why must you be two credits? One day!

The lovely Canadian CM working the drink stand took these photos for us. He was so professional and got on one knee and zoomed in and everything! It's crazy how much they care for their guests! It took a good two minutes for him to take these pictures, but they came out awesome! And I ordered a torontopolitan in Canada. I told the CM I was starting opposite, because I read that most people start in Mexico and the Canada pavilion always has to deal with all the people who had to much to drink! I was helping him out! He appreciated it!

We saw the circle vision film O Canada and boy did that make me want to travel there! It's amazing how those theaters are! You can look all around and be immersed in the movie, and different things are happening with each turn. I didn't know where to look at most times because I didn't want to miss a single thing. It was interesting to learn about Canada's environment and all the different cities. Some of their styles of buildings were really different than anything here in the US! I always used to just think of Niagara Falls when anyone mentioned Canada to me, but after seeing that film, my mind is blown.

We spent a good hour in Canada, and I'm glad we did. I never fully experienced what this pavilion had to offer, and I felt fully satisfied with what we got accomplished! Next on the bucket list, eat in Canada! We enjoyed the scenery for a few more minutes before we were on our way.


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Up next was the United Kingdom. They should really put some sort of attraction here! Maybe a Merida attraction since she was from Scotland, or a Mary Poppins ride! When I was a little kid I used to jump off this 4 foot wall in my backyard with an umbrella because I wanted to fly around like Mary Poppins. They could put some sort of kiddie ride like that here!

Found a few friends in our travels. Alice was so adorable! She didn't have a photopass person with her, so we took pictures apart. I met Alice once before by the teacups in the Magic Kingdom, but it was nice to stumble upon her in the UK. She asked my about my ears, and wanted to trade her bow for them.

She mad me pose! I like when the characters make you do things like this, the pictures turn out so cute. I think we are thinking really hard. :)

While in line for Alice, we overheard that Mary Poppins would be out soon so we had to wait for her! I never met her and was excited! I was so fluster speaking to her, her outfit is so pretty it overwhelmed me! I can't remember what we talked about. I think my friend asked her where her penguins were!

She was too pretty to get to close too, I didn't want to dirty her dress! And there's her famous umbrella, I wonder if she'd let me borrow it so I can jump off more walls. I was a strange child.

Stopped in the Rose and Crown Pub for my second drink, the Welsh Dragon. Here's the ingredients I got off google: peach schnapps, melon liqueur, green creme de menthe, orange and pineapple juice. It was really good! I don't like really minty drinks and this drink was more fruity then minty. The bartenders here displayed excellent service, and I could sit here all day long if I had infinite time is Disney! I wish the Rose and Crown could be my local hangout. Everyone coming in was asking what drink I had, the green is really blinding! We talked to a mother and daughter who had started drinking around the world in Mexico and made it here. They said they only had 5 drinks, so I think they must have gotten lost in some countries! This was not the 6th country if you were going the opposite direction. They couldn't figure out which ones they missed, haha. They were super friendly! I love not feeling awkward sitting in a pub with my mickey ears on my head and everyone is just happy having a great vacation. Anyone and everyone is just willing to start conversation, it's so different than real life sometimes! Oh the magic of Disney!

Me with a pole, again. :) Got to keep my cup! Wahoo!!

We were on a pretty slow pace at this point, spending about an hour again in the UK. I wanted a snack, but wanted to move on so we went to France to find me food! I found the new ice shop, L'Artisan des Glaces. I combined my snack with a drink! So convenient! Although I couldn't pronounce it, I got profiterole ice cream with whipped cream vodka. The ice cream was just what I needed on the hot day! They seriously pour vodka all over top, and you might get a good shot or two in your cup. It was really strong if you simply slurped! I made sure to evenly distribute my ice cream and whipped cream vodka on the spoon and it made it perfect. :)

So happy!

We sat enjoying the few moments of rest, our feet were tired! I couldn't imagine backpacking across Europe when I can't even make it through the World Showcase of Disney World! We checked out some of the stores and just admired the beauty of it all. A passing shower came through so we stood underneath a store's covering for a few minutes before it let up. Just a passing shower, that's okay with me!



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The rain went away, and we ventured out from under our awning. Took some more photos in France! There's too many things to take photos with! I wanted to a get a grey goose slushy but my ice cream cocktail made me so full. Maybe later I thought to myself..

