Universal Vs Disney: Universal on the rise?!

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When you walk into someone's house for the first time you stand politely on the doormat.

You don't trounce in and put your feet up on the sofa.

When you walk into someones house you dont let a child who has been there before attack and berate anyone. Sorry but this board is not the house of people who attack disney and their fans.
You realize he only proved what I said, right? You realize the FACTS he posted backed me up.

Yet you were too uneducated to post those...you just said they were facts. Logic is never on your side. But once you become a senior in high school you should hopefully learn about logic
cba, see, people like Irish, they can't stop calling names because they cannot defend how wrong they are... They cannot engage in a civil discussion because they have no idea what they are talking... It is like this: when someone makes an argument, and cannot support that argument with one fact what so ever, and is trounced in any kind of debate, they resort to immaturity and name calling because they were made to look foolish... Happens all the time with people who do not educate themselves before sprouting off at the mouth...

Lol i have yet to be wrong about anything. It is children like you who cant make a point without attacking Disney fans. You are just a parrot, an idiotic one.

You talking about education is funny because you have yet to make an educated statement.

You honestly believe that calling disney fans republicans that dont use facts is not an opinion or an attack but is a factual statement. How do you not laugh at that stupidity? You make an argument that even a five year old knows is wrong
Back story: there is a lonely person somewhere out there who's sole purpose in life is to constantly come to WDWMagic and troll, start fights, and get banned over and over again... irish is just another one of those personalities of this most deranged person...

A deranged person calling someone else deranged...I have a friend who is a doctor you may want to talk to. He is nice too, he wont charge you for help since you are in desperate need for it. I just hope you never have children, they would be in a rude awakening when they realize they are smart than their father once they hit the second grade
When you walk into someone's house for the first time you stand politely on the doormat.

You don't trounce in and put your feet up on the sofa.

Oh im sorry i should of known that this was Dxers website...so if i came in here and said that all Disney fans are idiots and republicans and that Universal is king that would of been correct right? Because everyone who likes disney is dumb right? Do you guys go to WDW and yell at kids getting off of the rides and tell them how bad TDO is and how Universal is better?


Well-Known Member
Oh im sorry i should of known that this was Dxers website...so if i came in here and said that all Disney fans are idiots and republicans and that Universal is king that would of been correct right? Because everyone who likes disney is dumb right? Do you guys go to WDW and yell at kids getting off of the rides and tell them how bad TDO is and how Universal is better?

Everything in your post is a complete exaggeration and also a complete twisting of pretty much everyones' words. No one here thinks anyone who likes Disney is dumb. None of us would be here if we weren't Disney fans. And no one has even said Universal is suddenly king. There are things that Universal is doing better than Disney at this moment that Disney used to do better than everyone else. They deserve credit and praise for that. Disney does some things well but their management has also made some very poor decisions. They have also showed a lack of concern for many of the problems the parks do have and there certainly are problems. That they do exist is being reflected in attendance numbers and guest spending a WDW. It is possible to love a place and still have criticisms of it and wish for it to improve. And where the heck did the republican comment come from? That's really dumb. This is an apolitical forum so why are you bring politics into it.

Your last question was absolutely positively ridiculous by the way. I'll call you an idiot for even asking something so dumb... and no that's not because you are a Disney fan. It's simply because you are an idiot who keeps attacking members in pretty much every post you've written thus far. Can't wait til you are banned again, bullsforthewin.

Also, it is not a crime to like both Disney and Universal. Though according to you, that would seem to be... guess I need to go on the run from the Disney cops
Everything in your post is a complete exaggeration and also a complete twisting of pretty much everyones' words. No one here thinks anyone who likes Disney is dumb. None of us would be here if we weren't Disney fans. And no one has even said Universal is suddenly king. There are things that Universal is doing better than Disney at this moment that Disney used to do better than everyone else. They deserve credit and praise for that. Disney does some things well but their management has also made some very poor decisions and that is being reflected in attendance numbers and guest spending a WDW. It is possible to love a place and still have criticisms of it and wish for it to improve. And where the heck did the republican comment come from? That's really dumb. This is an apolitical forum so why are you bring politics into it.

