Kingdom Hearts


Original Poster
I know that in the gaming community Kingdom hearts really nailed the mark,one of the most complete and satisfying games I have ever played.But i was surprised to find that many avid Disney fans weren't in touch with this wonderful game, and a little depressed at Disney's non-active approach to the games' promotion.

I love disney and Square, with all my heart, but the way the game was left outside of the eyes of the public for the most part, really upset me.

I can't say enough about this game(except Atlantica....but we won't disuss that.)and how great it was, it lived up to all my expectations.but i also feel ashamed at the fact that it wasn't given the praise it truly deserved.
oh well, maybe they'll get the idea with KH2.



New Member
I dearly wish this would come out on PC as I don't want to buy a whole new game system just to play one game. I absolutely itching to play this game though. :)


New Member
Originally posted by theonlytigger
I dearly wish this would come out on PC as I don't want to buy a whole new game system just to play one game. I absolutely itching to play this game though. :)

And as much as people would love to see this title ported onto the PC, it just isn't going to happen... at least for a very long time, if ever.
Heck, KH was the main reason why I picked up a PS2... it was after reading about this game in several magazines that I discovered what KH was. And it was based upon this game that I laid down the $300 for the PS2... only to have the price drop come a couple of months later. Shell out the $200 for the PS2 and you will have a console that will be around for at least a couple more years... and the game library is one of the best out there... this of course is coming from someone who just picked up Primal & Clock Tower 3 this weekend (not to mention a few Nintendo titles too)...


New Member
Yeah - I've asked contacts at Square (I got the hook up) and there is no chance of it coming to PC anytime soon.

Toon - how do you like Primal? I'm about halfway through it. Great game so far, although the technical glitches are starting to get to me. Have you had any of the voice tracks skip on you or anything? Wondering if I was sent a bad disc.


New Member
Originally posted by StarscreamLSU
Toon - how do you like Primal? I'm about halfway through it. Great game so far, although the technical glitches are starting to get to me. Have you had any of the voice tracks skip on you or anything? Wondering if I was sent a bad disc.

Haven't been able to play it yet... I've been so dang busy with working on my site and seeing who's matching up against who for the NHL playoffs that both of my systems are collecting dust right now. Last game play I got was a week ago for about 2 hours with Clock Tower 3... fun little game but I'm not liking the camera on it and the controls when walking/running. Blech.
But I'll have to check out how Primal looks on my system... the demo I had played a few motnhs ago rocked... and that's the only reason I got this game was because I was so damned impressed by a demo. Otherwise chances are that I would have never bought it... it's not an RPG ;)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by StarscreamLSU
Yeah - I've asked contacts at Square (I got the hook up) and there is no chance of it coming to PC anytime soon.

Toon - how do you like Primal? I'm about halfway through it. Great game so far, although the technical glitches are starting to get to me. Have you had any of the voice tracks skip on you or anything? Wondering if I was sent a bad disc.

what does your hookup say about Game Cube? Thats what i have.
my boyfriend has ps2 but he wont buy KH for it lol oh well i'll rent it some time


New Member
Originally posted by AliciaLuvzDizne
what does your hookup say about Game Cube? Thats what i have.
my boyfriend has ps2 but he wont buy KH for it lol oh well i'll rent it some time

That would be a negative as well... not going to port KH to any other platform (at least not within the foreseeable future)...


New Member
Originally posted by AliciaLuvzDizne
what does your hookup say about Game Cube? Thats what i have.
my boyfriend has ps2 but he wont buy KH for it lol oh well i'll rent it some time

What Toonfinder said - next to no chance. While it's true Square is making a game for the GC (Final Fantasy Crystal Chronical), the studio that's doing it is more of a 'branch' of Square. As it stands, Square is PS2 only.


New Member
I may be wrong, but I think Disney intiontially downplayed the Disney aspects of the game in the press to attract more "serious" gamers.

I found the game to be incredible and my 3 yr old loved watching me play it.


Well-Known Member
im in atlantica right now
what the heck
its real hard to swim and im already lost and i just got here!! i cant get through the "calm depths" because they are NOT calm whatsoever



New Member
Originally posted by FatherForce
I may be wrong, but I think Disney intiontially downplayed the Disney aspects of the game in the press to attract more "serious" gamers.

Disney isn't marketing the game, its being handled mostly by Square.