The clouds didn't seem to want to fully go away, but we didn't let that bother us. We had a little while until dinner, so we continued on to Morocco. There was a belly dancer on stage and the Mo Rockin' band was just ending their set, so we caught a few minutes of that! I love the entertainment offerings throughout world showcase. You can just sit on a bench and be entertained!

Got a Sultan's Colada in Morocco, it tasted just like a pina colada. It was pretty sweet, and after this drink I was ready for some real food!

Had to capture the back of my mickey ears!

We saw a line forming back over in France, so we went to see what everyone was waiting for. Belle was coming out in her blue dress! I know we already met her in her gold gown, but this is simple, beautiful Belle.. we had to meet her! We got in line and waited, and were soon brought sad news. Disney's radar showed lighting 15 miles away, so Belle couldn't come out. It's amazing how well they know their stuff and the lengths they go to protect their princesses! A few other families stayed in line, because we were told she would come out if the radar changed. We waited about 15 minutes, and then we saw her walk out! Yay!!!!!!!

Belle was super friendly, and loved hearing about our experiences in the Beast's castle. She hoped he was a good host for us. I told her I was team beast and had his stuffed animal, she was extremely overjoyed. She told us it was good that Gaston was out hunting when we went to find him because he was leaving her alone. She was so sweet and really took the time out to talk to us, it was so flattering. I hate feeling like people don't want older kids and adults to wait for the characters because they feel they are for little kids only. If you want to meet a princess, you meet a princess! I still believe!

We went to check in for dinner, we were eating in France! This may have been my favorite dinner of the trip. Did I say that before? Gosh, it's so hard deciding!!

The CM who was taking the reservations was extremely funny and made us laugh hysterically. I can't even explain what was so comical but the three of us were cracking up. I think we made his night. It must of been because two mice were checking into this fancy restaurant! The CMs were in such good spirits and wanted to joke with us! I guess not many 20-somethings go to Disney for vacation together by themselves because I swear CMs remembered us. It was a nice feeling. We felt like regulars! :)


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Once inside Le Chefs de France, we felt too under dressed! This place is nice! We sat right next to the window, so we got to people watch as we ate! We saw a bachelorette party across the way ordering grey goose slushies.. I would love to this for my own one day! We didn't know if our Mickey ears counted as hats, but to be polite we removed them for our meal. Does anyone know the proper Mickey ear etiquette?

I ordered off the prix fixe 3 course menu, where you were given an appetizer, entree, and dessert. My appetizer was the French onion soup. THIS WAS AMAZING. It was like heaven in my mouth. Even though it was 90 degrees outside, I don't think I've ever enjoyed soup more! And it was a pretty big portion.. definitley get this!!!

We also had a french baguette, and our waiter brought us over more when we finished the first one. Our waiter's name was Remy, how perfect!! It fit! We truly were in France!

For my meal, I order the half roasted chicken with rissole potatoes and broccoli. My friend ordered the duck breast and leg confit with cherries, sweet potato puree and patty pan. It looked really delicious and if I would suck it up and be more adventurous in my food options, I might of tried it! I just couldn't bear to eat Donald! Chicken Little though, that's a different story! The food here was really, really good. It was served piping on on large plates. I could not finish my meal because it was so big! Again this might be first place in the list. I just can't decide!

Although I could not fully finish my dinner, I had room for dessert! We sat and digested for a little befoer putting our order in. I swear I got a second wind because I had no problem devouring this! My friend got some strawberry sorbet and cake thing, I cannot for the life of me remember the name. I tried to look on the menus listed, but I'm not sure what it was! I ordered the profiterole with chocolate, my second kind of this dessert for the day! Geesh, Disney makes you pack on the pounds! It is described as piuff choux with vanilla icea cream and chocolate sauce. I died and went to heaven. This was the best dessert hands down.

It started raining out while we were finishing dessert, but we knew we had to be on our way. I literally had to waddle out of the restaurant. I would most definitley eat here again. We put on our ponchos and ventured out into the dreary weather! We didn't let the rain stop us yet, and we weren't going to change that now!