Your last question was absolutely positively ridiculous by the way. I'll call you an idiot for asking that question... and no that's not because you are a Disney fan. It's simply because you are an idiot who keeps attacking members in pretty much every post you've written thus far. Can't wait til you are banned again, bullsforthewin.

He said in his own words that it is a FACT that Disney fans are republicans because they dont use facts and that the only people right are people like him who hate TDO and know that Disney is in ruins and that Universal is damn near perfect. Not putting words in anyones mouth. That is what that uneducated person thinks.

Universal does do a lot of things great, and they do deserve praise. But the people i see praising universal are attacking disney saying how it is impossible to spend a full day in one of the parks. How they only build kiddie rides which are not important. How the fans are stupid, etc. etc. etc.

Attendance numbers are consistent which is a big positive in this environment. Even if the numbers were down you cant blame that on management there are MILLIONS of things that factor into it. Spending is also not down as spending as a whole is up actually.

The republican comment came from Dxer and one of the his minions who like usual attack all people who dont drink their kool aid.

So are you going to try to write an intelligent post?


Well-Known Member
Lol i have yet to be wrong about anything. It is children like you who cant make a point without attacking Disney fans. You are just a parrot, an idiotic one.

You talking about education is funny because you have yet to make an educated statement.

You honestly believe that calling disney fans republicans that dont use facts is not an opinion or an attack but is a factual statement. How do you not laugh at that stupidity? You make an argument that even a five year old knows is wrong

And yet... you have noticed that the majority of people are disagreeing with you?? And also providing facts to back up their arguments? Something you have yet to do I might add. Calling anyone who disagrees with you a "child" won't exactly get you far on this forum. And if you want to talk about who is a parrot... well I got news for you... you seem to be spouting the Disney PR department's spiel pretty darn well. *squawk*
And yet... you have noticed that the majority of people are disagreeing with you?? And also providing facts to back up their arguments? Something you have yet to do I might add. Calling anyone who disagrees with you a "child" won't exactly get you far on this forum. And if you want to talk about who is a parrot... well I got news for you... you seem to be spouting the Disney PR department's spiel pretty darn well. *squawk*


They disagree with me because they are not mature enough to stand up to the bullies that push their anti-TDO agenda onto everyone or they are just like minded minions.

You want me to give you the exact quote where your idol Dxer called DIsney Fans republicans?

Oh what is the Disney PR department's spiel? Keep being a parrot for DXER. Maybe you will eventually grow up. Probably not since you obviously cant read.


Well-Known Member
He said in his own words that it is a FACT that Disney fans are republicans because they dont use facts and that the only people right are people like him who hate TDO and know that Disney is in ruins and that Universal is damn near perfect. Not putting words in anyones mouth. That is what that uneducated person thinks.

Universal does do a lot of things great, and they do deserve praise. But the people i see praising universal are attacking disney saying how it is impossible to spend a full day in one of the parks. How they only build kiddie rides which are not important. How the fans are stupid, etc. etc. etc.

Attendance numbers are consistent which is a big positive in this environment. Even if the numbers were down you cant blame that on management there are MILLIONS of things that factor into it. Spending is also not down as spending as a whole is up actually.

The republican comment came from Dxer and one of the his minions who like usual attack all people who dont drink their kool aid.

So are you going to try to write an intelligent post?

First, if you've read all of Dxer's posts or anyone with opinions similar to his... I have never seen anyone claim that Disney is in "ruins." Again, you exaggerate. That being said, there are certainly maintenance issues and some rides are in desperate need of repair. Look at the Splash Mountain thread for an example of that. Nor has anyone claimed that Universal is "damn near perfection." As I have said, and you agreed, they are doing a lot and lot of things to be praised right down to blasted paint off things rather than just painting things over. I missed where he said Disney fans are republicans, could you cite it for me?

Secondly, please cite examples of the things you claim you are seeing. It's interesting you talk about how people are saying it's impossible to spend full days in one of the parks. If you have noticed, more often than not, even solely Disney fans are saying they don't find enough to do in the parks to spend a full day there... obviously these comments are more about DHS and AK than the other two. And it's true, those parks are underdeveloped. There is a reason Disney is considering major additions to them.

