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  1. F

    What do you say to kids re: face characters looking different?

    Yes, maybe just saying that perhaps the royal assistants did her hair/makeup different that day. Just like when Mommy goes to the beauty shop and gets a "new do" sometimes! ;) Or just play dumb and redirect, "Really? Hm. Which princess do you think has the prettiest dress?" In any case, I...
  2. F

    Going to Disney sick???

    I had the opportunity to spend one day at Epcot, on the way back from a business trip. I was staying in the cruddiest motel/hostel, and fell ill, but it was either staying in disgusting hostel, or go to Epcot. So I ended up just sitting in World Showcase for most of the day, head resting on a...
  3. F

    Refill Mugs at Pop

    I have an old one from Poly, maybe from 1992? Can I use that on my old trip? ;)
  4. F

    Holding in a laugh at disney.

    Well, old stories with my family: Gramma and I were getting off Mr. Toad, where the tape repeats over and over again, "When the car stops, please stand up and exit to your left...." What does she do? Exits to the right, and promptly tumbles all over the set. CMs come running and the whole...
  5. F

    Colorful People seen at WDW

    It appears to me that she has a mental disorder. Just as awful as it would be to observe someone with Down's Syndrome for comedic value, or chuckle at someone with a physical disability or deformity, it's also awful to have your laffs at her expense. She isn't harming anyone. Leave her alone.
  6. F

    Retro WDW Merch @ Cousin Orville's!

    Love it! I would love to find a retro Poly tee.... any ideas?
  7. F

    First Memory of Disney

    I was 4 on my first Disney trip. I remember waiting for what seemed like a long time (it probably was a long time) for the Jungle Cruise. Every time we would come to the end of a turnstile, we would turn around and I would see the queue going down the other way, and I thought we'd never (!) get...
  8. F

    People who STILL don't know how to use Fastpass....

    I wish Disney would make more decisions based on our (MontyMon's in particular) nostalgic, anecdotal ramblings. :D
  9. F

    First Trip in 20 Years

    Hiya Folks, I am new to the boards, because I am planning a trip with my family to WDW in the next year or two. We have a DS, 19 months, and we'd like to take him for his 1st Disney when he's around 3 or 4. My DH has only been to WDW once, but I went just about every year growing up...
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