We checked out the jewelry selection in Morocco, they have such beautiful pieces. I would buy it all if I could! I really wanted to pick a pearl in Japan, so I saved my spending until then. We ran through the rain and made it inside to the pearl station. This was such wonderful experience, I wish I knew about it on previous trips! The girls working here get extremely into their jobs and were singing and clapping while we picked our pearls. I read on the forums to pick the ugliest one, so I tried to scope them out! They make you countdown from 3-2-1 while they open your pearl, and the whole crowd was counting down as well. They teach you in Japanese it's san, ni, ichi, which sounds like son knee itchy! The place was pretty packed because it was raining outside, so it was cool to hear everyone chanting as they opened our pearls! The crowd then erupts in applause.

Our pearls were a little bigger than 7mm, I think this is right? Not sure if that's how they are measured. I know they were excited for us, but I can't remember the sizes exactly! I picked a blue pearl, and they told me that was rare. I'm not sure if that's true.. I can't find much information about it online. Either way, it was an awesome thing to do. I had them set mine into a ring, so I can always wear it and think of Disney. They had a cute silver Cinderella coach charm you could put it in and hang it from a necklace, I think next time I go to Disney I'll try to get that! There were too many options! I want to make a tradition out of this, it was really memorable. The girls told me it would take about 30 minutes for the ring, so I told them I'd be back for it! My friend picked the white pearl and mine's the blue.

We had more of Japan to explore, so up went our poncho hoods and off we went!


Active Member
Ahhhh! My homeland! :inlove: Thanks for all the kind words about Canada *lol*

Now, I could brag about Montreal day in, day out, but I won't...just yet!

Just to give you an example, we, in Montreal, have tons of festivals throughout the year (especially during summer) and we shut down a whole downtown section just for that: we have a Jazz Fest, Just for Laughs, fireworks competition and a French music festival.

Montreal, I find personally, is a great mix of Europe and North America. We have the best of both worlds. If you ever want to come visit, please let me know and I'll be glad to give you pointers and why not, maybe show you around. *whispers* We have a whole underground city with our subway! :happy:
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Well-Known Member
Million Dollar question : Ive been watching this trip via your pics, what was your fave drink or do we have to wait till the end? :) I've put the Green Dragon on my To Do list for October because of your pics!


Well-Known Member
Great update! Ice cream doused with vodka? What demented person thought that up? Now I'm dying to try one!

Thanks for your review of "Chef's" in France. I've strayed away from it in the past but now may have to put that on my "to do" list.

Keep up the good work!


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Ahhhh! My homeland! :inlove: Thanks for all the kind words about Canada *lol*

Now, I could brag about Montreal day in, day out, but I won't...just yet!

Just to give you an example, we, in Montreal, have tons of festivals throughout the year (especially during summer) and we shut down a whole downtown section just for that: we have a Jazz Fest, Just for Laughs, fireworks competition and a French music festival.

Montreal, I find personally, is a great mix of Europe and North America. We have the best of both worlds. If you ever want to come visit, please let me know and I'll be glad to give you pointers and why not, maybe show you around. *whispers* We have a whole underground city with our subway! :happy:

I'd love to visit Canada, that circle vision really did me in! I went to Costa Rica in the winter and made a bunch of friends from Canada, the whole resort was pretty much Canadians! They were from the Toronto area though.. I would love to visit Montreal, you make it sound like a great place for people my age! You should work at the Canadian pavilion, people would be booking their trips right away! When I can get more vacation at work, I will def contact you if I make it to Canada!

Did u have to special order those Mac n cheese bacon burgers or are they on the menu? It looks so good!!!

Nope, it's on the menu! It was delish! Highly recommended. It's a huge meal!

Just tuned in again, great TR and pics...amazing trip you guys had huh!

Thanks for following along! We had an amazing time, it's a trip I'll never forget.


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Great update! Ice cream doused with vodka? What demented person thought that up? Now I'm dying to try one!

Thanks for your review of "Chef's" in France. I've strayed away from it in the past but now may have to put that on my "to do" list.

Keep up the good work!

It was strong if you tried to sip it, but it was good! You can choose from Grand Mariner, whipped cream vodka, or rum. I thought the whipped cream was the safest pick! It blended really well with the ice cream.