Thirdly, I don't think I've seen people claim the kiddie rides are "not important." Disney is obviously a family place so there are going to need to be rides for everyone. However, I don't see anything wrong with people wanting more than what Disney chooses to put out, particularly when much the reason why things are cut out of developments are just due to TDO's cheapness. I'll use New Fantasyland as an example. The new area certainly looks beautiful. I'm not knocking Disney for that. But I think they definitely underdeveloped the area in terms of attractions. Rather than choosing to put in an E ticket ride (this has been proven that this is what brings people to the parks) they chose to copy an already existing ride, bring in a clone that didn't really address the problems the original had, and are adding a kiddie roller coaster. The original plans called for something far more more unique in terms of rides...something that would harken back to what Disney used to do well... push boundaries in ride design, technology, and creativity. They also created a little play area that at the end of the day, is just a generic splash area. Now do I think that space could have been better utilized? Yes! Do I think it's areas geared more to the toddler set aren't important and shouldn't exist? No.

You say attendance numbers are consistent, which are a positive in this environment. Ok... sure, except that attendance will be down slightly this year. And this has been a trend for the past four years!!! Also, Disney's competition has shown that they can and have grown their attendance even with a struggling economy. That speaks to a problem at Disney if they can't do the same thing. And yes, spending is up as a whole, but it's down at WDW... which is what we are speaking about. And yet again, their competition down the road has demonstrated that people will buy merchandise if you make merchandise they want...ie unique merchandise, not the generic 5 year old crap at WDW. Disney has been telling investors for years that it's the economy, ect ect and that is why spending is poor at WDW... well, Universal proved them wrong there.

Obviously there are other factors than just TDO's management that has caused WDW to be in the state it is in today. But they are a large factor. The maintenance department or front line CMS aren't the ones responsible for the constant cost cutting measures or the slow but steady takeaway of perks that all Disney guests used to get. They aren't ones who chose to force restaurants to be on the dining plan to the point where all food has become streamlined and generic at many places, the unique items taken away. They aren't the ones that have let half developed parks sit for well over a decade when more attractions were badly needed and let the attractions that due exist to fall into disrepair in many areas. They aren't the ones whose responsibility it is to advocate to Burbank for park improvements and new additions rather than being more concerned with keeping their jobs and their bonuses. No. That is all on the TDO. You can think they are perfect but they most certainly aren't.


Well-Known Member

They disagree with me because they are not mature enough to stand up to the bullies that push their anti-TDO agenda onto everyone or they are just like minded minions.

You want me to give you the exact quote where your idol Dxer called DIsney Fans republicans?

Oh what is the Disney PR department's spiel? Keep being a parrot for DXER. Maybe you will eventually grow up. Probably not since you obviously cant read.

Did I ever say he was my idol? Um, no. Again, you exaggerate and twist my words. Nor am I a parrot for him. I have my opinions and I state them, thank you kindly. It is you who can't read. And yet again you accuse everyone who doesn't agree with you of not being mature, of being a child. No one will ever take you seriously, like, ever the way you write your posts. They are laughable and show how blinded you really are. Your inability to debate without attacking posters who disagree with you speaks much to your own immaturity. Also... hint... their PR spiel involves among other things saying TDO is perfect and runs things so so well... you've kept to that line pretty well so far. *squawk*
First, if you've read all of Dxer's posts or anyone with opinions similar to his... I have never seen anyone claim that Disney is in "ruins." Again, you exaggerate. That being said, there are certainly maintenance issues and some rides are in desperate need of repair. Look at the Splash Mountain thread for an example of that. Nor has anyone claimed that Universal is "damn near perfection." As I have said, and you agreed, they are doing a lot and lot of things to be praised right down to blasted paint off things rather than just painting things over. I missed where he said Disney fans are republicans, could you cite it for me?

Secondly, please cite examples of the things you claim you are seeing. It's interesting you talk about how people are saying it's impossible to spend full days in one of the parks. If you have noticed, more often than not, even solely Disney fans are saying they don't find enough to do in the parks to spend a full day there... obviously these comments are more about DHS and AK than the other two. And it's true, those parks are underdeveloped. There is a reason Disney is considering major additions to them.