AliciaLuvzDizne - have you talked to the Killer Whale yet :)


Well-Known Member
uhh killer whale?
umm like the one that swallows pinoccio? yes
in atlantica...nope
i think im putting it away for a while, i owe blockbuster like 12 dollars!!


Well-Known Member
The only things that let me down about Kindgom Hearts, (well besides the absurdly complex and existential plot, but that's par for the course in a Square game) was the poor quality of the music and the sparseness of some of the levels. Granted, there is some nice music in the game, but for the most part the music isn't that great and was a definite step back in quality from Final Fantasy X. In fact, I didn't like any of the game's original music at all, save for the Utada Hikaru theme and the choral bits. The music was only decent when it was ripped from previous Disney efforts, and even then it was done far too seldom. If Square and Disney were already throwing gobs and gobs of liscensee music around, why not do it right and go for broke with the music? Play Menken's "Marketplace" cut from the Aladdin soundtrack in Agrabah, source Phil Collin's "Strangers like me" and "Two Worlds" for the Tarzan background music, and have the "March of the Cards" play when you fight the wonderland cards. Plus, there was ample opporunity to use "Second star to the right", "Zero to Hero," and plenty of other Disney songs along the way. To make matters worse, the new versions of Uematsu's "One Winged Angel" and Murgosky's "Night on Bald Mountain" were just horrid, flat, and totally unacceptable for a company that had already shown with Final Fantasy X that they can deliver full-bodied orchestral sound in their games, not just tinny midi cop-outs.

As for the level designs, ever noticed just how empty a lot of the levels are? The game should have taken a hint from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and scattered all kinds of unique little details all over the maps. I mean, are Ariel and King Triton the only freaking mermaids in the entire Kingdom of Atlantica? Where were all the citizens of Agrabah? Part of the fun in Final Fantasy games is exploring the villages and meeting all the different minor characters that inhabit them, but many of the levels in Kingdom Hearts felt like DOOM levels; nothing but walls and enemies.

Oh, and the sound effect they used for the tolling of Big Ben was shameful. Just shameful. IT'S THE MOST FAMOUS TOLLING TONE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD AND YOU USE A GENERIC RINGING SOUND EFFECT? No excuse for that one.

Don't get me wrong, Kindom Hearts was a great game, but there were a LOT of big, stinky flies in the ointment.


New Member
uhh killer whale?
umm like the one that swallows pinoccio? yes
in atlantica...nope
i think im putting it away for a while, i owe blockbuster like 12 dollars!!

Uhm...Monstro isn't a killer whale, he's just a big (mean) regualr whale.

There should be a black and white killer whale swimming around in one of the areas. Grab on to his tail and he'll take you through the strong currents.


Well-Known Member
Well if he's just gotten to the level he doesn't need the whale yet does he? The first thing you need to do is navigate your way to see Triton. There should be red arrows that guide your way to his palace. After that you need to go find Ariel's grotto for another cutscene. The Grotto is hidden, very well I might add, behind a rock on the bottom of a room you enter after leaving the palace. It's helpful to move slowly along the bottom in this zone and watch for "hit" or "open" commands open up in the action bubble.


Well-Known Member
Oh wait, just remembered. There's no red arrows at all. The markers are trident-shaped, black or yellow or something. It's been a while. Either way they look like they've been painted onto the rock walls of the caves and valleys your in so just follow those. It takes a while to get used to being in a fully 3-dimensional environment. But eventually you get the hang of it. Also, try switching to the Jungle King for extra reach for an advanrage in combat as the enemies in this zone are total buttholes.

Oh, does it bother anyone else that whenever any of the Disney characters does ANYTHING, falls down, waves his arm, moves his eyeballs around, whatever, it makes an irritating "cartoon" sound? Why in the world did they put that in? Was it an anime thing or did they just not think that the characters were never funny enough by themselves. Either way, it's totally out-of-style for a traditional disney animated character and bugged the heck out of me.

And one more thing, why can't you turn of the subtitles? I really wish Squaresoft had given me two weeks to edit this game before release.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by StarscreamLSU
I figure Alicia was trying to get through the currents, but you're right.

ohhhhhh that guy!!
hehe i thought it was a dolphin!! oh well.

yeah i figured it out
im in neverland and i beat dark sora, but i think that i have to return the game to blockbuster for a while...

but soon i'll beat it ! wooohoo im so excited! :sohappy: :sohappy:

OOOH and

Im a GIRL :p

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