And Chefs de France was surprisingly amazing. I wasn't expecting much, because I never really read about it hre on the forums, but it surpassed my exceptions a million times over! I think it might be my favorite restaurant in the World Showcase, not that I've tried them all.. but that and Teppan Edo are my faves so far!


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After picking our peals, we trudged back into the rain. I had to find somewhere to get a drink, so we headed up this set up stairs to what I believe is the Yakitori House. It seemed like the Japanese quick service place. Everyone was eating dinner and here we stroll in and all I ordered was a plum wine. I think the women working thought I was insane! The only options were sake, which I don't like, beer, or plum wine. I thought I'd give the plum wine a shot.

There was absolutley no where to sit inside, so we stood outside under the awning. The whole restaurant is glass windows so everyone inside was watching us, thinking we were crazy loons. Okay, maybe we are a little bit. :) Although this drink looks small, I could not finish it. It was DISGUSTING. It might have been the worst thing I have ever drank in my life! I went in for one big gulp, and beware! This drink was strong, and bitter.. I'd rather drink mouthwash! So much for trying something new! Now I may not be the right person to give an opinion, because I sometimes drink my wine from a box.. but this was just gross! I didn't wanna throw away the money I spent on it, so I chugged it. Bad idea, but hey.. what ya gonna do? LOL

I tried to take a few pictures of Japan, but it was raining so much and I didn't wanna get my camera all soaked! Stupid rain! Next up was America, and all the carts and stands outside were pretty much closed, so we went into the restaurant. Again, waited in line with people who were ordering actual meals and here I come to only order a Bud Lite. I felt like a tool. America really needs to step up their game on drinking options!

It was almost 9 PM, and they were making the Illuminations announcements about how it would be beginning shortly. We decided to stop our trip around the world then and there and just enjoy the show in the pouring rain. I was surprised the show went on! We stood in our ponchos swaying back and forth to the music, throwing in some interpretive dance moves.. I think we gave the people around us a good show. You just have to make the best out of the situation you are given! I'd rather watch Illuminations in the pouring rain than to not watch at all! We enjoyed the show, it still gives me goosebumps.. I love when the globe opens up. I feel like I like Illuminations more on an adult level, and Wishes more on a level of being forever young. I don't know if that makes any sense...

Here's my one photo I snapped between raindrops..

We walked with the masses back to our bus, we were ready for a good night's sleep. It was nice to dry off and put on pajamas and snuggle under the covers. We came back to Lotso and Beast chilling in my bed. They must have had their own fun while we were out!

Snapped a picture of my ring, it's so beautiful. I still am Disney depressed so I can't wear it all that much yet without getting upset! I need to come to terms with the fact my trip is over and then I will be wearing it everyday. I know, I'm psycho.

Day 7

We were at a whole week in the world! And it had been the best week ever! We still had more time! I love long trips. :) With Disney, you always have something amazing planned for tomorrow, so even when you try not to, your plans for the next day always creep up in your mind. This is my theory on why trips go so fast! There's always something to look forward to.. I tried really hard to just live in the present this trip, and enjoy each and every day.

We were up early again, and did not have any real set plans for today. When planning we picked this day as our "rest day." Word of advice, don't make your rest day 7 days in. Haha. It was nice out, should we lay by the pool and relax? Nah! Let's go to Typhoon Lagoon!

Another first for me :)

I was so thrilled to FINALLY make it to a water park. There's a lot of water parks here in Jersey, so it never was at the top of my list of things to do when previously visiting Disney. However, this trip was longer, so we went!

Met Stitch on the way in. Such a cute idea to have him there!

I wasn't sure what to expect from Typhoon Lagoon. All the water parks here are sort of the same. Water slides and lazy rivers.. cold water and long lines! Typhoon Lagoon was not like anything I've ever been too, and I already want to go back!


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Million Dollar question : Ive been watching this trip via your pics, what was your fave drink or do we have to wait till the end? :) I've put the Green Dragon on my To Do list for October because of your pics!

I didn't make it all the way around, but that was my favorite drink from what I had! The margaritas in Mexico were also really good! Definitely go into the Rose and Crown Pub, you could stay in there for hours and have the best time. They have a pretty big drink menu, and it's fun to try new things! I couldn't decide between that or the leaping leprechaun drinks! You should check out this website:

They break down the site by parks, and list all the different drink options with pictures. It will help you for October! Have so much fun!!

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