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  1. amyfiddle

    Did I Really Just See Disney World?????

    Some of us women are still traditional enough to appreciate a kind gesture from the evasive gentleman. ;) And I'll continue to enforce those standards for my sons....should any woman scorn them they can file it as information about said females "issues" and consider the possibility of a dodged...
  2. amyfiddle

    Question on Disney Dining PLan

    I could never get a straight answer on what constituted a snack, pre trip....and when we finally arrived, Starbucks in mk told us that we could get a pastry and drink for a snack. Cool, we did that every day, for breakfast. wrong.... Halfway thru the week we discovered our snacks were gone...
  3. amyfiddle

    How to fight post-Disney trip depression?

    Got home last night after 7 days non stop including the 24 hour event and I'm wasted. I will say that I was brought to reality as on the plane we at in front of what looked to be a very very ill woman...cancer I'd bet. Plus two family members and a friend all were admitted to hospitals while...
  4. amyfiddle

    wait....its not so bad (to stand in line)

    Some of my most favorite memories this last week were from waiting in line...I met the best and the worst people. Thank you young man teenager from Alabama who kept calling me ma'am ( I'm from Seattle and never hear it). I sat for an hour chatting with a mom and daughter who explained her...
  5. amyfiddle

    Peter Pan's Flight

    I have never had a panic attack...but in that line I nearly had my first. So so so hot and crammed....why not even a single fan I wonder? Loved the ride though...a flight! Wonderful.
  6. amyfiddle

    Did I Really Just See Disney World?????

    We have one more day here in Orlando, and it has been so fun, but I have seen some awful things. On Saturday in line for the jungle, a young 6 year old began to was a long line...and mom turned and screamed "shut the F up!!" "Get out of here I don't want you!" All of us froze....I...
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