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  1. M

    Disney Movie Club!

    The virtues of the Movie Club really depend on what you are looking for. If all you are looking for is the newer material, you would be better off going online ( is a favorite pricing website, though it has its limits, like anything else). I love the opportunity to...
  2. M

    Stan Lee's former company sues Disney for billions...y

    This raises the eternal argument about the importance of the writer to the creative process in the comic book world. Mr. Kirby created the wonderful look of the characters, but that look would have been meaningless if the stories surrounding them had not intrigued the readers. DC and Marvel...
  3. M

    Has Pixar Lost Its Touch?

    My wife and I loved CARS 2; we saw a lot fof James Bond spoofing, laughed ourselves silly, and had a great time. We liked Brave, and will be getting the Blu-ray, though I'd be lying to say that we were as enthusiastic as with, say, Wall-E, Ratattouille, or Up! (though comparing anything to Up...
  4. M

    Carsland Thread

    No, not really. You don't just go down to the local True Value Hardware and pick up one of these things. Original components have to be designed and constructed, time and labor have to go into testing, safety issues have to be considered, etc etc ... Not exactly something you do in your...
  5. M

    Star Wars vs. Harry Potter....choose.

    You raise a good point. I stand by my assersions, but my post was intemperate.
  6. M

    Star Wars vs. Harry Potter....choose.

    Thank you both for being voices of common sense in a sea of silliness. I love my Disney, but also love my Potter. And my Star Wars, though I am not partial to "Episode# 1 - 3". I also love my Star Trek and my LOTR. And, for that matter, my Universal Monsters monster movies, even the ones...
  7. M

    Disney Books

    Thank you for the reminder of the Neal illustrated book. While, for pure reading, I prefer teh Unofficial Guide, the Neal guide is also a terrific read and the pics are superior to the ones offered in the Unofficial Guide's Color Companion.
  8. M

    Opening Pooh On Same Night As Potter: Smart or Stupid?

    Hard, but not impossible. It happens all the time (I quote examples in my last reply). I agree with Lucky; let us give POOH a chance before just automatically consign it to flop status. It was clearly not created to be a BLOCKBUSTER in the sense of something like a Harry Potter or the latest...
  9. M

    Emma Watson to Headline Beauty and the Beast ...

    Is the Del Toro version to be a movie version of the stage version of the animated version? (Say that three times fast ...) Or is it to be a retelling of the original fairy tale? (I'm at work; can't get access to the link; our system is weird that way.) There was a post, a while back...
  10. M

    Tips to actually enjoy Disney World...

    My 46 years crammed into a Speedo would be less of a comedy and more of a horror. ("Welcome, Foolish Mortals ... ")
  11. M

    Opening Pooh On Same Night As Potter: Smart or Stupid?

    When my DW and I were waiting in the crowd for the theater to open for the morning showing of POTTER, we spoke to a gentleman who had already taken his youngster (don't recall whether it was daughter or granddaughter) to see POOH, and he pretty much raved about it. We have every intention of...
  12. M

    So Can We Finally Call Cars 2 A Flop

    The haters will refer to Cars 2 as a flop, regardless of how much money the movie brings in domestically, overseas, and in merchandising. Despite the fact that opinions about the movie itself, on this board, seem to be running 50/50.
  13. M

    Disney Books

    My personal favorite ... the one known around our Disney House as The Book (cue choral harmony) ... is the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World, by Sehlinger and Testa. This year I also bought the Color Companion, but I would not necessarily recommend it; the info is identical (and not as...
  14. M

    Balzac no longer for sale in any of the Disney parks

    Actually, obvious would be a matter of point of view; to the theatrically-oriented, the obvious would be a question about Chaucer and Rabelais. (Unless that's what you meant, but my readings through this forum would not lead me to expect that particular reference, at least not immediately.)
  15. M

    Must Underrated Disney Movie??

    No need to duck; I concur.
  16. M

    Advice Please? Any help is appreciated!

    I shall reiterate what everyone else has told you: Do not cancel the Disney trip, because, given what you have been through, it will do you every bit of good. I would also add that sticking around your current locale will only serve you with any number of reminders that will make it that much...
  17. M

    What Disney Movies Will You NEVER Buy?

    Please remember to deign to mention the required phrase for a truly adult interweb debate, that being "Nanny nanny boo boo; stick your head in poo poo."
  18. M

    What Disney Movies Will You NEVER Buy?

    I've never met a Pixar I didn't like (yes, that includes Cars and Cars 2). I like them all for different reasons, and, while it would be ridiculous to compare the deep emotion I associate with Up (my absolute fav from Pixar) or Wall-E to the fun I have watching the Carses, there is no reason I...
  19. M

    What merch would you buy if it existed?

    I mentioned this one in another thread, but don't remember which one, but I would love to be able to purchase a Mickey Mouse T-shirt done in batik. Or tie-dye, but I'd really love the batik. Of course, if something like that is already available in Adventureland or DAK, way cool, I can get...
  20. M

    Narnia question....

    I didn't get the impression that Disney had much to do with the first two, other than distribution and/or footing part of the bill; can anyone speak (write) to that?
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