The Lion King DVD


Well-Known Member
Finally got around to seeing the DVD. I had heard a lot of negative reviews for it, but I actually thought it was good. Lion King is not one of my favorite Disney films so there was some things that didn't interest me too much, but I did enjoy the Audio Commentary (anyone else love those? I think I watch these on the DVDs more than I watch the real movie), all the featurettes on the Broadway Show, and the abandoned concepts. Morning Report (the much-hyped new song) was not bad, but just didn't seem to work for me in the film. I liked the original, songless version better. All things considered, it was a nice DVD, maybe not as good as Snow White of Beauty and the Beast though IMO.


New Member
My dad went and bought TLK VHS for my nephew (he had no idea the movie was 'new' or that dvd´s even exist...) so I have it now at home. I´m wondering... what am I missing without the dvd? (Obviously, besides watching it in the ORIGINAL language! :brick: )


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Hey has anyone seen the new box set?

Comes with a book on the making of the film and pictures of the characters signed (Printed) by the animators who did it.

Nothing too big but it's a Lim. Edition. DVD set is still the same though.


New Member
I honestly wasn't too fond of this DVD....I didn't like the inserted scene at all....they totally ruined the pouncing scene. Also, for those who didn't notice...they also mangles the crocodiles too. They reanimated them in less angular fashion. What was wrong with the original version?!! Whatever. Disney needs to stop screwing with their own films....don't fix things that aren't broken in the first place. I actually liked that second disc though...had a lot of interesting background info and that's the stuff I eat up.

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