Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

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Well-Known Member
Ill break this up into multiple posts.

First here is attendance over the last 4 years:
2008: 47,146,000
2009: 47,513,000
2010: 47,086,000
2011: 47,449,000

So it went up one year then down then right back up. So you are wrong.
Dude... you realize they don't count it as "growth in attendance" when the change in attendance from year to year is one percentage point right?

Plus like all established companies it makes sense to be stagnant. Disney is in the mature phase of business, universal is in a growth phase. This is Business 101 something the Disney attackers do not understand.
o_O LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Oh gosh, please do enlighten me o wise one on this one. We all know that what successful businesses all wish for it stagnation. Call up Coke and tell them to stop trying to get into new markets. Tell Apple to please stop coming out with new products because they have most of the market cornered. Please inform Google that they really need to stop looking into new ways to bring people in to using their browser and products. That is the argument you are making. Oh my gosh, I think I need to make this one my byline.

Second there is no sources to show that spending is down in WDW, even the guy who tried to prove it said there are none so stop spouting lies from your master and use sources.
Ask any one of the insiders... you know, people who have proven their trustworthiness time and time again on this website as opposed to you Mr 56 posts. And my master? Who do you suppose my master is? *giggle*

Unique merchandise? What unique merchandise does Universal sell? You mean the same generic stuff that has been peddled in SkyMall or at big box stores all over? Please that is pathetic and you know it. I love the potter land area but nothing they sell there is unique. The wands have been sold in sky mall for years, the shirts are not unique, the candy has been sold for years. Nothing they sell is unique. How about the Marvel section where they sell stuff that can be found at your local comic book store? Try again.
Um... they have many merchandise items that can only be found in the theme parks. That was one of the selling points of the land to Rowling to begin with. I never said all the merchandise was unique but much of it is. Also, pretty sure the Sky Mall ones aren't the ones from the parks. And the fact remains, it is flying off shelves whether you like it or not. Unique is what sells. Not that Mickey plush I could have bought 5 years ago.

I am about to die of laughter form your post
Likewise buddy


Well-Known Member
"How can anyone come to WDW annually and spend 12 days? With nothing new to do in 3 of the parks for nearly half a decade it's stale. My wife and I love Disney and venture to the parks at least once a month, but were done with MGM and AK within 3 hours tops. We also visit Universal monthly but between both parks are there from open to close. Plus their is already half a day worth of entertainment under construction at the Studios."

How can ANYONE spend 12 days at WDW...how can ANYONE spend a full day at DHS...sorry but that was the line from one idiot.
That is there opinion. Nothing wrong it. I don't see anything in that post that says they hate Disney. In fact, they said they love Disney and go to the parks once a month. Doesn't exactly strike me as someone who hates Disney nor does it make a particularly strong argument for the point you are making. They don't spend much time in DAK or DHS... yet again, this is something that many many many people have said, including the most avid Disney fans. Personally, I can spend a full day in DHS but not always in DAK. They are half developed parks, thus it makes sense that people have a hard time finding things to do.

Disney fans... They are disgusting people who are the thing they proclaim to hate... Facts/Truth hurts.... I know..."-Dxer
I'd have to see the context on this one. Not saying it's right to say the "disgusting people" line but the "..." makes me think you aren't putting in the full comment.

One of many comments from your idol and puppet master little parrot.
Riiiiiiiiight. LOL. Your anger is funny. Yet again, all opinions are my own.
Dude... you realize they don't count it as "growth in attendance" when the change in attendance from year to year is one percentage point right?

o_O LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Oh gosh, please do enlighten me o wise one on this one. We all know that what successful businesses all wish for it stagnation. Call up Coke and tell them to stop trying to get into new markets. Tell Apple to please stop coming out with new products because they have most of the market cornered. Please inform Google that they really need to stop looking into new ways to bring people in to using their browser and products. That is the argument you are making. Oh my gosh, I think I need to make this one my byline.

Ask any one of the insiders... you know, people who have proven their trustworthiness time and time again on this website as opposed to you Mr 56 posts. And my master? Who do you suppose my master is? *giggle*

Um... they have many merchandise items that can only be found in the theme parks. That was one of the selling points of the land to Rowling to begin with. I never said all the merchandise was unique but much of it is. Also, pretty sure the Sky Mall ones aren't the ones from the parks. And the fact remains, it is flying off shelves whether you like it or not. Unique is what sells. Not that Mickey plush I could have bought 5 years ago.

Likewise buddy

You do know that going down means that LESS people visit than the year before right? And when you have numbers like that 1% is the norm. Again Business 101.

When a company is in its mature phase growth becomes stagnant which is understandable. Do you honestly see companies like Coke grow each year by 20%? No when you reach the numbers Disney has you expect stagnation. You surely are one uneducated troll.

Plus Apple is not even the market leader but again you fail at understanding anything about business.

