Disgruntled Walt
Well-Known Member
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Neither one of them fits. I agree with everything you said about Zootopia.To be Avatar fits waaaaay better into Animal Kingdom than Zootopia
Animal Kingdom is about conservation and gaining a better understanding for man's relationship with and impact on nature. To understand the habitats of animals and man's impact on those habitats
Avatar is very much about that - it is about conservation and how many impact on Pandora was ruining it but nature is now reclaiming it. It is about observing and experience the Navi and the Banshees in their natural habitat - that is where they actually live in nature (a fictional nature to be fair)
Zootopia is nothing about that - it is using animals figures as fill in for humans and dealing with what humans deal with (largely racism) - the animals presented do not really ride trains in their natural habitat or work as police officers or go through habitrails to get to their office jobs. It has nothing to do with conservation and nothing to do with observing creatures in their natural habitats
If Disney had bought the theme park rights to Lord of the Rings, would a Middle-Earth area be appropriate? Saruman shows a huge disregard for nature in the way he cuts down the forests surrounding Isengard to fuel his army and evil schemes. The Ents (tree-like creatures) attack in retaliation, standing up for the beauty of nature.
To me, as cool as it would be, it doesn't fit in Animal Kingdom for the SAME REASON Avatar doesn't. Animal Kingdom was meant to be focused on the animals of our dear Mother Earth: real, imagined, and extinct. The "imaginary" label is another way of describing folklore, which Expedition Everest leans into nicely. Avatar is not folklore; it's film. Middle-Earth is not folklore; it's fantasy literature. People believed in dragons and sea serpents and unicorns—they weren't real, but they BECAME part of the cultures they existed in. This hasn't happened with either Lord of the Rings or Avatar, especially since neither one of them is supposed to take place on Earth as we know it.