Any Truth? Disney shutting down Feature Animation Department


New Member
Don't be so sure. The Burbank studio has released over 2/3's of its animation department. Probably within the next 4 to 5 years, unless something amazing happens, Feature Animation Orlando will close as well. The best people from that division will be asked to relocate to L.A., the rest will hit the street, unemployed. With film budgets ballooning up over $180 million (Treasure Planet), it has forced the company to downsize drastically. I honestly see Paris falling also. I don't know what they're working on right now, but it will happen...whether it happens before or after Orlando...I don't know. It will happen though. Glen Keane (Disney's resident animating God) has stated that he is rathered concerned about his future in animation. If Glen worries, so should the traditional animation industry. Don't be so sure of Disney when it comes down to their unstoppable traditional animation department. I love that division with my whole heart and it pains me to hear that 2 years ago they started handing out 500 pink slips to animation division people (everyone from top animators to ink&paint folks)....that was 500 people 2 years ago...they've continued that trend...Orlando is next.


Well-Known Member
I sincerely hope not. But nothing really will help until they put the energy into the movies that they did for Beauty and the Beast and Lion King. And they CAN.

Pixar films already do... and it has to do with character and story and job security, NOT just CGI.


New Member
They need to put heart back into them.

It isn't CGI, you are right. They are lacking something though. I honestly believe it's a toss-up between heart and plain old good ideas. I like the CGI's don't get me wrong, but there is nothing that can compare to the awe I feel when I watch a magnificently done traditional animated movie.


New Member
Not Dead Yet.

It seems that everyone has buried the mouse before it was dead. It seems that Orlando has been assigned another 2D/3D feature "My People" that should take them out another 18 months.


Well-Known Member
The day Disney drops its feature animation department is the day Disney loses the heart and soul of the company, and they might as well shut the whole studio down. I mean, Walt loved change and progress, too, but even he would never have given his animation department up. It is what built the company! Would there be any other reason, besides the parks, to use the Disney name on any other product if they had no more animated movies?

I don't think this will ever happen...!

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