Well-Known Member
Imagine you are entering a Disney Castle Park. It isn’t any specific park – it isn’t Disneyland, Magic Kingdom, Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong, or Shanghai. Rather, this is the idealized Disney Castle Park. Whatever your perfect Disneyland might be, you’re there!
We always start with a Main Street U.S.A. Even when the land is somewhat modified, like Tokyo Disneyland’s World Bazaar or Shanghai Disneyland’s Mickey Avenue, the idea remains the same: A nostalgic turn-of-the-century American small town leading to a distant fairy tale castle. These entry lands are wonderful introductions, but they are rarely the highlight of a visit. Not with all the great rides elsewhere!
Your task is to propose a new headlining anchor attraction for Main Street.
Use only a single sentence to describe your idea. You may also use one image if you wish. The deadline is Friday, August 7th, at midnight EST.
KISS – Keep is simple, silly! With only one sentence, you can’t get too detailed. Think of this as an elevator pitch.
-Judging Criteria-
Is it creative?
Is it realistic?
Does it fit visually/thematically?
Any questions, please ask! Now good luck everyone! Create!
Entering a Main Street storefront marked “Wright Cycle Company” the historical queue ends where your lay-on-your-stomach “flying machine” vehicle awaits which begins “taxiing” through a dark hallway with old-timey 2D moving picture walls displaying a Wright brother cycling while brainstorming how to make his dream of flight a reality; all the while Walt Disney quotes such as, “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”, “When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.”, and “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” are heard over a majestic score escalating to a crescendo as your vehicle picks up speed, the scenery brightens changing to sand dunes with the sign “Welcome to Kitty Hawk”, and air moves swiftly over your body as the flying machine finally “lifts off” by smoothly lifting the vehicle to its overhead mechanism as you enter a much larger, taller, bright, “open room” of sky, clouds, sand dunes, and ocean; carefree in the air, your steering toggles in hand allow you to carve your own path through the “sky” with the brand new “free-roaming” technology boasted in this cutting-edge ride vehicle.