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  1. M

    Why are they closing Snow White?

    Good point...I wish Nightmare Before Christmas was Disney...or an awesome Alice in Wonderland ride would be GREAT!
  2. M

    Best Bathroom in "The World?"

    I wish I wish I could say I've used the bathroom in Cinderella's it is the BEST!! :king:
  3. M

    WDW Attraction Pictures

    This picture is SO sweet!! What a lucky little guy!
  4. M

    Ladies...what do you carry? purse, backpack, pack?

    I bought a cross shoulder bag specifically for the trip I went to in May and it worked awesome! Enough room for everything (its like maybe 9inches by 7inches) but it was hands free and out of the it fit with me on every ride, even the Rock and Rollercoaster! I ended up even using it...
  5. M

    Need Help! Attempting to convert BF into a Disney Lover!

    It Can Be Done! Hello, I went this past week with my 32 year old boyfriend for his second time since going as a 10 year old (a lot has changed..hahah) I'm 26 and a HUGE (psycho) Disney fan. I think I made him sick talking about it before we actually went and I could tell he wasn't realllly...
  6. M

    What do you think of Coronado Springs?

    Exceeded My Expectations.. Let me tell you, I've been to Disney 6 times, I just got back a week ago today :( I've stayed at Caribbean Beach twice, Dixie Landings (Port Orleans), All Star Music and 2 times off site. I thought for Moderate Resorts Caribbean Beach was as good as it gets but I was...
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    The Official "I Miss Disney Dammit" Rant Thread

    Pdd Hey Everyone! This is my first official post. I just got back from my 6th and BEST trip of all time a week ago tomorrow and I'm still feeling beyond sad and I still can't believe after all my long joyful planning the trip is actually over!!! :cry: Anyways, you all know how I feel. We...
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