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  1. D

    Sorcerers of MK set on EASY only UFN

    As of yesterday when I left the park at 7pm if you are on medium or hard you will be able to stay on that level. If you defeat all the villians you will be unable to level up but you should be able to stay on the level you are currently at and play it again if you want to. You will still be able...
  2. D

    Sorcerers of the MK (video)

    Ok, so Sorcerers goes into full opening sometime between the 20th-22nd of this month. There are 8 villians who you will fight in addition to the final of Hades. The villians are seperated into four lands (main street, adventureland, fantasyland, and frontierland/liberty square). They are testing...
  3. D

    Gen 1 Conversation Mickey-next week

    They weren't even letting the cast members know about it, thankfully some of the Entertainment cast members who work and see how abused TST cast can get by unhappy guest gave us a heads up. I can tell you it was definitely a hot topic among the cast members there
  4. D

    Gen 1 Conversation Mickey-next week

    As it stands right now guests already request to see Minnie and the cast members have to basically repeat multiple times that they can go back there and see if she's there but we don't know and don't guarantee her. Same thing applies for princesses. So yes when people start to find out about...
  5. D

    Gen 1 Conversation Mickey-next week

    If you have been to the meet and greets you know there are different rooms that all exit in the same area. Whats gonna happen when little Johnny is talking about how awesome it was to hear Mickey talk to him and say his name and then Sally says to mom how come he didn't talk to me. Its very...
  6. D

    Gen 1 Conversation Mickey-next week

    As of today around 11am Disneyland Imagineers where in the theater. They informed some cast members there today that they were filming something with talking mickey that would be posted on you tube that would explain the new mickey since they apparently had trouble at DL with guests posting...
  7. D

    Town Square Theatre Question

    The character meet in greets time vary all day. Yesterday at 8pm the Princess was 80 minutes and Mickey was 35. Mickey was as short as 5-10 with princesses going down to as short as 10 minutes during the parades and fireworks. The lack of a wait comes from people not knowing the characters are...
  8. D

    Yeti is indeed being fixed! Update 8/4/2014

    trip today Was at Everest this morning. Now its been some time since i have seen it in the original format but today had no strobe light and the yeti did reach out at you. I know most of you will probably either have a heart attack, call me a liar or both, but I know what I saw. I rode it twice...
  9. D

    Changes at DTD

    Urban Adventure Information This is my first posting and I am sure many of you will have disbelief but here ya go. I just took Urban Adventures in last few days, for those who don't know that is DTD's Traditions class. The gentleman who was facilitating the class informed us that a few major...
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