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    We support Roy and Gold! Thread

    Douglas Thomas I have a lot to say....but don't know how to really express my opinion on this issue. I support what Roy and Stanley have decided to do.....I only hope that what they do causes some type of impact to the impact that will hopefully help propel the company to new...
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    Aladdin in IMAX

    I'm pretty excited about Aladdin coming.....I have a list of what's being released too..........for the life of me though....I don't know where it's at..... I know that Bambi is supposed to be released in 2005. Lilo and Stitch Special Edition comes out in February!!!!!:D Let's...
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    Farewell.....I told you folks months ago that this would happen.

    Here's another article....this one coming from Steve Hulett. He is a union rep for the MPSC839...the union that all the major studios animators fall sad.......these are truths to be told...not Disney deceptions......... :brick: posted November 17, 2003 08:48 PM...
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    Happy Birthday, Mickey Mouse! (Sort of)

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    Farewell.....I told you folks months ago that this would happen.

    I realize that the closure of the Florida studio doesn't seem like a possibility, but it definitely is. Animation is unlike most jobs that most real people have.....fact is....once your project is either finished or are unemployed. Disney has stated in the past it's desire to...
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    Farewell.....I told you folks months ago that this would happen.

    Today has been a very sad day for me....I found this on an animation website....when they cut back on Burbank I posted that Florida would be closed in four years (the amount of time to produce one animated cartoon)........people said it wouldn't happen.......the truth hurts...
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    The Lion King DVD

    I honestly wasn't too fond of this DVD....I didn't like the inserted scene at all....they totally ruined the pouncing scene. Also, for those who didn't notice...they also mangles the crocodiles too. They reanimated them in less angular fashion. What was wrong with the original version...
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    Court makes ruling that MAY lead to Disney regaining all Pooh rights by 2004

    I think Disney has something to hide on this one. Shredding documents just says something fishy has happened......:brick: I've heard that stock holders have been trying to sue Disney because if Disney loses this lawsuit they owe a good $1 billion to the Slessinger family....that's a pretty big...
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    Who are the marketing geniuses?

    Disney has marketing genuises......? (I don't even think I spelled that write....I must work with them.....)
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    Why Disney leaving animation for a few years is a GOOD THING

    They hit burn-out years ago. I've honestly liked ever film, with the exception of Dinosaur since took a while for Emperors New Groove to hit me but it did eventually. Tarzan....happens to be one of my favorite. Lilo and Stitch did so well, because it was totally original. Chris...
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    Brother Bear RULED!!!!!!

    Okay.....I really liked Brother Bear...I normally like all Disney films. It didn't really hit me like other traditional Disney films have in the past was lacking something if you ask me. I adored the animation and applaud the animators and crew. I thought the beginning of the...
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    Finding Nemo 2

    To be honest, I would prefer that they didn't do a sequel. I don't think that it would be in Pixar's best interests to do a sequel to this movie. If.....and that's if they would get a good script for a would have to be something like Toy Story 2. A story completely unrelated...
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    Home on the Range

    Exactly....I'm just asking that people don't blame the animators. Good stories is something that Disney is running out of and perhaps they just need to slow down. The animators only draw them.....a few get a lot of input into character development..but that only includes the nuances of their...
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    Disney Working on 8 CG Movies

    Traditional Animation goes through phases and for right now...everyone thinks that CG is the best thing since sliced bread. Will traditional animation dissapear? Never. Will the CG department mean cutbacks in the traditional department? Ask those who have been laid off within the past 2...
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    Brother Bear opening same weekend as Matrix Revolutions

    I am extremely excited about this film. It is very much a combination of Lion King and Pocahantas. I think that Disney put it against the Matrix so they would have an excuse if it didn't do well. Disney pulled all support for Treasure Planet 3 weeks into its release...something they had never...
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    Dreamworks and Disney in November

    I don't think this is as big as some may think. It's not so much the Disney brand name anymore. This is more of a Dreamworks - Pixar clash. Katzenberg saved the animation industry..he even was a speaker at a ceremony honoring two of Disney greatest animators - Frank Thomas & Ollie Johnston...
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    Nemo in Monsters Inc.

    Did anyone see Buzz lying on the floor of the dentists office in Finding Nemo? He's there. Just like Stitch is in Treasure Planet..sitting on a shelf.
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    Any Truth? Disney shutting down Feature Animation Department

    Don't be so sure. The Burbank studio has released over 2/3's of its animation department. Probably within the next 4 to 5 years, unless something amazing happens, Feature Animation Orlando will close as well. The best people from that division will be asked to relocate to L.A., the rest will...
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    Home on the Range

    I must say that I really did not like ENG when I first saw it....I actually really like it is rather funny. It took a long time for the humor to really set in. As for HOTR, it's supposed to be pretty funny...........:( but, from what I hear....test audiences aren't laughing. An...
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    * Disney Stores Sold *

    Warner Bros. tried selling their stores a few years didn't work.....they closed all of their stores. If no one is willing to buy the Disney Store......then it's gone too.
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