Oh yeah those insiders....lol the people who have no clue about the numbers but just spout stuff for people like you to eat like sheep. Yes people Lee are insiders when it comes to things being built. None of the so called insiders has any actual clue how much the company actually makes and if you think their "facts" are valid you may be dumber than i thought.

The "generic" crap that you think disney sells is flying off the shelves at a much faster rate and making more money than Universal's "unique yet not unique" merchandise. But i forgot you think some random people who have no way of knowing the money that disney makes are factual in their claims...so sad and pathetic.

Squawk squawk squawk


Well-Known Member
So is 47,086,000 more than 47,449,000? I mean that is what bubbles is saying...

I never said that... My point was the change in attendance was negligible. Not that there was no difference. Yet again, a 1% point increase or decrease is pretty much nothing. And hey, yet again, you prove reading comprehesion isn't a strong point for you
That is there opinion. Nothing wrong it. I don't see anything in that post that says they hate Disney. In fact, they said they love Disney and go to the parks once a month. Doesn't exactly strike me as someone who hates Disney nor does it make a particularly strong argument for the point you are making. They don't spend much time in DAK or DHS... yet again, this is something that many many many people have said, including the most avid Disney fans. Personally, I can spend a full day in DHS but not always in DAK. They are half developed parks, thus it makes sense that people have a hard time finding things to do.

I'd have to see the context on this one. Not saying it's right to say the "disgusting people" line but the "..." makes me think you aren't putting in the full comment.

Riiiiiiiiight. LOL. Your anger is funny. Yet again, all opinions are my own.

If they said it was their opinion that would be fine. They claim it is a fact, and DXer says it is a fact too. That is what you fail to realize

That quote was backed up by him saying that yes they are disgusting people because they dare have different opinions than him.

All opinions are your own yet they are worded like what a certain disgusting person would say...yeah i dont buy that parrot
I never said that... My point was the change in attendance was negligible. Not that there was no difference. Yet again, a 1% point increase or decrease is pretty much nothing. And hey, yet again, you prove reading comprehesion isn't a strong point for you

You said that they have been declining every year. Your words not mine.


Well-Known Member
You do know that going down means that LESS people visit than the year before right? And when you have numbers like that 1% is the norm. Again Business 101.

When a company is in its mature phase growth becomes stagnant which is understandable. Do you honestly see companies like Coke grow each year by 20%? No when you reach the numbers Disney has you expect stagnation. You surely are one uneducated troll.
Stagnation may be understandable but it's not something that's exactly wanted. I don't think I've seen Bob Iger say hey, we really really want to stay stagnant this year to all the Disney investors. Nor did I say I expected to see "mature" companies to use your word grow by 20% a year. But when your main competition is growing, you should make an attempt to grow too lest you be passed. History is full of tales of companies that sat stagnant, let their competition creep up, and no longer exist. If you want to stay ahead, you have to do things, not sit back on your heals.

Plus Apple is not even the market leader but again you fail at understanding anything about business.
Ah, my bad, I see HP has a very narrow edge over Apple in the computer marker. Woe is me... not. Jesus, they still have a large percentage of the market in computers and tablets. Also, you missed my entire point... so good job there.

Oh yeah those insiders....lol the people who have no clue about the numbers but just spout stuff for people like you to eat like sheep. Yes people Lee are insiders when it comes to things being built. None of the so called insiders has any actual clue how much the company actually makes and if you think their "facts" are valid you may be dumber than i thought.
I wasn't referring to Lee or even say 74... I assume that's who you are going for. I take everything they say with a grain of salt but yet again, I would rather trust the words of people who have proven their trustworthiness time and again, as opposed to you... who pretty much just admitted you've been around before. Can you just admit you are bullsforthewin and be done with it? You certainly haven't denied it.

The "generic" crap that you think disney sells is flying off the shelves at a much faster rate and making more money than Universal's "unique yet not unique" merchandise. But i forgot you think some random people who have no way of knowing the money that disney makes are factual in their claims...so sad and pathetic.
If you are so keen on facts sir, please provide some of your own to justify your stance that Disney's merchandise is "flying off the shelves at a much faster rate and making more money"... Universal's jump in profit from merchandise has been published and is easy to find.


Well-Known Member
You said that they have been declining every year. Your words not mine.

My bad. I meant to say it has stagnated. Still, that isn't good. But yet again, you've missed my point. And yet again, you haven't addressed any of what I've said and instead focus on small silly things to try to discredit me... I've noticed you've done it to others as well. It's a tactic people only use when their desperate and have no argument. Annnnnd yet again, no one takes you seriously.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Bubbles, you are wasting your time.. come tomorrow this site will be rid of yet another version of Bulls... people who cannot grasp reality cannot be argued with.. Simply walk away, they dig their own grave, which bulls/avengers has done so well tonight, and we'll be rid of the vermin tomorrow... Bubbles, I command my minion to stop wasting your time... Kneel before me...

Arise Darth Morgana....

P.S. His account will be as extinct as the Twinkie... Then we can all celebrate by eating Cinnimon buns from Main Street before Starbucks takes over.. (opening up more wounds)
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