Thirdly, I don't think I've seen people claim the kiddie rides are "not important." Disney is obviously a family place so there are going to need to be rides for everyone. However, I don't see anything wrong with people wanting more than what Disney chooses to put out, particularly when much the reason why things are cut out of developments are just due to TDO's cheapness. I'll use New Fantasyland as an example. The new area certainly looks beautiful. I'm not knocking Disney for that. But I think they definitely underdeveloped the area in terms of attractions. Rather than choosing to put in an E ticket ride (this has been proven that this is what brings people to the parks) they chose to copy an already existing ride, bring in a clone that didn't really address the problems the original had, and are adding a kiddie roller coaster. The original plans called for something far more more unique in terms of rides...something that would harken back to what Disney used to do well... push boundaries in ride design, technology, and creativity. They also created a little play area that at the end of the day, is just a generic splash area. Now do I think that space could have been better utilized? Yes! Do I think it's areas geared more to the toddler set aren't important and shouldn't exist? No.

You say attendance numbers are consistent, which are a positive in this environment. Ok... sure, except that attendance will be down slightly this year. And this has been a trend for the past four years!!! Also, Disney's competition has shown that they can and have grown their attendance even with a struggling economy. That speaks to a problem at Disney if they can't do the same thing. And yes, spending is up as a whole, but it's down at WDW... which is what we are speaking about. And yet again, their competition down the road has demonstrated that people will buy merchandise if you make merchandise they want...ie unique merchandise, not the generic 5 year old crap at WDW. Disney has been telling investors for years that it's the economy, ect ect and that is why spending is poor at WDW... well, Universal proved them wrong there.

Obviously there are other factors than just TDO's management that has caused WDW to be in the state it is in today. But they are a large factor. The maintenance department or front line CMS aren't the ones responsible for the constant cost cutting measures or the slow but steady takeaway of perks that all Disney guests used to get. They aren't ones who chose to force restaurants to be on the dining plan to the point where all food has become streamlined and generic at many places, the unique items taken away. They aren't the ones that have let half developed parks sit for well over a decade when more attractions were badly needed and let the attractions that due exist to fall into disrepair in many areas. They aren't the ones whose responsibility it is to advocate to Burbank for park improvements and new additions rather than being more concerned with keeping their jobs and their bonuses. No. That is all on the TDO. You can think they are perfect but they most certainly aren't.

Ill break this up into multiple posts.

First here is attendance over the last 4 years:
2008: 47,146,000
2009: 47,513,000
2010: 47,086,000
2011: 47,449,000

So it went up one year then down then right back up. So you are wrong. Plus like all established companies it makes sense to be stagnant. Disney is in the mature phase of business, universal is in a growth phase. This is Business 101 something the Disney attackers do not understand.

Second there is no sources to show that spending is down in WDW, even the guy who tried to prove it said there are none so stop spouting lies from your master and use sources.

Unique merchandise? What unique merchandise does Universal sell? You mean the same generic stuff that has been peddled in SkyMall or at big box stores all over? Please that is pathetic and you know it. I love the potter land area but nothing they sell there is unique. The wands have been sold in sky mall for years, the shirts are not unique, the candy has been sold for years. Nothing they sell is unique. How about the Marvel section where they sell stuff that can be found at your local comic book store? Try again.

I am about to die of laughter form your post which is sad because you started off so strong with the first couple paragraphs
Did I ever say he was my idol? Um, no. Again, you exaggerate and twist my words. Nor am I a parrot for him. I have my opinions and I state them, thank you kindly. It is you who can't read. And yet again you accuse everyone who doesn't agree with you of not being mature, of being a child. No one will ever take you seriously, like, ever the way you write your posts. They are laughable and show how blinded you really are. Your inability to debate without attacking posters who disagree with you speaks much to your own immaturity. Also... hint... their PR spiel involves among other things saying TDO is perfect and runs things so so well... you've kept to that line pretty well so far. *squawk*

Please point out where i ever said that TDO is perfect...i'll wait child.

Oh and no PR Department would say that. Do you want me to get you a tin foil cap, it matches your conspiracy theory well.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to go broke this summer drinking Butterbeer, Energon and whatever new drinks I can find in Springfield. I think both of the existing Universal drinks are superior to Le Fou's Brew.
First, if you've read all of Dxer's posts or anyone with opinions similar to his... I have never seen anyone claim that Disney is in "ruins." Again, you exaggerate. That being said, there are certainly maintenance issues and some rides are in desperate need of repair. Look at the Splash Mountain thread for an example of that. Nor has anyone claimed that Universal is "damn near perfection." As I have said, and you agreed, they are doing a lot and lot of things to be praised right down to blasted paint off things rather than just painting things over. I missed where he said Disney fans are republicans, could you cite it for me?

