Saturday March 16th: Birthday/Travel Day
I think I woke up at 7:30. Today was my actual Birthday, so my grandma baked me a cake for breakfast.

And yes, I ate a slice or 3. #noshame
M had come down and spent the night too so she could see me on my Birthday. Before we left, she wanted me to open a couple of presents that she’d brought with her. I told her that we needed to leave and that I’d open them when we got back, but she kept insisting that I go ahead and open them. And she was right. The first present was Disney gift cards. I added them to the ones that my dad had also given me for my Birthday.
These would turnout to be very useful.
M told me that I could bring the last present with me and open it later, which I did. L and I finally left around 9:30 and were headed south. We made it to Savannah just before 11:30.
Traffic was slightly congested with people going to the big St. Patty’s Day festival downtown, but once we passed Savannah, there was hardly anyone on 95 for the rest of the drive through Georgia.
Eventually, I got tired of staring out the window, so I decided to do some reading.
M gave me this for Christmas and I absolutely love it! It’s so much fun to read. Needless to say, there’s a lot of hidden Mickeys I’d never noticed before.
We flew through Georgia and crossed the St. Mary’s River at exactly 1 o’clock.
A stop at the Florida welcome center for orange juice was in order.
Always refreshing
They had this sign up advertising TSL.
We finished our orange juice, grabbed some brochures, and continued south. Our next mission was to find some lunch. We ended up stopping at a Zaxby’s just north of Jacksonville. It was actually off the exit for the airport, which we got a tour of by accident because the road was bass-ackwards.

(I feel like that’s a common thing in Florida)
You can’t go wrong with Zaxby’s
After lunch and back in the car, I decided to open the other gift from M. As I was tearing the wrapping paper, I got a glance at what was underneath and my eyes began to light up.

I had been wanting this book ever since it came out. It’s hard to find and acquire because it’s a D23 exclusive. I’m still not sure how M got it.
The title is pretty explanatory. It’s filled with information and rare pictures of trains used in Disney movies, the parks, and of course Walt’s backyard railroad, the Carolwood Pacific, along with Ollie Johnston’s backyard railroad and Ward Kimball’s Grizzly Flats Railroad.
The locomotive that’s on the cover is the Marie E., being driven by John Lasseter. The Marie E. belonged to Ollie Johnston. Just like Ward Kimball, Ollie Johnston was a longtime Disney animator and one of Walt’s “nine old men” who was a railroad enthusiast and helped inspire and design Walt’s Carolwood Pacific. When he was no longer able to operate the locomotive, Ollie sold the Marie E. to John Lasseter so it would stay in the “Disney family” so to speak. John still operates the Marie E. to this day on the Justi Creek Railway at his family winery in Glen Ellen, California.
Sorry if I seem to have gotten sidetracked. (no pun intended) You can call it your Disney history lesson of the day.
Up next: Arrival (part 1) and DS!