Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers. It really does mean a lot to me and my family and we really do appreciate it.
Everything happened so fast. I feel like I’m living in a blur. M ran to the grocery store for literally 10-15mins because Maggie had gotten comfortable and was sleeping. When she came back, she noticed that she wasn’t breathing. She immediately ran outside and screamed for help and our neighbor, who’s a retired veterinarian, rushed over. She tried everything. Massaging her heart, making sure her airways were clear, and trying to resuscitate her. It was too late. She was already gone.
I was too upset to drive, so my dad came up here to Clemson and brought me home. L was up here too visiting a friend, but she waited and drove home yesterday morning. She was actually the one who broke the news to me. We stopped by my house so I could check on M and see Maggie one last time. I was staying at my dad’s because I emotionally couldn’t handle staying at my house Saturday night.
I’d never sobbed so much before in my life. She looked happy though. No cone of shame. She was laying on her favorite rug in our den, wrapped up like a burrito in her favorite butterfly blanket, with her right ear flipped back, which was her trademark. I think that’s the way she wanted it to be.
My dad brought me home Sunday morning and helped me dig her grave. That was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Where I live, we don’t have dirt under our grass, instead we have that hard, red clay. (one of Maggie’s favorite treats

) That stuff is a pain to dig. Seriously though, she’d go outside and pile that stuff in then get sick 30mins later. But she was hard-headed and stubborn and would never learn.
Finding a casket was a bit of an ordeal too. The 1st one was too small, so M had to go back to the funeral home. Maggie was supposed to be a full-blooded miniature, but we don’t think that was the case at all. Her structure was much bigger than a miniature and her weight was always in the standard range. She wasn’t overweight, she was just a big dog. We think that one of her parents must have been a full-blooded standard. The 2nd casket was big enough and M and L prepared it.
Not to get sidetracked, but I have a funny yet meaningful story. When Chaney, our dog before Maggie, past away, I went to the funeral home to help pick out the casket. I was 5 at the time and my POTC obsession was starting. We were led to the storage room where they kept all the caskets. After looking around I said, “Man, look at all those treasure chests! Jack Sparrow would have a time in here!”

The next Sunday at church, M told our preacher what I had said. He replied, “He’s right you know. What we put inside caskets is treasure”. ❤ I’ve started to think he might’ve watched CotBP the night before.

“Not all treasure is silver and gold mate”. But regardless, he’s correct.
I don’t feel like I can go into much more detail, but her burial went well. It was emotionally hard, but it was peaceful.
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Once again, thank y’all for all the love and support. Y’all don’t know how much it means to us. There’s nothing like my WDWMagic family. You guys and gals are the best.