Secondly, please cite examples of the things you claim you are seeing. It's interesting you talk about how people are saying it's impossible to spend full days in one of the parks. If you have noticed, more often than not, even solely Disney fans are saying they don't find enough to do in the parks to spend a full day there... obviously these comments are more about DHS and AK than the other two. And it's true, those parks are underdeveloped. There is a reason Disney is considering major additions to them.

Thirdly, I don't think I've seen people claim the kiddie rides are "not important." Disney is obviously a family place so there are going to need to be rides for everyone. However, I don't see anything wrong with people wanting more than what Disney chooses to put out, particularly when much the reason why things are cut out of developments are just due to TDO's cheapness. I'll use New Fantasyland as an example. The new area certainly looks beautiful. I'm not knocking Disney for that. But I think they definitely underdeveloped the area in terms of attractions. Rather than choosing to put in an E ticket ride (this has been proven that this is what brings people to the parks) they chose to copy an already existing ride, bring in a clone that didn't really address the problems the original had, and are adding a kiddie roller coaster. The original plans called for something far more more unique in terms of rides...something that would harken back to what Disney used to do well... push boundaries in ride design, technology, and creativity. They also created a little play area that at the end of the day, is just a generic splash area. Now do I think that space could have been better utilized? Yes! Do I think it's areas geared more to the toddler set aren't important and shouldn't exist? No.

You say attendance numbers are consistent, which are a positive in this environment. Ok... sure, except that attendance will be down slightly this year. And this has been a trend for the past four years!!! Also, Disney's competition has shown that they can and have grown their attendance even with a struggling economy. That speaks to a problem at Disney if they can't do the same thing. And yes, spending is up as a whole, but it's down at WDW... which is what we are speaking about. And yet again, their competition down the road has demonstrated that people will buy merchandise if you make merchandise they want...ie unique merchandise, not the generic 5 year old crap at WDW. Disney has been telling investors for years that it's the economy, ect ect and that is why spending is poor at WDW... well, Universal proved them wrong there.

Obviously there are other factors than just TDO's management that has caused WDW to be in the state it is in today. But they are a large factor. The maintenance department or front line CMS aren't the ones responsible for the constant cost cutting measures or the slow but steady takeaway of perks that all Disney guests used to get. They aren't ones who chose to force restaurants to be on the dining plan to the point where all food has become streamlined and generic at many places, the unique items taken away. They aren't the ones that have let half developed parks sit for well over a decade when more attractions were badly needed and let the attractions that due exist to fall into disrepair in many areas. They aren't the ones whose responsibility it is to advocate to Burbank for park improvements and new additions rather than being more concerned with keeping their jobs and their bonuses. No. That is all on the TDO. You can think they are perfect but they most certainly aren't.

"How can anyone come to WDW annually and spend 12 days? With nothing new to do in 3 of the parks for nearly half a decade it's stale. My wife and I love Disney and venture to the parks at least once a month, but were done with MGM and AK within 3 hours tops. We also visit Universal monthly but between both parks are there from open to close. Plus their is already half a day worth of entertainment under construction at the Studios."

How can ANYONE spend 12 days at WDW...how can ANYONE spend a full day at DHS...sorry but that was the line from one idiot.

"Disney fans... They are disgusting people who are the thing they proclaim to hate... Facts/Truth hurts.... I know..."-Dxer

One of many comments from your idol and puppet master little parrot.

I would post the republican quote but that comment was deleted.

I'm going to go broke this summer drinking Butterbeer, Energon and whatever new drinks I can find in Springfield. I think both of the existing Universal drinks are superior to Le Fou's Brew.

Drinking a barrel of butterbeer will do wonders for your figure...just hope the side of diabetes is what you want with it.

Butterbeer, frozen, pretty good. Butterbeer, normal, not bad. From what I heard of Le Fou's Brew I am excited and so is my niece.
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