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  1. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    You said that they have been declining every year. Your words not mine.
  2. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    If they said it was their opinion that would be fine. They claim it is a fact, and DXer says it is a fact too. That is what you fail to realize That quote was backed up by him saying that yes they are disgusting people because they dare have different opinions than him. All opinions are your...
  3. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    You do know that going down means that LESS people visit than the year before right? And when you have numbers like that 1% is the norm. Again Business 101. When a company is in its mature phase growth becomes stagnant which is understandable. Do you honestly see companies like Coke grow each...
  4. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    So is 47,086,000 more than 47,449,000? I mean that is what bubbles is saying...
  5. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    Drinking a barrel of butterbeer will do wonders for your figure...just hope the side of diabetes is what you want with it. Butterbeer, frozen, pretty good. Butterbeer, normal, not bad. From what I heard of Le Fou's Brew I am excited and so is my niece.
  6. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    "How can anyone come to WDW annually and spend 12 days? With nothing new to do in 3 of the parks for nearly half a decade it's stale. My wife and I love Disney and venture to the parks at least once a month, but were done with MGM and AK within 3 hours tops. We also visit Universal monthly but...
  7. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    Please point out where i ever said that TDO is perfect...i'll wait child. Oh and no PR Department would say that. Do you want me to get you a tin foil cap, it matches your conspiracy theory well.
  8. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    Ill break this up into multiple posts. First here is attendance over the last 4 years: 2008: 47,146,000 2009: 47,513,000 2010: 47,086,000 2011: 47,449,000 So it went up one year then down then right back up. So you are wrong. Plus like all established companies it makes sense to be...
  9. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    Dxer is not here so no worries...
  10. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    Disagree=/=wrong They disagree with me because they are not mature enough to stand up to the bullies that push their anti-TDO agenda onto everyone or they are just like minded minions. You want me to give you the exact quote where your idol Dxer called DIsney Fans republicans? Oh what is...
  11. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    He said in his own words that it is a FACT that Disney fans are republicans because they dont use facts and that the only people right are people like him who hate TDO and know that Disney is in ruins and that Universal is damn near perfect. Not putting words in anyones mouth. That is what that...
  12. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    Oh im sorry i should of known that this was Dxers if i came in here and said that all Disney fans are idiots and republicans and that Universal is king that would of been correct right? Because everyone who likes disney is dumb right? Do you guys go to WDW and yell at kids getting...
  13. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    A deranged person calling someone else deranged...I have a friend who is a doctor you may want to talk to. He is nice too, he wont charge you for help since you are in desperate need for it. I just hope you never have children, they would be in a rude awakening when they realize they are smart...
  14. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    Lol i have yet to be wrong about anything. It is children like you who cant make a point without attacking Disney fans. You are just a parrot, an idiotic one. You talking about education is funny because you have yet to make an educated statement. You honestly believe that calling disney...
  15. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    Yet you were too uneducated to post just said they were facts. Logic is never on your side. But once you become a senior in high school you should hopefully learn about logic
  16. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    When you walk into someones house you dont let a child who has been there before attack and berate anyone. Sorry but this board is not the house of people who attack disney and their fans.
  17. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    Its always refreshing when a person actually uses facts. The other person just spouts crap and uses it to attack disney. I never disputed any of those claims....
  18. F

    Christmas day parade taping dates

    Do the Guests get some kind of compensation for the day the parade is being filmed?
  19. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    60 bucks for a grand total of 4 rides we were actually able to get on since the waits for all the rides were like 2 hours, then 20 for parking and food prices were insane. The rides are all fun but still.
  20. F

    Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

    My problem with Dueling Dragons is that one of the biggest problems, its shakey and instablity while riding was not fixed while changing the name. Rides like DD are supposed to be smooth and fast, but atleast when i went in the Summer it was still shakey and unstable as it was before Potter Land...
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