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  1. FatherForce

    If you could go to the parks with your favorite celebrity who would it be?

    Alive: Pro Wrestler/Author/WDW fanatic Mick Foley Dead : No too big on hanging with Dead People
  2. FatherForce

    Finding Nemo in Living Seas: semi confirmed!

    Actually. if you pay attention to Finding Nemo, you'll find there is a treasure trove of valuable science lessons in the movie. Adding Nemo to the Living Seas seems like a perfect way of introducing young ones to marine biology. I could see overhead video diplays of Marlin or the science teacher...
  3. FatherForce

    Finding Nemo Gets....

    Saw it this afternoons and it was incredibly good. Pixar rocks!
  4. FatherForce

    *NEW!!!* Epcot Changes logo on Spaceship Earth

    As long as it took you to edit the pic, maybe you should have spent the time practicing grammar and spelling. Just a friendly suggestion.
  5. FatherForce

    M:S -It's official!

    We're there on Oct 11!! Awesome
  6. FatherForce

    Best/Worst Pre-Show in each Park

    Great thread, btw. Anyway, here goes: MK: BEST - Haunted Mansion. The Tombstones, the Picture of Dorian Gray, the stretching very cool. Honroable mentions - Buzz Lightyear, Alien Encounter ( Better than the actual attraction) Worst - None that bad actually. Maybe those that...
  7. FatherForce

    Count Down to Extinction Question

    I didn;t get a chance to ride "Dinosaur" until 2001, but I was slightly disappointed. It was pretty coll, but I had ridden Indiana Jones at Disneyland a couple of years earlier and was expecting something of that caliber. It wasn't. Dinosaur to me is like Body Wars. I'll do it if I have time...
  8. FatherForce

    Best Dessert in WDW?

    I agree with all the above choices, yet no one has mentioned the rasberry trifle at the Rose and Crown. yum
  9. FatherForce

    Kingdom Hearts

    I may be wrong, but I think Disney intiontially downplayed the Disney aspects of the game in the press to attract more "serious" gamers. I found the game to be incredible and my 3 yr old loved watching me play it.
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